[3.14]CoC Poet's Pen Blade Fall/Blade Blast |League start to All content down |16M+ Dps fast clear
Hoelwa написал:
Hiya, just wanted to pass through and say thank you for this build.
I'm having a blast (hehehe) playing it, i've made my own version with LL and i'm still improving it, but those awakened spell cascades are not cheap.
You can check it here: https://pastebin.com/jf1EsR2Z It's not a finished Build!!!
I'm still improving it by a lot, last thing I bought was that watcher's eye, and right now i'm trying to craft an awesome crystal belt (crusader + hunter), i hope oshabi gives me good luck with defense crafts.
I will update when I make a good enough improvement.
My biggest problem with doing a low life build is that its awkward to path at the start of shadow.
Also, 1 of our biggest survivability layer is life gain on hit, the counterpart of is is es on hit, which is mainly available on a watcher's eye. ES leech is really slow, starting at 10% base line to 20% with ghost reaver and 24% with light eater.
However, going lowlife do potentially give us more E-hp, but it also makes us lose a few decent slots, like amulet. Presence of chayula feels mandatory on a low life build due to stun immunity, huge chunk of flat ES, 60 chaos res, i would almost always use it over any amulet, which is a problem because we get lots of crit multi and possibly skill gem level from there
It seems that you are missing war banner and vaal RF, i would suggest keeping it, burst damage CD is pretty important in this build because it sucks to manage boss mechanics and being able to delete them within 4 seconds with cooldowns is great
Domah написал:
Hi, how to you manage to not get one shot on heavy maps ?
There is a very small delay to the first bladefall "cast" and i'm getting one shot pretty often.
The delay in bladefall is due to triggers and we cant really avoid that. E-hp and acrobatics is our main defense against these. Good rule of thumb is to have 5.5k ehp minimum, exceptionally rippy maps with extra damage extra damage and extra damage, just avoid those
duuude1337 написал:
Thanks for the build. Funnierst build i played a long time.
Build is fast, good survivalbilty and awesome single target-
Killed Shaper, Uber Elder, Normal Atziri (didnt try uber Atziri) and A8 Sirus.
I want to sell my Chest, Amulet, Ass-mark Ring and boots. If someone is interest, pm me :)
Nickname: HarvestPuhhhhh
Bit low on the overwhelm stat(only from iron breaker), the amulet anoint is a definite no go, because losing an additional 15% overwhelm and 4% chance to deal double damage is a big dps loss
Amulet and rings crafts are wrong, mana cost could be an issue because of no -mana cost craft. Shock when focus on 1 ring and life craft on other ring might be a better craft compared to the current crafts
Hiya, just wanted to pass through and say thank you for this build.
I'm having a blast (hehehe) playing it, i've made my own version with LL and i'm still improving it, but those awakened spell cascades are not cheap.
You can check it here: https://pastebin.com/jf1EsR2Z It's not a finished Build!!!
I'm still improving it by a lot, last thing I bought was that watcher's eye, and right now i'm trying to craft an awesome crystal belt (crusader + hunter), i hope oshabi gives me good luck with defense crafts.
I will update when I make a good enough improvement.
My biggest problem with doing a low life build is that its awkward to path at the start of shadow.
Also, 1 of our biggest survivability layer is life gain on hit, the counterpart of is is es on hit, which is mainly available on a watcher's eye. ES leech is really slow, starting at 10% base line to 20% with ghost reaver and 24% with light eater.
However, going lowlife do potentially give us more E-hp, but it also makes us lose a few decent slots, like amulet. Presence of chayula feels mandatory on a low life build due to stun immunity, huge chunk of flat ES, 60 chaos res, i would almost always use it over any amulet, which is a problem because we get lots of crit multi and possibly skill gem level from there
It seems that you are missing war banner and vaal RF, i would suggest keeping it, burst damage CD is pretty important in this build because it sucks to manage boss mechanics and being able to delete them within 4 seconds with cooldowns is great
Domah написал:
Hi, how to you manage to not get one shot on heavy maps ?
There is a very small delay to the first bladefall "cast" and i'm getting one shot pretty often.
The delay in bladefall is due to triggers and we cant really avoid that. E-hp and acrobatics is our main defense against these. Good rule of thumb is to have 5.5k ehp minimum, exceptionally rippy maps with extra damage extra damage and extra damage, just avoid those
duuude1337 написал:
Thanks for the build. Funnierst build i played a long time.
Build is fast, good survivalbilty and awesome single target-
Killed Shaper, Uber Elder, Normal Atziri (didnt try uber Atziri) and A8 Sirus.
I want to sell my Chest, Amulet, Ass-mark Ring and boots. If someone is interest, pm me :)
Nickname: HarvestPuhhhhh
Bit low on the overwhelm stat(only from iron breaker), the amulet anoint is a definite no go, because losing an additional 15% overwhelm and 4% chance to deal double damage is a big dps loss
Amulet and rings crafts are wrong, mana cost could be an issue because of no -mana cost craft. Shock when focus on 1 ring and life craft on other ring might be a better craft compared to the current crafts
Whatever... did all content :D
I have no mana issues, because my Militant Faith gives 1% reduced mana cost of skills per 10 devotion
I'm having a good time with the build and managed to get a lot of the core down. However I am at 5355 HP without your endgame acrobatics build.
I think it's partially due to low rolls which I'll work on but I am also wearing carcass jack. Would you advise me to switch? I don't have any other 6 slot chests yet. The only awakened skill I have is the aoe for bladeblast. My boss damage seems decent but i do sometimes get quickly one shot.
Последняя редакция: Vycenzo#5459. Время: 13 июля 2020 г., 17:01:38
I'm having a good time with the build and managed to get a lot of the core down. However I am at 5355 HP without your endgame acrobatics build.
I think it's partially due to low rolls which I'll work on but I am also wearing carcass jack. Would you advise me to switch? I don't have any other 6 slot chests yet. The only awakened skill I have is the aoe for bladeblast. My boss damage seems decent but i do sometimes get quickly one shot.
Life roll is abit on the low side on the rings/amulet, but there are some things you could change immediately now. You can craft hybrid life/es/armor/evasion on your gloves and boots
Ideally, we want an evasion base because evasion works decently well against the first hits from enemies, which is what we usually struggle with
Carcass jack is decent for dps/aoe, however, we dont lack any of those. Ideally if you have floating currencies, go for an evasion base 6 link with good life/res roll(res roll frees up gearing requirements from other pieces of gear)
You could try to get a 6 link evasion base and self craft with pristine/prismatic fossils, adding in sanctified for luckier outcomes
Ideal base are probably hunter/elder for the %life roll too
Hiya, just wanted to pass through and say thank you for this build.
I'm having a blast (hehehe) playing it, i've made my own version with LL and i'm still improving it, but those awakened spell cascades are not cheap.
You can check it here: https://pastebin.com/jf1EsR2Z It's not a finished Build!!!
I'm still improving it by a lot, last thing I bought was that watcher's eye, and right now i'm trying to craft an awesome crystal belt (crusader + hunter), i hope oshabi gives me good luck with defense crafts.
I will update when I make a good enough improvement.
My biggest problem with doing a low life build is that its awkward to path at the start of shadow.
Also, 1 of our biggest survivability layer is life gain on hit, the counterpart of is is es on hit, which is mainly available on a watcher's eye. ES leech is really slow, starting at 10% base line to 20% with ghost reaver and 24% with light eater.
However, going lowlife do potentially give us more E-hp, but it also makes us lose a few decent slots, like amulet. Presence of chayula feels mandatory on a low life build due to stun immunity, huge chunk of flat ES, 60 chaos res, i would almost always use it over any amulet, which is a problem because we get lots of crit multi and possibly skill gem level from there
It seems that you are missing war banner and vaal RF, i would suggest keeping it, burst damage CD is pretty important in this build because it sucks to manage boss mechanics and being able to delete them within 4 seconds with cooldowns is great
Really nice counterpoints, and yeah I'm missing some of those nice burst gems, I just took them out because I always forget they exist. But yeah I see the dps buff that can be, (gonna switch the portal gem for rf while bossing).
Also with cinderswallow + self cast steelskin ES normally doesn't go down from 70%, It's a little messy but I fount out it works (going full melee inside a pack is a bad habit). Thing is with this build on death effects are your enemy, 80% of my deaths were because of porcupines (the others because I don't read strongboxes or I forget about bleed, that's why I play softcore), they just suck, all other enemies just die before they can even hit you.
But well just wanted to see if I could make an LL version work, and somehow it feels fine, except delve (having trouble getting to 400).
Hiya, just wanted to pass through and say thank you for this build.
I'm having a blast (hehehe) playing it, i've made my own version with LL and i'm still improving it, but those awakened spell cascades are not cheap.
You can check it here: https://pastebin.com/jf1EsR2Z It's not a finished Build!!!
I'm still improving it by a lot, last thing I bought was that watcher's eye, and right now i'm trying to craft an awesome crystal belt (crusader + hunter), i hope oshabi gives me good luck with defense crafts.
I will update when I make a good enough improvement.
My biggest problem with doing a low life build is that its awkward to path at the start of shadow.
Also, 1 of our biggest survivability layer is life gain on hit, the counterpart of is is es on hit, which is mainly available on a watcher's eye. ES leech is really slow, starting at 10% base line to 20% with ghost reaver and 24% with light eater.
However, going lowlife do potentially give us more E-hp, but it also makes us lose a few decent slots, like amulet. Presence of chayula feels mandatory on a low life build due to stun immunity, huge chunk of flat ES, 60 chaos res, i would almost always use it over any amulet, which is a problem because we get lots of crit multi and possibly skill gem level from there
It seems that you are missing war banner and vaal RF, i would suggest keeping it, burst damage CD is pretty important in this build because it sucks to manage boss mechanics and being able to delete them within 4 seconds with cooldowns is great
Really nice counterpoints, and yeah I'm missing some of those nice burst gems, I just took them out because I always forget they exist. But yeah I see the dps buff that can be, (gonna switch the portal gem for rf while bossing).
Also with cinderswallow + self cast steelskin ES normally doesn't go down from 70%, It's a little messy but I fount out it works (going full melee inside a pack is a bad habit). Thing is with this build on death effects are your enemy, 80% of my deaths were because of porcupines (the others because I don't read strongboxes or I forget about bleed, that's why I play softcore), they just suck, all other enemies just die before they can even hit you.
But well just wanted to see if I could make an LL version work, and somehow it feels fine, except delve (having trouble getting to 400).
High end delve/upgrade would probably be an explody chest, which is readily available this league, that would cover our other weakness of not being able to remove corpses
Life roll is abit on the low side on the rings/amulet, but there are some things you could change immediately now. You can craft hybrid life/es/armor/evasion on your gloves and boots
Ideally, we want an evasion base because evasion works decently well against the first hits from enemies, which is what we usually struggle with
Carcass jack is decent for dps/aoe, however, we dont lack any of those. Ideally if you have floating currencies, go for an evasion base 6 link with good life/res roll(res roll frees up gearing requirements from other pieces of gear)
You could try to get a 6 link evasion base and self craft with pristine/prismatic fossils, adding in sanctified for luckier outcomes
Ideal base are probably hunter/elder for the %life roll too
Thanks! That actually helps a lot and the immediate changes brought me up to 5485, which is close to that 5500 mark. I'm currently running a more budget cluster jewel set, and would like to upgrade eventually.
I was wondering if fettle is still preferred over surging vitality?
In your endgame build I noticed you picked surging and I noticed I would like a life regen when I'm not hitting something. It may just be me being bad but I have issues with traps as once I'm out of mobs to hit/flasks I can't regen anymore.
Also thanks for the build! My friend hates the screen clutter when we play together but I thoroughly enjoy the aesthetics.
Последняя редакция: Vycenzo#5459. Время: 14 июля 2020 г., 9:14:09
on our hunter-influenced chest, would we want spell OR attack crit, or both?
Tag along question the above, if we are crit capped with bottled faith, try for a different influence mod, or still use crit mods and drop a grand spectrum
Life roll is abit on the low side on the rings/amulet, but there are some things you could change immediately now. You can craft hybrid life/es/armor/evasion on your gloves and boots
Ideally, we want an evasion base because evasion works decently well against the first hits from enemies, which is what we usually struggle with
Carcass jack is decent for dps/aoe, however, we dont lack any of those. Ideally if you have floating currencies, go for an evasion base 6 link with good life/res roll(res roll frees up gearing requirements from other pieces of gear)
You could try to get a 6 link evasion base and self craft with pristine/prismatic fossils, adding in sanctified for luckier outcomes
Ideal base are probably hunter/elder for the %life roll too
Thanks! That actually helps a lot and the immediate changes brought me up to 5485, which is close to that 5500 mark. I'm currently running a more budget cluster jewel set, and would like to upgrade eventually.
I was wondering if fettle is still preferred over surging vitality?
In your endgame build I noticed you picked surging and I noticed I would like a life regen when I'm not hitting something. It may just be me being bad but I have issues with traps as once I'm out of mobs to hit/flasks I can't regen anymore.
Also thanks for the build! My friend hates the screen clutter when we play together but I thoroughly enjoy the aesthetics.
Surging is a good life regen nodes when we dont have stuff to hit, bascially during delirium when i am back tracking for loots but the floor is either smelly with desecrated ground or burning ground
Fettle is the best to maximize life rolls
theblindsaint написал:
Leveration написал:
on our hunter-influenced chest, would we want spell OR attack crit, or both?
Tag along question the above, if we are crit capped with bottled faith, try for a different influence mod, or still use crit mods and drop a grand spectrum
The highest end upgrade i would say, without hurting resist rolls, would be to get both attack and spell crit. Coupled with assassin's mark ring, we can drop grand spectrum x3 for other jewels that improves our crit multi or life
Grand spectrums are good friend, either they come in 3 or they dont, the power level of grand spectrums drops drastically when you take 1 out