[3.10] Max Block Storm Brand Ascendant: Budget Friendly, Ultra Tanky, Fast Mapper, Deathless Sirus 8

Just curious about what everyones starting routine is once you enter a map?
Karnivool написал:
Just curious about what everyones starting routine is once you enter a map?

Shield charge) https://youtu.be/9XCq7TwA2mY
Последняя редакция: WhiteWolf6666#3241. Время: 25 апр. 2020 г., 0:00:09
So I did follow some suggestions already (for instance large cluster jewel, rolling implicit, 21% increase on helmet) and still waiting for enough catalysts to drop for the ring and belt.

Anything else I could improve?

Also with bosses you just wave of conviction them, brand recall and kite until they die with occassional brand recall right?

And how much tooltip dmg is required to have a realistic chance at shaper, elder, sirus?

Thank you so much again for the build and the help here guys. Really appreciating it.
KMDave написал:
So I did follow some suggestions already (for instance large cluster jewel, rolling implicit, 21% increase on helmet) and still waiting for enough catalysts to drop for the ring and belt.

Anything else I could improve?

Also with bosses you just wave of conviction them, brand recall and kite until they die with occassional brand recall right?

And how much tooltip dmg is required to have a realistic chance at shaper, elder, sirus?

Thank you so much again for the build and the help here guys. Really appreciating it.

60K in-game tool-tip with controlled destruction instead of chain and nothing up is more than enough to kill all bosses. For the most part you just need to attach two brands from more than half a screen away and run around. You don't really need to wave of conviction until you learn their patterns and know when it is safe to cast them.

Highly recommend you look up any storm brand video this season. You have way more margin for error than these videos so your position doesn't really matter especially if you don't care about deathless. I killed Sirus 8 in 80's with this build and I have very poor mechanics. Just need to stay relatively close to him and run circles to dodge all of his attacks.

Recommend you add at least 2-3 more Fevered Minds and put Vorici on research and run syndicate research safe house to add one white socket (color the whole thing 6 blue first, so you end up with one white five blue). Chain is useless vs Sirus 8 so you get 40% MORE damage increase switching to controlled destruction. You will triple/quadruple your boss damage this way.
Последняя редакция: hitmantb#6251. Время: 25 апр. 2020 г., 2:28:01
Would it be possible to get any specifics on what it would require to complete simulacrum? I looked at the budget video and a couple of their flasks are extremely expensive.
ive beaten wave 20 a couple times already on this build. It’s pretty easy, although you can die in the higher stages like 18 if you get stuck. Although I fixed that easily with a phasing jewel in my Stygian.
Did Sirus lvl 8 and this thingy dropped.

Now I am thinking, how good is it compared to regular 20/20 chain to keep it or what to improve to feel the difference for the build, if I am already doing Sirus lvl 8.
Hi All,
Any recommendations on gear upgrades? I know what I have isn't great but still making my way to lvl 90.

I know flasks are garbage ;-)

frantzy12 написал:
ive beaten wave 20 a couple times already on this build. It’s pretty easy, although you can die in the higher stages like 18 if you get stuck. Although I fixed that easily with a phasing jewel in my Stygian.

I tried simulacrum again and got to wave 20. Went through 1-17 pretty smoothly but wave 18 was when it really ramped up. Died when Kosis had 1/3 health. I might've been able to clear it if I had a better flask setup. An enduring mana flask would've helped me tremendously since most of the times that I died because I was unable to put out brands (for some reason they expired really quick but that could have been due to my lack of damage) due to mana issues.
Having a ton of fun with this build at lvl80. Bit squishy tho and I'm not sure I've really figured out the mechanics of casting brand then recalling at the right time.

I have 4ex. What would be the best thing to invest in that will get me to the next level? I'm working on getting my resistances capped and know I have subpar gear in several slots... suggestions?

Passive Tree

Последняя редакция: saxisa#6683. Время: 25 апр. 2020 г., 15:15:57

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