[3.14]CoC Poet's Pen Blade Fall/Blade Blast |League start to All content down |16M+ Dps fast clear

megainho написал:
Astarift написал:
megainho написал:
Used my old frost blades char to try this build and I'm enjoying it so far! Still lacking some good gear tho... The damage is fine but I'm still pretty squishy, any advices how to improve it?

The setup is a bit different. Added herald of purity and i'll try to link 3 auras with enlighten and add skitterbots as well while dropping righteous fire. Also added enduring cry in the meantime for toughness until i figure out how to improve survivability.

Aaaand, anyone willing to sell an Starkonja's Head with volley enchant by any chance?

I would sell off that amulet and get a proper amulet with good life roll and crit multi. We are tight on gem slots, having to throw in 2 more auras either removes some sort of utility or burst damage

The implicit of your items arent rolled at their max, pretty wasteful there
Your crafted life on ring isnt the max roll too, every little bit counts to survivability

Assassin mark on hit isnt that huge of a dps boost against bosses, ill go for 2 life gain on hit rings with decent stats to craft -mana/shock on focus
You dont have shock on focus, thats a loss of burst ontop of losing RF

Your gloves has a low life roll, not worth sacrificing life rolls for t1 attack speed, the priority there is life roll. As of now, with harvest, getting high life roll shouldnt be an issue, that should be where you dump all your life annul/slam on

Starkonja can be replaced by a power charge/highlife roll warlord helm instead, if you can get a base

Also your barrage shouldnt be levelled

Switching to the acrobatics tree once you have a good enough life pool will significantly increase survivability

Thanks for your advices, i'll try to do these improvements. Do you think it's fine to change to acrobatics with 5200~ hp?

I'm looking for the starkonja's because the power charge helm is so expensive i can't afford it and i'd like to get an awakened spell cascade first.

Gotta push for more life

With harvest, crafting the helm is easy, open prefix on warlord helm with other desirable stats, slam crit, guaranteed power charge there(means you need to have 1 open prefix and 3 suffixes USED up)
Probably within 1ex u would be able to get a good power charge and +life helm
My Builds/Stream


Really enjoying the build so far and have done a lot of content. I'm playing in standard though which makes Awakened Spell Cascade pretty expensive ATM (120ex). Is there anything that is a glaring weakness in my setup. I know I need to get better rings, and they are pretty meh, but that's all I found on trade at the time.

I'm probably going to get some more strength and a Watcher's Eye next, unless you have any better ideas.

Thanks in advance.
POB: https://pastebin.com/z2PVhvEN
Последняя редакция: youngtomlin#1135. Время: 21 авг. 2020 г., 19:36:14
Hello, I'm currently crafting items for the build and noticed something. In the gearing section you mentioned that accuracy is nice to have on helm and gloves, if so how much accuracy rating do we actually need?

Sorry if it's been answered before, I'm new to CoC builds in general
youngtomlin написал:

Really enjoying the build so far and have done a lot of content. I'm playing in standard though which makes Awakened Spell Cascade pretty expensive ATM (120ex). Is there anything that is a glaring weakness in my setup. I know I need to get better rings, and they are pretty meh, but that's all I found on trade at the time.

I'm probably going to get some more strength and a Watcher's Eye next, unless you have any better ideas.

Thanks in advance.
POB: https://pastebin.com/z2PVhvEN

I m not so familiar with the economy with standard but a watcher's eye would probably be much cheaper than a 120ex spell cascade

Marragus написал:
Hello, I'm currently crafting items for the build and noticed something. In the gearing section you mentioned that accuracy is nice to have on helm and gloves, if so how much accuracy rating do we actually need?

Sorry if it's been answered before, I'm new to CoC builds in general

Accuracy for this build isnt the super bread and butter because we also have proccs from poet's pen, however we would want to stack as much accuracy as we can without stretching the gearing up too badly, i hover at around 90+% and ill say anything below 85% bad
My Builds/Stream

Thanks for the reply Astarift! Almost done with my crafting and very keen to see how it performs

Finally close to min-maxing the Survival Variant of this build, for those who are interested I've posted my gear and PoB here for reference. I don't think we can reach these levels again after Harvest, but this was definitely fun. Note I have multiple Cobalt Jewels: %Life, %Atk Speed w/ Wands, %Crit Mult w/ Spell, %Global Crit Mult.

POB: https://pastebin.com/rwq3rM5E

100K damage Bladefall/Blade Blast, 100% Hit & Crit @ 8000HP, 75% Fire/Cold/Lightning/Chaos resists, 58%/48% attack/spell dodge with Blind.

Compared to the DPS/Dodge variant, 25% less DPS with +1600 HP and +70% chaos resists difference. Conquerors die in 3secs instead of 2secs, but can now take Shaper slam to the face.

Thanks to OP for thinking up such a fun build!

(Updated: HP from 7500 to 7800 to 8000)
Последняя редакция: Kajuana#0662. Время: 3 сент. 2020 г., 11:53:29
hi i am a little lost on your bar were the E button is there is a gold circle with a line through it i have followed your build to the letter but do not have anything resembling that icon can you tell me what is it and how do i get it
Docaday написал:
hi i am a little lost on your bar were the E button is there is a gold circle with a line through it i have followed your build to the letter but do not have anything resembling that icon can you tell me what is it and how do i get it

Thats focus, what we get from the shock nearby enemies when focused craft on the ring
My Builds/Stream

Any impact with the 3.12 changes? im really looking forward to try this build out
DIVINEWIND12 написал:
Any impact with the 3.12 changes? im really looking forward to try this build out

Ill be updating the build later today, not much changes except slight assassin nerf
My Builds/Stream


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