[3.15?] (Archived) Ball Lightning Miner | Facetank Sirus | Destroy All content
Didn't know this was a thing. I'll have to pob this. |
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" Glad I could help. I'm unsure that everything I proposed is guide worthy. I think the build is flexible depending on play style. I'm almost done min maxing my stuff (not extreme min-maxing but above average I'd say). Here's a wall of text with my takes on the build. - My hands hurt so much I can barely play anymore. This is by far the most stressful build I've played for my wrists (and I played pathfinder almost all leagues) - All content = destroyed (yes, event hall of the grandmasters) - Once you reach a certain threshold of damage I think you can start having some fun with the items (mostly by removing the unique rings) - The guide does not mention disorienting display (large cluster jewel) but IMO its absolutely necessary. The thing to note is that it triggers a sort of aura/buff thing that follows you around for 4 seconds blinding everything around you. Its an insane layer of defense. If I untick "Is the enemy blinded" in pob I lose ~40% evade chance. Just to make sure this is clear, you don't even need to hit a pack to blind it, once its activated, you just walk into it. You can even "preload" it by throwing some minesas the trigger is on use - Speaking of large clusters, even though snowstorm is amazing it will force you to use skitter bots, which is fine until you get min/maxed gear and damage doesn't matter anymore. I tend to favor not dying in the last 3-4 levels so I chose survivability over damage. I think getting a cluster with Disorienting Display + Scintillating Idea is a good choice, the third notable does not matter as much. I recently refunded my third node to get more defenses - On defenses: I think not taking the Battle Rouse wheel is a mistake. It gives me over 700 mana on my build and 5.5% damage which isn't bad offensively either. The mana regen on hit mod is alright is you get surrounded too. As of now I sit at over 8k mana with capped resists (even chaos). I'm almost unkillable unless I make mistakes. I pretty much stopped dying once I reached 7.5k mana and over 3k life - Harvest made it a lot easier to cap chaos resistance. We'll see what the next league brings but I think that for some content it makes the build a lot tankier - The guide should mention that reflect maps are a big no no if you play it as written. I've killed myself with Wave of Conviction enough times to stop running them/remove the gem - Once min/maxed I never used RF/Bear Trap as the damage is so over the top that I didn't bother. - The watcher's eye listed isn't BIS. I think the one with crit multi if running precision with the same clarity mod is better - The guide doesn't mention Corrupted Blood immunity through The Vigil but I thin its mendatory for AW8 - I'd change Saboteur ascendency to Inquisitor if running bottled faith or Hierophant for defense for starting maps as it replaces Watcher's Eye (you only lose blind but its replaced by Disorienting Display plus mechanically its better) - I did not fiddle with mine throwing speed too much but I kind of want to try +2 frenzy charges (4 points). Not sure what I'd give up for it though - I played the whole league without stun immunity. I don't think its necessary. Perhaps my positioning compensates? I used warding/heat/grounding/adrenaline - Careful with "Dodge chance unlucky" maps. They are pretty spooky with damage mods - As many others have, I switched my annoint to Crusader for the dps I think that's all. I had a blast with the build as it works fine all the way through and has a high ceiling if you want to min/max. I will probably not play this next league but I might level with it and respec into Vortex, we'll see. Thanks for the guide Remicaster1. |
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I decided to make a more budget version of our blue pearl amulet. I was waiting to see if an incursion base would pop up with T1 mana regen, but it seems just way too rare/expensive to access. Still needs a bit of divining, and I will try to get to T1 crit multi once I've saved up enough crafts.
1. Buy a blue pearl amulet base, uninfluenced, ilvl 85+. 2. Spam essence of misery until you hit T1 (or personally acceptable tier) of flat mana. T1 takes an avg ~47 attempts, 282 chaos worth of essences. This essence provides T0 mana regen, better than you can get any other way. 3. If you have any affixes that can't be target removed, try to annul or beastcraft them away. If that fails, return to step 2. 4. Get to two empty suffixes, then craft crit chance. The exception to this is if you already have crit multi of any tier on the item, in which case skip to step 6. 5. Aug crit. We do the crafted crit chance because it makes this first aug guaranteed to hit crit multi, doubling our chance to get what we want. You can now remove the crafted crit. 6. Remove/Add crit until an acceptable tier of crit multi. 7. Craft cannot roll attack mods. This is used both to temporarily fill suffixes, and to help roll our lightning pen later. 8. Empty out the trash prefixes on your item; that should leave you with 3 suffixes, flat mana, and two empty prefixes. 9. Remove/Add life for T1 life. 10. Slam crusader orb. If you hit any of the mods that aren't tagged with lightning, do a remove influence mod to clear it. We do this step after life so that we're not hitting crusader mods when we're looking for flat life. 11. Remove/Add lightning for T1 lightning pen. 12. Replace cannot roll attack mods with any shitty tier of a craft that has chaos, such as "Fire and Chaos Resistances", then Remove/Add for T1 chaos res. You could also just craft mine throwing speed here if you don't care about chaos res. 13. Divine your values, anoint, add fertile catalysts, and enjoy! As a side note, at very high gear levels Arcane Capacitor becomes higher value than Crusader. Последняя редакция: Dolmur#3850. Время: 21 июля 2020 г., 1:25:57
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" thx for your feedback, much appreciated I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1 |
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Wow great build "Yalpe"!
Do you ever miss the 30% AOE from the Saboteur? I can't help but think it would be useful. Maybe you don't see the DPS dropoff since your DPS is already so high? |
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" Its possible that I miss it without knowing, however when I switched, I did not notice any major difference. Its not that expensive to try if you want, maybe 10-15c in regrets? |
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Can someone have a look at my scion build ?
I feel like I really don't have a lot of dps ? Sirus fight is taking way too long and in the end I do mistakes Where should I prioritize my next investment ? cluster jewels ? |
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" For general mapping, the AoE loss doesn't have a noticeable impact. If you're trying to optimize for single target damage, the most efficient method is to path down to Adjacent Animosity for 5 points, granting 20% reduced proj speed. This leaves you with a requirement for 22% total increased AoE in order to hit the 13 tick cap. There are many ways of getting there. I went with a 5% AoE corrupted "The Vigil", 7% from a 28% qual weapon with the AoE enchant (haku for the quality), and one 10% AoE node, which totals to exactly our goal 22%. |
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" I'd suggest starting out with just a single medium cluster jewel (liquid inspiration and spiked concoction), and then fill in your regular jewels. You want to look for jewels with LOTS of crit mult on them, and then depending on your budget, 1 or 2 of life, resists, mine throwing speed. Once you can afford it and have a few more points to spend from leveling, get the large cluster jewel and a second medium. You have a lot of points that aren't spent very efficiently right now. The points up to prodigal perfection are OK but certainly not optimal, though I'd at least drop the spell block ones immediately and path through the int node on the right of that cluster instead. Eventually you'll want to drop all those points down to at least Arcanist's Dominion entirely. Drop the following clusters completely: Crackling Speed, Throatseeker, Soul Siphon. Grab the guard skill cooldown recovery node in the dynamo cluster - arcane cloak combined with indigon means using that skill triggers like 75% of our DPS. Finish the Profane Chemistry cluster. The rest of those points should go to jewel/cluster jewel nodes. If you have some left, Blast Cascade is a very high value cluster that can use points while you get more jewels sorted. Lastly, I'd recommend swift assembly over minefield. Minefield can be reasonable eventually but you need a lot better mine throwing speed, it's not really viable for you at this point. |
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Hello guys,
question about crafting the gloves with Culling Strike. Is Fingerless the best base for this? Should I focus first on getting Culling Strike or Mana? Anyone willing to share some insight about the process? Thanks in advance! |
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