newbrict написал:
Does the hallow palm only drop from simulacrum boss or can I get it in deli orb'd maps? I'm doing this in a private league so I have to farm the jewel :x
I think it can drop in maps, for sure should be doable with a bit of play time considering new atlas passives to target delirium. There was a div card added this league but I'm not sure how farmable that is.
СообщениеVelyna#691621 янв. 2021 г., 9:59:54
KorgothBG написал:
I've been playing Hollow palm Raider this league and this guide has definitely helped a lot. Awesome stuff and thank you for sharing it Velyna!
However may i suggest something?
I have no idea why everyone is picking Proficiency (+30 dex) and it bothers me to no end. Now i mean i get it - it's 30 dex + another 10 dex from the transofrmed 10 str to 10 dex via Fluid Motion. And dex is what we want above all! But lets examine it further.
If you go for Proficiency you get the following for 4 passive skill points:
40 dex + 20 str
On the other hand for 4 passive skill points instead of Proficiency you can grab Acuity.
If you go for Acuity you get the following:
30 dex + 13% attack speed (and quite a bit of accuracy which the build doesn't really need more of)
But wait there's more! One would typically use a Brutal Restraint which would affect those 4 passive skill points for another +10 dex and a random modifier to the Acuity notable itself. Also it allows you to pick evasion per frenzy charge instead of duration leading to the +1 frenzy cahrge notable thus providing some extra evasion. In the end even if that modifier is completely worthless going for Acuity is still the better option.
In my opinion at least.
Anyway i rarely post in the forums as of late but i really enjoyed the build and just had to say "thank you" and offer some possible improvements! :)
Hey there! I wanted to also throw my hat into the ring for this suggestion as well! I actually rolled 5% dex on the Acuity notable on my Brutal Restraint which led to making the switch and, when looking for points to reallocate, taking the points out of Precision (and the path to it) seemed like a natural solution. I did not however realize this allows for grabbing the evasion rating per frenzy charge node too, so I'll be doing that first thing today!
Level 50 now ... The card is buyable for 3c each and 5 make the corrupted own. When should I switch? I think I'll try as soon as I can .....
Сообщениеraikolin#346621 янв. 2021 г., 13:30:01
KorgothBG написал:
If you go for Proficiency you get the following for 4 passive skill points:
40 dex + 20 str
On the other hand for 4 passive skill points instead of Proficiency you can grab Acuity.
If you go for Acuity you get the following:
30 dex + 13% attack speed (and quite a bit of accuracy which the build doesn't really need more of)
But wait there's more! One would typically use a Brutal Restraint which would affect those 4 passive skill points for another +10 dex and a random modifier to the Acuity notable itself. Also it allows you to pick evasion per frenzy charge instead of duration leading to the +1 frenzy cahrge notable thus providing some extra evasion. In the end even if that modifier is completely worthless going for Acuity is still the better option.
Hey really appreciate the feedback, I like this change a lot and I updated the PoB to include it!
СообщениеVelyna#691621 янв. 2021 г., 13:34:19
I don't understand why that Brutal Restraint is still listed, it's unobtainable outside of standard...
Сообщениеalantrik#190321 янв. 2021 г., 14:04:09
alantrik написал:
I don't understand why that Brutal Restraint is still listed, it's unobtainable outside of standard...
There are literally hundreds for sale in Ritual and they go for ~20c arm. So i have no idea what you mean.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Последняя редакция: KorgothBG#4084. Время: 21 янв. 2021 г., 14:19:37
СообщениеKorgothBG#408421 янв. 2021 г., 14:19:26Почётный форумчанин
KorgothBG написал:
alantrik написал:
I don't understand why that Brutal Restraint is still listed, it's unobtainable outside of standard...
There are literally hundreds for sale in Ritual and they go for ~20c arm. So i have no idea what you mean.
Brutal Restraint with DESHRET is most certainly not available in ritual.
Сообщениеalantrik#190321 янв. 2021 г., 14:20:22
Ah yeah, that is true. However it's a good thing that it doesn't need to be a Deshred one. It literally does not matter here as you don't need ANY of the keystones. You use Brutal Restraint for the bonuses to the regular nodes and the notables.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Последняя редакция: KorgothBG#4084. Время: 21 янв. 2021 г., 14:40:37
СообщениеKorgothBG#408421 янв. 2021 г., 14:40:24Почётный форумчанин
Early on Supreme Ego if only running hatred+blood stance is a lot of fun, especially if you haven't gotten lucky with red sockets (hatred+enlighten for QOL).
Последняя редакция: tsorr23#4873. Время: 21 янв. 2021 г., 16:00:32
Сообщениеtsorr23#487321 янв. 2021 г., 16:00:11
Just started got the OWN and leveling gear what should I Upgrade first?
Сообщениеdmoniak#036821 янв. 2021 г., 18:07:44