Xirce написал:
Does it make sense to have very low life and a pretty high ES pool in this build?
I dont think so!
40% of the damage is absorbed by the mana pool.
Glorious Vanity makes it so that the rest is split between life and ES (30% each).
Lets say you have 3k life, 5k ES and 7k mana and you are getting a 10k hit.
4k goes to mana, 3k to life, 3k to ES and you are dead.
With chaos damage its even worse since it ignores ES completely.
This just means that it makes absolutly no sense to have more ES than life in this build.
Any ES above life is wasted! In that case you better remove Glorious Vanity.
I have 4.2k life, 3.2k ES and around 7k mana.
I could survive a 12k hit. 4.8k goes to mana, 3.6k goes to life, 3.6k to ES.
Since ES is too low another 0.4k goes to life, means a 4k life hit.
I end up with 200 life.
Most underestimate life here and invest way too much in ES.
If i had 4.2k life and 4.2k ES a 14k hit would be needed to kill me.
Correct, this is why I believe the -10% damage taken from mana before life watcher is as good as the much more expensive extra energy shield from mana watcher. The extra energy shield only matters if you have enough health.
The best part about the triple resource is, your life/energy shield leech and life/mana/energy shield recovery on block all work together to keep you alive. The 450 or so bone offering life on block is good on a 6K life pool, but with a life pool of 4000, it is over 10%.
It is one of the best defense in the game for any class period, and I play exclusively tank builds. It is super versatile, you can dual wield, use bow with quiver, staff etc and get the same great max block. You can even do low life with pure energy shield!
I believe this template can work with whatever skill that is most suitable for MOM each league. Last league it was ball lightning mines, this archmage is basically perfect for MOM.
Последняя редакция: hitmantb#6251. Время: 10 мая 2020 г., 21:58:33
Сообщениеhitmantb#625110 мая 2020 г., 15:19:52
Ezciel написал:
saxisa написал:
Razabo написал:
How are you guys getting the correct Large cluster jewel with doryani's lesson, scintillating idea, and another passive? How do you know what order they are going to show up as on the tree? I can't find any information on this.
I have no idea if it's accurate or not, but in poe.trade I suspect the first two passives listed are closest to the start. I was unable to confirm this either, maybe I just got lucky.
If it's a large cluster with 8 added passives then both nodes are equal points from the start which i is 3. The 1st passive on the jewel is on the left, the 2nd on the right. If you have a large cluster with 9 added passives then it is 3 to the left (1st passive) and 4 to the right (2nd passive). I also believe that certain passives have more "weight" therefore they would show up 1st or 2nd or even 3rd depending on their "weight".
Edit: i wouldn't recommend using poe.trade. Use the official site pathofexile.com/trade
Thanks guys. I don't think the way they show up on the jewel matters. I think it has something to do with the weight like you said. So with an 8 passive jewel with doryani's and scintillating idea the extra added passive's vengeful commander and corrosive elements did not show up in the back. I ended up getting a jewel with storm drinker as the third and it was in the back.
If you go to the official trade site and copy the item into POB you can add it to your build and see what it looks like before you buy it.
СообщениеRazabo#751810 мая 2020 г., 19:22:03
I love this build so much! Thank you for sharing it. Was able to do all content, including aw8 Sirius deathless. Hopefully this build survives the next patch for new league. Could def be my league starter. Profile is open if anyone wants to look at my toon.
Последняя редакция: boomh4u3r#3987. Время: 11 мая 2020 г., 1:06:29
Сообщениеboomh4u3r#398711 мая 2020 г., 1:05:32
hitmantb написал:
Xirce написал:
Does it make sense to have very low life and a pretty high ES pool in this build?
I dont think so!
40% of the damage is absorbed by the mana pool.
Glorious Vanity makes it so that the rest is split between life and ES (30% each).
Lets say you have 3k life, 5k ES and 7k mana and you are getting a 10k hit.
4k goes to mana, 3k to life, 3k to ES and you are dead.
With chaos damage its even worse since it ignores ES completely.
This just means that it makes absolutly no sense to have more ES than life in this build.
Any ES above life is wasted! In that case you better remove Glorious Vanity.
I have 4.2k life, 3.2k ES and around 7k mana.
I could survive a 12k hit. 4.8k goes to mana, 3.6k goes to life, 3.6k to ES.
Since ES is too low another 0.4k goes to life, means a 4k life hit.
I end up with 200 life.
Most underestimate life here and invest way too much in ES.
If i had 4.2k life and 4.2k ES a 14k hit would be needed to kill me.
Correct, this is why I believe the -10% damage taken from mana before life watcher is as good as the much more expensive extra energy shield from mana watcher. The extra energy shield only matters if you have enough health.
The best part about the triple resource is, your life/energy shield leech and life/mana/energy shield recovery on block all work together to keep you alive. The 450 or so bone offering life on block is good on a 6K life pool, but with a life pool of 4000, it is over 10%.
It is one of the best defense in the game for any class period, and I play exclusively tank builds. It is super versatile, you can dual wield, use bow with quiver, staff etc and get the same great max block. You can even do low life with pure energy shield!
I believe this template can work with whatever skill that is most suitable for MOM each league. Last league it was ball lightning mines, this archmage is basically perfect for MOM.
So true, the mana watcher's eye seems better than the ES one and its way cheaper.
But i do not even use a watcher's eye and i not even use anything with recovery on block.
I think the combination of life leech, ES leech and high mana regen alone is just insane.
The extra life from bone offering is a nice bonus.
I already feel super tanky without any block recovery shenanigans.
The only achilles heel of this build is low chaos resist (if you have that) and the short moments when you refresh a brand (being low on mana for a sec).
Beside that it is as tanky as you can possible get atm.
You really found the perfect combination in the Scion ascendency.
I like this build so much that i do not want to spoil it for me.
Archmage will receive a nerf and i expect that you will need like 7 fewered minds
to get the same damage output like you have with 5 now.
Therefore i stick to 5 fevered minds and i am more than happy with that.
I still have more than 80k dps on tooltip and can run through t16 maps like nothing.
Some seem a bit sad that they can do everything except Atziri because of the reflection.
Well, i already did Atziri and Uber Atziri with the help of Sibyl's Lament Ring on the left hand
and the Soul of Yugul. Have fun seeing her jumping from phase to phase in an instant.
If you get your ele resists right you could try ele reflect maps as well.
The only maps i am not doing are the no regen maps, since without mana regen and no block recovery its almost unplayable.
Here are some really nice things which i am using, you can find them on Megalomaniac unique medium clusters:
No Witnesses -> really nice for some extra defence and run speed. Basically the main defence of an assassin build.
Blessed -> more life, more mana and chaos resist, great!
Disorienting Display -> Blinds mobs around you quite often, really good during Simulacrum runs when everything is packed.
Openness -> a great mana boost.
СообщениеXirce#024311 мая 2020 г., 7:35:25
Xirce написал:
hitmantb написал:
Xirce написал:
Does it make sense to have very low life and a pretty high ES pool in this build?
I dont think so!
40% of the damage is absorbed by the mana pool.
Glorious Vanity makes it so that the rest is split between life and ES (30% each).
Lets say you have 3k life, 5k ES and 7k mana and you are getting a 10k hit.
4k goes to mana, 3k to life, 3k to ES and you are dead.
With chaos damage its even worse since it ignores ES completely.
This just means that it makes absolutly no sense to have more ES than life in this build.
Any ES above life is wasted! In that case you better remove Glorious Vanity.
I have 4.2k life, 3.2k ES and around 7k mana.
I could survive a 12k hit. 4.8k goes to mana, 3.6k goes to life, 3.6k to ES.
Since ES is too low another 0.4k goes to life, means a 4k life hit.
I end up with 200 life.
Most underestimate life here and invest way too much in ES.
If i had 4.2k life and 4.2k ES a 14k hit would be needed to kill me.
Correct, this is why I believe the -10% damage taken from mana before life watcher is as good as the much more expensive extra energy shield from mana watcher. The extra energy shield only matters if you have enough health.
The best part about the triple resource is, your life/energy shield leech and life/mana/energy shield recovery on block all work together to keep you alive. The 450 or so bone offering life on block is good on a 6K life pool, but with a life pool of 4000, it is over 10%.
It is one of the best defense in the game for any class period, and I play exclusively tank builds. It is super versatile, you can dual wield, use bow with quiver, staff etc and get the same great max block. You can even do low life with pure energy shield!
I believe this template can work with whatever skill that is most suitable for MOM each league. Last league it was ball lightning mines, this archmage is basically perfect for MOM.
So true, the mana watcher's eye seems better than the ES one and its way cheaper.
But i do not even use a watcher's eye and i not even use anything with recovery on block.
I think the combination of life leech, ES leech and high mana regen alone is just insane.
The extra life from bone offering is a nice bonus.
I already feel super tanky without any block recovery shenanigans.
The only achilles heel of this build is low chaos resist (if you have that) and the short moments when you refresh a brand (being low on mana for a sec).
Beside that it is as tanky as you can possible get atm.
You really found the perfect combination in the Scion ascendency.
I like this build so much that i do not want to spoil it for me.
Archmage will receive a nerf and i expect that you will need like 7 fewered minds
to get the same damage output like you have with 5 now.
Therefore i stick to 5 fevered minds and i am more than happy with that.
I still have more than 80k dps on tooltip and can run through t16 maps like nothing.
Some seem a bit sad that they can do everything except Atziri because of the reflection.
Well, i already did Atziri and Uber Atziri with the help of Sibyl's Lament Ring on the left hand
and the Soul of Yugul. Have fun seeing her jumping from phase to phase in an instant.
If you get your ele resists right you could try ele reflect maps as well.
The only maps i am not doing are the no regen maps, since without mana regen and no block recovery its almost unplayable.
Here are some really nice things which i am using, you can find them on Megalomaniac unique medium clusters:
No Witnesses -> really nice for some extra defence and run speed. Basically the main defence of an assassin build.
Blessed -> more life, more mana and chaos resist, great!
Disorienting Display -> Blinds mobs around you quite often, really good during Simulacrum runs when everything is packed.
Openness -> a great mana boost.
any chance you could unlock your character so I could have a look?
Just hit 95 and made a few little changes, characters should be unlocked now.
СообщениеXirce#024311 мая 2020 г., 15:13:11
Again a question: what should i Upgrade next?
- chain support to awakened chain support
- helmet with enchant (which is better penetration or 40% storm brand damage)
- bottled faith
Any other recommendations left?
Thanks in advance,
Последняя редакция: DreimitKraut#1440. Время: 12 мая 2020 г., 1:54:55
This is my first League playing seriously and this is the first build I've played seriously.
I just got 4 Shaper fragments. How does this build do against Shaper?
Dude seems beefy and my PoB says my Shaper DPS is only 675k per brand.
Сообщениеjhetao#687012 мая 2020 г., 0:03:33
If you get your ele resists right you could try ele reflect maps as well.
The only maps i am not doing are the no regen maps, since without mana regen and no block recovery its almost unplayable.
i dont understand what you are doing wrong but this build can easily do no regen maps. It has mana on block, mana on kill and mana on killfor cursed enemies more than enough mana for everything. you guys must be playing it wrong
jhetao написал:
I just got 4 Shaper fragments. How does this build do against Shaper?
If you have between normal and decent gear you will be pretty disappointed. Put down Brands, run in circles, recall from time to time, done. Inbetween you get teleported and have to run back to him. Just don't stand in the beam, although I was able to tank it for a bit.
Последняя редакция: Influx#6237. Время: 12 мая 2020 г., 4:51:03
СообщениеInflux#623712 мая 2020 г., 4:50:07