[3.10] Scion - Immortal Cyclone COC bladeblast+Bladefall (200m dps) - All Content Deathless

Same1 написал:
Leveled this today from scratch to 92. Broken as balls ofc. For normal mapping I don't even use Replenishing. Don't even feel like playing on anymore :).

Great to hear :)
Lampra написал:
i assume ele ref is a non go mod,,,,what else cannot run?and how the heck you guys have so high ES?

Yeah, i died few time because reflected map ;(

only that mod kill us.

Non-regen mana is hard one too.
Can you post a pob with a 7 passive voices? I have 70 exa budget and i want know if i can respec my actual build into this. Thanks and sorry for my bad english.
I only Count 22 Auras don´t Count Assasins Mark on Hit.
How I run Smite it´s a Attack?`

70ex Budget you can run 3 Voices 7 dont go to 4 spots.
dado_hd написал:
Can you post a pob with a 7 passive voices? I have 70 exa budget and i want know if i can respec my actual build into this. Thanks and sorry for my bad english.

Hey i'm building this build atm and using voice 7 too :D i'm at level 91 and just dont go for he 4th cluster, everything been fine.

Love this combo
nguyenbaoan84, i saw u selling your ring )
Последняя редакция: vodkanoid#5590. Время: 4 мая 2020 г., 12:15:24
Hey, just hit level 70. When should I actually start building this now? wait till 75 or even further?
Same here not sure when to start the Build at what level
gonna re-spec over to this i was power siphon wast a fan if i scrub this clean its decent ring to use for the build?

also vaal these which ones are best

also can i used might of the meek at scion starting wheel as it boosts all the nodes and the reduced mana reservation node to 6%?
Последняя редакция: AngusKhanTheGreat#1795. Время: 4 мая 2020 г., 17:15:19
Hey nguyenbaoan84

Can you provide us with a POB using 7 passive voices? I'ts kinda hard try to follow your pob cause you use 3 passive voices, and you have 4 trees, according to ppl its only 3 for 7 voices, so I'm kinda lost. Also, you said its 7 purpouse/endbringer but in your tree you're using 8 I think

Its 7 or 8? Anyways, I'm excited to try your build, seems very solid (but expensive hehe)

Thanks for sharing :)
Последняя редакция: zer0code#6360. Время: 4 мая 2020 г., 19:35:23

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