[3.10] Scion - Immortal Cyclone COC bladeblast+Bladefall (200m dps) - All Content Deathless

hi guys...1 question
how is the performance of the build....i mean its a heavy lag build or no?coz my pc its kinda old:)
Lampra написал:
hi guys...1 question
how is the performance of the build....i mean its a heavy lag build or no?coz my pc its kinda old:)

Compare to other build...no

Actually you have many options to choose from.

Pure cyclone (no coc) dps still can get up to 60-80m dps. No lag at all
MajorLazer77 написал:
nguyenbaoan84 написал:
MajorLazer77 написал:
What we need to get More Dmg Phys Ele Spell ?
Does cyclone does dmg or only Bladefall and Blast?

we do need more spell damage (no need phys) to boost bladeblast + bladefall damage.

Main damage come from Bladeblast

But cyclone damage isnt bad either. Beside, my cyclone have big aoe, good for mapping.

Damage standing in HO

Can i run with a Headhunter i lose CRS on my Belt ?

Are you count Attack Speed for Coc are why go so high APS?

1/ Headhunter always good for mapping (not for bosses)
2/ CRS very important for coc build
3/ Attack speed all come from the Necromancer Ascendent point...i dont have to invest anything and yes, high APS = more hit per second = higher chance to proc both spells.

Because i put both spell in same link, so they cant proc at the same time. every 0.03 second, proc one spell and then next spell (0.11 cooldown). Basiclly dont need that much speed =)).
---> Every 1 second, both bladefall and bladeblast get proced more than 10 times.
How different is the tree if you use 7 passive voices?
Последняя редакция: MiguelFg#3451. Время: 1 мая 2020 г., 20:23:54
Cast on Crit have listed Cooldown of 150ms Right?
I have 27 Aps that Means 1000sec : 27APS = 33ms

Thats means for me i need to wait 117ms for next Proc so My Question ist when I wait 117ms for next proc Why we go so much Attack Speed?

The Best is 7APS for 6 Link Armour i count.

P.S You have 33APS that means you proc every 30ms but dont work because of Cooldown 150ms with 14% CRS its around 142ms.

More Aps not more dmg?
Последняя редакция: MajorLazer77#6715. Время: 1 мая 2020 г., 22:07:54
So what is the realistic cost to get close to this build? Should I even bother with only 150ish ex? Looking at all the jewels it seems like its a couple or more mirrors worth of gear.
guys what pantheon its best ?
Hey, thinking about start league today, any leveling tips to go with this build?...
chaoticwon написал:
So what is the realistic cost to get close to this build? Should I even bother with only 150ish ex? Looking at all the jewels it seems like its a couple or more mirrors worth of gear.

150ex is enough if you got lvl 96+ Scion. I made 100ex version of that build when I started playing it and it was already broken OP. You can easily start with 3x 7 passive voices which are 2.5ex each, rest of cluster jewels are probably ~30ex, required minimum gear is probably ~40-50 ex.
MiguelFg написал:
How different is the tree if you use 7 passive voices?

Not much different,

Voice 5 , you get extra 3 points compare to 7
Voice 3, you get extra 9 points compare to 7

So i started with voice 7, i cant make my 4th large cluster at acrobatics side.

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