[3.13]🏹 Poison Barrage-VF / Scourge Arrow / TR PF | Bottled Fortify | The Tankiest Ranger + High DPS

Just got to T16 and feels ok even though I'm dying a bit, but still have A LOT of upgrades on gear to be done, so thanks for that!

But was wondering what are the pros and cons of Barrage-version vs SA? Right now SA feels a little clunky to me, will probably get better with explode-chest and more damage (right now I have to channel to 5 stacks a bit to often) but thinking of switching to Barrage or maybe TR.

I made a fun thing =)

Wolfie, question but upon putting on a stalwart defender commander over enduring composure...I actually lost quite a bit of armor. Am I overlooking something?
Последняя редакция: Slottm#1159. Время: 27 янв. 2021 г., 20:34:31
Slottm написал:

I made a fun thing =)

Wolfie, question but upon putting on a stalwart defender commander over enduring composure...I actually lost quite a bit of armor. Am I overlooking something?

Jesus, what a beast. Could you share the method you used to craft it?
thegreekgod написал:
Slottm написал:

I made a fun thing =)

Wolfie, question but upon putting on a stalwart defender commander over enduring composure...I actually lost quite a bit of armor. Am I overlooking something?

Jesus, what a beast. Could you share the method you used to craft it?

This may end up a little long - so here we go
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Step 1: buy a 6 link ilvl 85+ assassins garb
Step 2: Warlord exalted orb the assassin's garb
Step 3: Alteration / aug the assassin's garb until I hit endurance charges when hit
Step 4: buy a crusader chest with explode (AND ONLY 1 CRUSADER MOD)
Step 5: Awakener orb the explode chest into endurance charge assassin's garb:

Ended up with an awful mess:
Prefixes: 26% evasion/11% stunblock recovery

Endurance charge when hit
23% lightning resist

This now became a gamble, as I couldn't say prefixes cannot change, and annul too risky, so I did a beast craft to remove a suffix and get a prefix - 1/3 shot of hitting lightning (neutral) 1/3 chance of hitting dex (ideal) 1/3 chance of hitting endurance charge - worst case scenario, but I could live without that mod

It hit the dex, yay!
it gave me 10 life as a prefix (even better!)

Now the chest is this:
10 life
Prefixes: 26% evasion/11% stunblock recovery

Endurance charge when hit
23% lightning resist

Now: harvest craft aug attack

Prefixes: 26% evasion/11% stunblock recovery
10 Life
Endurance charge when hit
23% lightning resist
Socketed attacks -15 mana

Harvest craft remove lightning, then craft fortify on it

Prefixes: 26% evasion/11% stunblock recovery
10 Life
Endurance charge when hit
120% fortify during focus
Socketed attacks -15 mana

r/a life til you get a good roll (t4 was fine with me for now, its expensive)

Remove defense
aug fire
r/a fire until t1

this is a very nice chest, TY for sharing !
I'm crafting my helmet right now and i didn't wanted to gamble with the -9% chaos rez for ennemies with the awakeners orb thing ^^
Последняя редакция: tracker2013#3076. Время: 28 янв. 2021 г., 9:25:21

I encounter an issue, my barrage cost 21 D: How do I live with it?

Btw. just switched to barrage and it's horrible zdps zclear speed monkaS
Последняя редакция: Kaenshin_#2628. Время: 28 янв. 2021 г., 11:30:39
I'd personally rather have the defense than the -9 chaos res, or in my case I direly needed accuracy - hitting t1 acc helped my hit rating tremendously and I could drop acuity
So in the new POB we're using Determination and Iron reflexes so is it better to use armor based chest like a Astral plate instead of assassin's garb?
Or with Aassassin;s Garb and IR you'll get more final armor than Astral Plate?
Последняя редакция: ssampiseth#0297. Время: 28 янв. 2021 г., 11:49:40
Astral plate is awesome, but I struggled to have enough strength in my build for lvl 21 determination, let alone 180 for astral plate.
Kaenshin_ написал:

I encounter an issue, my barrage cost 21 D: How do I live with it?

Btw. just switched to barrage and it's horrible zdps zclear speed monkaS

Mana leech node next to Swift Venom will help sort out the mana issue with Barrage.

If you transition to Barrage, don't forget to keep Blood Rage up, grab a Snakebite and a frenzy quiver. Example:

What's better: Snakebite with +1 frenzy, and quiver with frenzy chance (Elder) and +1 arrow (Warlord).

Some other thing that can be achieved with Harvest craft:
Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
Последняя редакция: WolfieNa#3904. Время: 28 янв. 2021 г., 13:23:03

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