[3.13]🏹 Poison Barrage-VF / Scourge Arrow / TR PF | Bottled Fortify | The Tankiest Ranger + High DPS

Hey guys, looking for a big group think to help crowd source the next purchase for my character. I'm too busy and dumb to solve this problem on my own and recently went back to work full time so got no time to hypothesize but i DO want to play and keep progressing. I'm level 92 and just beat Sirus A5 with 3 deaths, with two of those due to graphical freezes/glitches; I feel I could benefit equally from a good extra boost of tankiness or DPS. I'm trying to finish my chest currently:
by 6L'ing and/or removing fire res and harvest crafting -mana, then finishing it up. It is taking me awhile to do though (been looking for wild apes for -fire res crafts I think), any tips to finish it faster?

Aside from that long processo, I ask you PoB warrior geniuses, what are the most cost effective purchases to make for this build with the following gear? I have about 6-7ex to spend. I'll be farming more while I wait for ideas :)

edit: I should add I have 8 passive Touch of Cruelty, Unholy Grace, Wicked Pall along with 4 passive Distilled something and Spiked Concoction and Circling Oblivion and Unwavering Evil (anti-stun while channeling chaos).

Maybe awakeners orbing the quiver to get that closer to finished would be a next logical step?
Последняя редакция: warrofua#3869. Время: 13 июля 2020 г., 21:43:19
what do you guys think about bottled faith?

It's great, replace overflowing with it. I've found after two leagues on this build it is fine to even boss with if you have reduced flask used in belt. If you're still running low on flasks switch to overflowing. I usually only do on major bosses like Siri's and so on, no need for map bosses.
IGN: Bonered
Последняя редакция: Ghostboner#7467. Время: 13 июля 2020 г., 21:19:29
Well, I did brick it trying to annul,
. But I was successful in making another, just need to harvest craft it

I tried making a new bow and got this, soooo close to something nice . If only that +1 bow gems was not there and I had an open prefix .
Resane написал:

Nearing completion. Need to augment speed on my quiver. Looking to re-craft my helm to add -chaos at some point.
The tankiness is there when I'm not trying to get killed. Single target damage started off slow but this build feels like it builds exponentially.

Thank you Wolfie for the in depth guide and being extremely responsive. SA is definitely a different build and playstyle from others I have done in the past.

Decently crafted gears! Congratz, Resane! I'm glad that you have fun with the build.

If you are looking for way to improve, dropping 4 points No Witnesses for pure life will make bossfight a breeze. Also, I personally find that without the presence of the Delirium mist, the regular maps and bosses, including fully juiced map, are just butter for us to slice. Thus, we can replace Coralito's with Quicksilver for most of the time, except vs. the end-game bosses, e.g. Sirus, Uber Elder, etc.

FYI - I saw some posts about not having chaos damage over time for bow. PM me and I'll craft it for you.

Very nice gesture. Take advantage of this offer, folks.
Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
nokken1 написал:

I tried making a new bow and got this, soooo close to something nice . If only that +1 bow gems was not there and I had an open prefix .

Craft Suffix cannot be changed and remove Bow gem by Harvest's "Replace non-attack by attack". Since last patch, the Bow gem is a non-attack mod while the poison prefix has an attack tag.

Either Bow gem or Suffix cannot be changed will be removed (no change). Very safe yet costly. But since you have very good rolls. I think it'd be worth doing it if you have the warchest.
Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
Последняя редакция: WolfieNa#3904. Время: 13 июля 2020 г., 22:17:38
warrofua написал:
Hey guys, looking for a big group think to help crowd source the next purchase for my character. I'm too busy and dumb to solve this problem on my own and recently went back to work full time so got no time to hypothesize but i DO want to play and keep progressing. I'm level 92 and just beat Sirus A5 with 3 deaths, with two of those due to graphical freezes/glitches; I feel I could benefit equally from a good extra boost of tankiness or DPS. I'm trying to finish my chest currently:
by 6L'ing and/or removing fire res and harvest crafting -mana, then finishing it up. It is taking me awhile to do though (been looking for wild apes for -fire res crafts I think), any tips to finish it faster?

Aside from that long processo, I ask you PoB warrior geniuses, what are the most cost effective purchases to make for this build with the following gear? I have about 6-7ex to spend. I'll be farming more while I wait for ideas :)

edit: I should add I have 8 passive Touch of Cruelty, Unholy Grace, Wicked Pall along with 4 passive Distilled something and Spiked Concoction and Circling Oblivion and Unwavering Evil (anti-stun while channeling chaos).

Maybe awakeners orbing the quiver to get that closer to finished would be a next logical step?

Welcome to back-to-work season. :)

Some potential upgrades you may want to try:

+ Buying the seeds you need (fire mod, chaos mods, etc.). Also, buying the seed booster and using them for the type of seed you desire. Flower or Blossom boosters are expensive yet worth their price.
+ Cinderswallow with stun avoidance: synergy with Blast Rain's ignition. Depend on your DPS, you won't need either Coralito or quicksilver in mapping.
+ Amulet with chaos DoT multi (pretty easy with Harvest chaos craft).
+ The bow. The new trend (we've created) is to craft +1 arrow and APS on bow, so we can craft chaos DoT multi and DoT multi on quiver. If you can even have DoT Multi on bow, it's perfect. Having awakened bow with these aforementioned mod plus poison inflicted faster is perfectly perfect. And I just saw it being done well in some above post.
+ Belt with 20% reduced flask charges used. This BiS flask mod provides subtle difference with and without.
+ Cluster jewel: Unwavering Evil isn't a very good mod. You can replace it later on with Harvest chaos craft.
Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
Последняя редакция: WolfieNa#3904. Время: 13 июля 2020 г., 22:36:27
I did just that with the bow actually Wolf! It turned out great

WolfieNa написал:

Welcome to back-to-work season. :)

Some potential upgrades you may want to try:

+ Buying the seeds you need (fire mod, chaos mods, etc.). Also, buying the seed booster and using them for the type of seed you desire. Flower or Blossom boosters are expensive yet worth their price.
+ Cinderswallow with stun avoidance: synergy with Blast Rain's ignition. Depend on your DPS, you won't need either Coralito or quicksilver in mapping.
+ Amulet with chaos DoT multi (pretty easy with Harvest chaos craft).
+ The bow. The new trend (we've created) is to craft +1 arrow and APS on bow, so we can craft chaos DoT multi and DoT multi on quiver. If you can even have DoT Multi on bow, it's perfect. Having awakened bow with these aforementioned mod plus poison inflicted faster is perfectly perfect. And I just saw it being done well in some above post.
+ Belt with 20% reduced flask charges used. This BiS flask mod provides subtle difference with and without.
+ Cluster jewel: Unwavering Evil isn't a very good mod. You can replace it later on with Harvest chaos craft.

Thanks Wolfie! Will work on those things. How did this turn out for the bow? Took about 2 ex of fossils to get this one (with all 3 mods from the new harvest bow crafting guide).
Последняя редакция: warrofua#3869. Время: 14 июля 2020 г., 1:29:32
Hello, how can I improve this one? (apart 30% → 40% chaos dot multi)

Последняя редакция: Kh4r4#0640. Время: 14 июля 2020 г., 3:09:00
Hey, i guess i want to report in for first time on a build i followed.. so far i saw alot of different approaches on playing the build^^ imo most of the dmg is not needed, which is why i opted for defense and hh :D
Probabaly gonna try the boots with poison dmg faster or auls neck next for fun!
Thanks for the build Wolfie^^

Последняя редакция: Arvani89#2401. Время: 14 июля 2020 г., 10:18:22

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