
ComfyExo написал:
katonsew написал:
I've read mechanic exlpanation but I still do not understand the connection between the number of laps/single target/clear speed damage and number of projectiles.
When I increase this number by using the dying sun I feel the increase of damage as in single target also in clear speed, but it shoudln't work so, should it?
How does it work? The more the better?
I just want understand if it is profitable to craft +1 projectile on a quiver and to jet +20 quality phantasmal

All you need to know are the breakpoints in aoe for overlaps. 25 aoe gives full 5 arrow overlap, 30 aoe gives full 6 arrow overlap, 35 aoe gives full 7 arrow overlap, and so on. The reason why you felt more dmg using dying sun is the aoe that dying sun gives. It probably gave you enough to reach an aoe breakpoint so one more arrow overlaps, or it that's not the case, it gave more chances for an extra overlap.

It's definitely worth to get "Bow attacks fire an additional arrow" on your quiver as well as +1 arrow enchant on helmet. I do not know however if getting a phantasmal tr is worth it, considering its ridiculous price for a very underwhelming benefit. In the end, it only gives you 2 more arrows which is helpful for clear yes, but not for single target as you will never have enough aoe to sustain 11 arrows total. At best your aoe can only sustain 6.

So if I understand right, the more arrows I get, the more AoE I should get to sustain single target damage.
Последняя редакция: katonsew#2065. Время: 2 марта 2021 г., 5:04:08
pashkudas написал:

I'm still confused how do people get the 30 aoe, I now have 27 with carcass jack and NOT using the inc. aoe gem. According to POB even if I craft increased aoe on all my other gear (1 ring, quiver, gloves, helmet) I don't reach 30 aoe, 28 at most. So if I have the helm enchant for +1 arrows, I must have 30 aoe? Meaning I must use inc. aoe gem?

I think it's not really necessary - I hit 28 with just the 2 Bow damage Cluster Jewels with the Broadside notable, Carcass Jack, no AoE on rings or my helmet, and only a single crafted AoE effect on my gloves.

I don't notice much of a DPS difference compared to when I had 28 AoE.

Reaching 30 was more of a struggle, and cost me probably 20-30ex in spending (I was out of things to spend on, so I chose to go for it). I benchcrafted increased AoE on my helmet, got a single Warlord ring with AoE and resistances for 5ex or so, and then bought a corrupted Thread of Hope with increased Area of Effect for 2ex or so.

Finally, I needed to get 1 synthesized jewel with 5% increased AoE. I ended up buying 3, but I only needed 1 to hit 30% AoE. I bought a few for 2-6ex, and then crafted them with bow attack speed (spamming alc/scour) and 1 damage mod, and then did the aug chaos/aug life to finish them.

Here's my latest PoB: https://pastebin.com/j71iPhUW

You can also see my gear on my profile.
arciinus написал:
pashkudas написал:

I'm still confused how do people get the 30 aoe, I now have 27 with carcass jack and NOT using the inc. aoe gem. According to POB even if I craft increased aoe on all my other gear (1 ring, quiver, gloves, helmet) I don't reach 30 aoe, 28 at most. So if I have the helm enchant for +1 arrows, I must have 30 aoe? Meaning I must use inc. aoe gem?

I think it's not really necessary - I hit 28 with just the 2 Bow damage Cluster Jewels with the Broadside notable, Carcass Jack, no AoE on rings or my helmet, and only a single crafted AoE effect on my gloves.

I don't notice much of a DPS difference compared to when I had 28 AoE.

Reaching 30 was more of a struggle, and cost me probably 20-30ex in spending (I was out of things to spend on, so I chose to go for it). I benchcrafted increased AoE on my helmet, got a single Warlord ring with AoE and resistances for 5ex or so, and then bought a corrupted Thread of Hope with increased Area of Effect for 2ex or so.

Finally, I needed to get 1 synthesized jewel with 5% increased AoE. I ended up buying 3, but I only needed 1 to hit 30% AoE. I bought a few for 2-6ex, and then crafted them with bow attack speed (spamming alc/scour) and 1 damage mod, and then did the aug chaos/aug life to finish them.

Here's my latest PoB: https://pastebin.com/j71iPhUW

You can also see my gear on my profile.

Thanks for the quick reply! Okay so 30 inc. aoe is a luxury then if not using the inc. aoe gem. But then is it not meaningless to have the +1 helm enchant if u don't have 30 aoe?
pashkudas написал:
arciinus написал:
pashkudas написал:

I'm still confused how do people get the 30 aoe, I now have 27 with carcass jack and NOT using the inc. aoe gem. According to POB even if I craft increased aoe on all my other gear (1 ring, quiver, gloves, helmet) I don't reach 30 aoe, 28 at most. So if I have the helm enchant for +1 arrows, I must have 30 aoe? Meaning I must use inc. aoe gem?

I think it's not really necessary - I hit 28 with just the 2 Bow damage Cluster Jewels with the Broadside notable, Carcass Jack, no AoE on rings or my helmet, and only a single crafted AoE effect on my gloves.

I don't notice much of a DPS difference compared to when I had 28 AoE.

Reaching 30 was more of a struggle, and cost me probably 20-30ex in spending (I was out of things to spend on, so I chose to go for it). I benchcrafted increased AoE on my helmet, got a single Warlord ring with AoE and resistances for 5ex or so, and then bought a corrupted Thread of Hope with increased Area of Effect for 2ex or so.

Finally, I needed to get 1 synthesized jewel with 5% increased AoE. I ended up buying 3, but I only needed 1 to hit 30% AoE. I bought a few for 2-6ex, and then crafted them with bow attack speed (spamming alc/scour) and 1 damage mod, and then did the aug chaos/aug life to finish them.

Here's my latest PoB: https://pastebin.com/j71iPhUW

You can also see my gear on my profile.

Thanks for the quick reply! Okay so 30 inc. aoe is a luxury then if not using the inc. aoe gem. But then is it not meaningless to have the +1 helm enchant if u don't have 30 aoe?

It's great to have as many arrows as you can since at the end of the day, more arrows equals better clear and mapping and mobbing are basically 80% of the game and the other 20% is bossing (more or less). It just fucks up your single target hard since more arrows makes the pods spread out from each other further. That's why getting aoe is also an important thing since it also affects mapping and mobbing in the sense that mobs are affected by more pods than usual the more aoe you have.

Also I checked your gear in pob. You are missing aoe in many places. One in bow aoe enchant 7% (you need a +3 bow for it instead of quill rain, one in perfect roll helmet aoe (a 10% instead of 8%, one in gloves 10%, one in amulet 12%, and two in both of your rings 15% each. Even if you get everything save for just aoe on one ring instead of two, it brings your aoe to 30. There are still plenty other ways to get more aoe and these are just the more immediate ways you can get more.

You only really need to use inc. aoe gem if you're severely lacking aoe, like if you're at 24 or 25.
Could someone explain how to get 130 life on helmet? With deaf essense of greed I can get 106 max. Google tells that some hybrid mod required, but I didn't find anything else regarding this.

Thank you.
BabamTV написал:
Could someone explain how to get 130 life on helmet? With deaf essense of greed I can get 106 max. Google tells that some hybrid mod required, but I didn't find anything else regarding this.

Thank you.

Check out my post on crafting the helmet! You just ensure suffixes are filled and do an "aug life" Harvest craft.
Последняя редакция: arciinus#5883. Время: 6 марта 2021 г., 21:54:43

Okay so slight updates:

I switched out to Blast Rain, instead of Wither Totem, and can definitely say that it is much better, at least in my personal opinion. The QOL loss from Mirage Archer in Toxic Rain is barely noticeable.

I crafted new ring with Increased Chaos/Increased AOE/Despair on hit. Now with both rings AOE, I was able to switch out to Phantasmal Toxic Rain - while keeping 30 Radius. I finally got the 'Enemies Withered by you Have - all resistance' on belt. Was able to add 'Increased Damage over Time' to my gloves.

I crafted my new amulet with 'Malevolence Has 25% Reduced Mana Reservation' and fixed the missing Chaos Resist with cluster Jewels. This allowed me to use this Watcher's Eye (since I now have enough mana to use Clarity):

-and replace my Replica Conqueror's Efficiency, as well as freeing up my Helmet Enchant to whatever I want. Ideally I would want these mods and the 'Increased Attack Speed while affected by Precision', but I only saw one of those jewels with all 3 mods so far, and it was listed for 230 Exalts or something around there x_X.

I still have the 'Nearby Enemies have -Chaos Resist' helmet for bossing - but I'm looking to craft a new one with the Toxic Rain additional arrow enchant.

Aside from getting T1 Life on a few pieces, fixing my boot enchant, and possibly saving up for triple Elevated gloves, if anyone has any further suggestions to improve let me know.


I ended up with +1 Arrows on my bow, and now I'm torn as to whether to keep going for +2 or just keep it as is, shoot for T1 Attack Speed and call it a day. According to craftofexile.com - +2 Arrows takes an average of 261 tries (roughly 261 Exalts with Remove/Add Attack being about an Exalt each on TFT). Pretty torn on what to do. Is that extra arrow worth it? It would put me at 11 Arrows vs 10.

Btw, I was wondering where I could find the math/explanation that +Attack Speed Implicit is better or worse than +1 to Support Gems Implicit? I vaguely remember Remi saying it was better for +Attack Speed Implicit, but it is somewhere lost in the pages and can't find it. With a +1
Support Gems Implicit it would push my Awakened Gems to level 10 (assuming they were all Level 6 to begin with) which is (correct me if I'm wrong) 3% More Damage?
Последняя редакция: dragonnocturnal#2204. Время: 2 марта 2021 г., 16:30:19
Why do we use mana flask? Isn't hybrid flask enough?
Also, how to craft -reserved mana for malevolence on an amulet?
WTS if anyone is looking:

BabamTV написал:
Could someone explain how to get 130 life on helmet? With deaf essense of greed I can get 106 max. Google tells that some hybrid mod required, but I didn't find anything else regarding this.
It's 2 mods, you need to get t1 life then t1 evasion+life if you have advanced mod description and press alt it should show.

For example, I don't have helmet but same idea with a chest:
Stats as you see:

Stats per affix:

Ofc helmet has different mods, but if you essence craft it, what you could do is harvest craft non-life to life (if you have precious suffixes you could craft suffixes cannot be changed to not lose them), and if you don't hit a good evasion+life roll then it's harder because you will have to use remove defense + add defense and that one has 4 outcomes (evasion flat, evasion %, evasion+stun recovery, evasion+life), because doing remove+add life risks bricking your essence mod.

Suffixes after you have prefixes done would be either strip them 1-by-1 with harvest then augment chaos twice, or craft prefixes cannot be changed -or- cannot roll caster modifiers (cheaper) and do non-chaos to chaos. Reason for that is you want to avoid bricking your life roll by replacing it with "Adds (29–39) to (49–61) Chaos Damage to Spells" prefix which is "chaos" and "caster" so you should be able to block it with "cannot roll caster modifiers".

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