[3.20] ❄️❄️ Velyna's Hollow Palm Ice Crash ❄️ ❄️ Leaguestart Section | Hidden and Feared Viable
" Ahh thanks... i realy like the Onslaught. Can i just go Full Onslaught path. Way of the poacher until i hit red maps and then respec into Veil and the Frenzy Charge tree? | |
" Yup, that's what I ended up doing myself. Keep in mind once you get used to the Onslaught gameplay it feels real awkward once you respec out of it, but you gotta do what you gotta do I guess. |
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" Nice catch, was just me being super tired when I last edited the guide. Fixed! https://www.twitch.tv/velyna
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Looking to roll a hollow paim build as my second character this league. Between this and your hollow palm champion and maybe even Dang's Infernal Blow Trinity version, which'd you think you'd pick for Ritual & Maven fights given each build's strengths and weaknesses? I'm pretty unsure on what'd be the better build for this expansion/league.
Последняя редакция: iOnlyRave#5802. Время: 24 янв. 2021 г., 10:12:06
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" I will be running the ice crash, nice AoE and freeze/chill is imo one of the strongest defence layers ingame. https://www.twitch.tv/velyna
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Hi, having a blast playing this so thank you for briging a really fun build! it's unclear for me however for what gem setup should I go for ice crash in the end, different gems in gear/pob links :(. Will there be a gems section in this guide for new players like me?
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" As a person who tried both this Ice Crash and Dang's Infernal Blow one. The Ice Crash has a smaller and slower clear speed but felt smooth to play and extremely tanky. The Infernal Blow one is quicker with it's chain explosions but will feel a bit clunky since you sometimes don't feel that you're hitting the boss. Also the latter one is much more expensive with people pulling Anomalous Infernal Blow up while Ice Crash 21/23 is cheap AF. |
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Hey guys-
Have had a hiatus for many years and getting back into the game. I'm looking at the Brutal Restraint jewel and it confuses the hell out of me... would anyone care to explain what I'm looking for here? |
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" So basically the jewel is pure RNG. When you socket it in a jewel socket on the passive tree, it "changes" the notable passives (the passives with a "bigger" circle) in the area in that it adds an extra stat to each one in the radius of the jewel socket. Now each of the Brutal Restraint jewels has a number that can roll from 500-8000 (I think). Each different number alters what changes are made to the notable passives. But here's the kicker: there is no record or database or anything anywhere that will tell you what changes each number makes. You can't just google which number you're looking for with your build, and even if you could you would have to find the exact rolled jewel you need, which is also basically impossible. On top of all that, the notable passive changes that each jewel makes is completely different based on which jewel socket you use. We use the jewel socket on the right side of the tree because there are 8 notable passives that we take in the radius, giving us the best change at getting the change we want (which is % increased dex). TL;DR: Basically the jewel is complete RNG. What you want to do is this: Buy any Brutal Restraint Timeless Jewel. Socket it in the jewel socket indicated in the build. Mouse over all the notable passives in the radius and see if you got any good ones. Typically you want at least two passives that have 5% increased Dexterity. If you don't get what you want, hit it with a Divine Orb, socket it back in, and check again. Repeat over and over till you find the one you want. Here's an additional couple of tips: Buy two jewels so you can keep a decent one socketed while you roll the other one. Also, keep your character sheet open when you try a newly rolled jewel so you can compare how much Dex you gained/lost and also keep an eye on changes to your tooltip DPS for Ice Crash. |
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This is a 10/10 build. Fantastic.
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