3.11 Pillar of Caged God Earthquake/Sweep | 11k+ EHP 7M+ DPS | All content down|Videos

Looks to be OP in next league
Im more of a ground slam kinda guy, how would it do with GS instead of EQ? Just switched the gems in the build, changed less duration for something else and im at 3.3 mil dps with groundslam, when EQ has almost the double, makes me kinda feel like I have to play EQ. Rip
What are your thoughts on switching to a different ascendancy like e.g. pure Champion? When trying it out in pob it seemed to be all right, too, but maybe im missing something crucial from Scion you would loose.
Oxmo написал:
Im more of a ground slam kinda guy, how would it do with GS instead of EQ? Just switched the gems in the build, changed less duration for something else and im at 3.3 mil dps with groundslam, when EQ has almost the double, makes me kinda feel like I have to play EQ. Rip

Earthquake just scales too well, the aftershock gives a shitload of flat phys, which scales very very very very well with pillar of caged god. Also, it seems that GGG hinted a buff to earthquake further. Its definitely the best scaling ability with this set up

That being said, my favourite part of earthquake is the hit and run playstyle, most stuff just dies 1 hit and we are actually decently mobile

LordsAvatar написал:
What are your thoughts on switching to a different ascendancy like e.g. pure Champion? When trying it out in pob it seemed to be all right, too, but maybe im missing something crucial from Scion you would loose.

Pure champion is definitely no go, champion means we scale impale, earthquake does not hit fast enough to get the full magnitude of impale(you need 7 stacks of impale to reach full dps assuming you get +2 from ascendancy). On PoB it will definitely look great, but the actual game play wont be as amazing

The reason for scion is that we have more skill points and we get more flat str from our ascendancy point. We also have the benefit of intimidate from champion and the taunt bonus on top of choosing either berserker, juggernaut or chieftain for a bonus depending on which do you need more.

If you are looking at champion, this might be where groundslam will shine more

Earthquake is a very strange skill with the way it interacts with PoB, because the true dps comes from how frequent the aftershock proccs and PoB calculates realistic dps as though you are holding down the skill button and never have to move. Earthquake however, encourages a hit and run playstyle with a huge single aftershock dealing big damage.

As of now, we dont know how GGG have buffed earthquake in 3.11, but its looking great with the warcry changes and i will make changes to the guide accodingly when patch notes hit
My Builds/Stream

I don't know if anyone's asked but, can this be league-started? It looks amazing with the new league, but is this a build you would want to make second or so?
Rasisca написал:
I don't know if anyone's asked but, can this be league-started? It looks amazing with the new league, but is this a build you would want to make second or so?

you can, but don't expect rushing in maps like a BL miner ^^
Inialla написал:
Rasisca написал:
I don't know if anyone's asked but, can this be league-started? It looks amazing with the new league, but is this a build you would want to make second or so?

you can, but don't expect rushing in maps like a BL miner ^^

Crap and a half that's what I was probably going to league-start otherwise. I am terrible at making decisions too.
Rasisca написал:
Inialla написал:
Rasisca написал:
I don't know if anyone's asked but, can this be league-started? It looks amazing with the new league, but is this a build you would want to make second or so?

you can, but don't expect rushing in maps like a BL miner ^^

Crap and a half that's what I was probably going to league-start otherwise. I am terrible at making decisions too.

its easy to start considering pillar of caged god is labelled trash tier, so our main unique is easy to get as a 6 link.

I would say the difficulty is more towards the mid tier gearing, because you gotta need to know how to balance cost on upgrades and capping resist

That being said, its definitely not gonna be able to compare to shit like ball lightning mines
My Builds/Stream

Rasisca написал:

Crap and a half that's what I was probably going to league-start otherwise. I am terrible at making decisions too.

don't worry, i'll league start it too. PoCG is a lvl 13 unique who will be easely buyable (i hope XD ) for 1c or so ...

i'll take my time to get in map, i don't like rushing.
Последняя редакция: Inialla#7607. Время: 15 июня 2020 г., 2:42:41
Fom de Manifesto

Ground Slam, Earthquake, Ice Crash, Vaal Ground Slam and Vaal Earthquake have had their added physical damage or added cold damage removed in exchange for improving their damage multiplier.

fuck ...

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