
Ryphael написал:
Newbie here following the POB directly, can anyone explain why under amour and evasion mastery defiance banner is taken? I don't see defiance banner inside the skill gem links at all

I have not updated the skill gems in the guide, but it is on the PoB. Sorry I don't have the time to do that just yet, relinking every single gem is very annoying
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
Remicaster1 написал:

I have not updated the skill gems in the guide, but it is on the PoB. Sorry I don't have the time to do that just yet, relinking every single gem is very annoying

I see! Thanks for the reply. I noticed in the PoB that the 6L auras are using both Malevolence and Grace which is 50% mana reservation each, is it intended or is there an error there? Or perhaps a use only either 1 depending on scenario kinda thing?

edit: I think I got it, one of the mastery is for making grace 25% mana preservation instead of 50
Последняя редакция: Ryphael#2298. Время: 24 окт. 2021 г., 8:48:14
What is going on with ascendancy points? Shows different in ascendancy section and different in pob. Also, according to pob we should use focal point but i dont see any Marks used in the build
Everyone is going Raider this league looks like.
baidoweb написал:
What is going on with ascendancy points? Shows different in ascendancy section and different in pob. Also, according to pob we should use focal point but i dont see any Marks used in the build

He mentioned in a reply above you, he's busy and didn't update forum, only PoB.

Poacher's mark on hit on the ring. Just use the skill gem until you can get it on ring.
Последняя редакция: Dalfgan#4222. Время: 24 окт. 2021 г., 11:14:58
Hello !

Thanks a lot for the build it's really OP....

Most OP build I have played since starting in 2013.

Maybe a few feedbacks :

- Phase run works wonders to not get stuck in packs as you ZOOM along
- Early I used the ice golem for an extra bit of attack speed to help
- While leveling when I was getting killed I switched to Grace for more sustainability
- Quill Rain is indeed insane an not too expensive at the moment (5 C)

Thanks for this awesome build !
IGN : Swisside | Swissleap | DemArchers

i see no Mastery was taken in this node :

Do you thinks its worth it to get Phasing early for leveling + smoother maps ? and remove it later of course

EDIT : ok i didn't saw the other Bow mastery in the tree ( right side ) , he has Phasing buff .

Loving the build so far im only lvl 35
Последняя редакция: Dalrost#3683. Время: 24 окт. 2021 г., 14:08:48
I need to clarify some point about the Deadeye vs the Raider. The thing is the RAIDER is way better than the Deadeye IF YOU WANT just make FAST currency early one.
You kinda fall off faster as a raider (same stuff) and for a lot of people who rushes the leveling content in 5h, they are doing juste mass currency before switching to a GIGA build to destroy everthing.

Does the RAIDER is better to ZOOM MAP white and yellow with no investsment ? Yes, its faster.

But the big problem IS you kinda have no decent damage vs boss. Depend on your playstile, if you stay on one character , deadeye is the way to go.

Just saying, after 2 week the meta gonna change and you gonna see some hyper carry pop one poe.ninja grind the ladder fast.

Next thing, dont took focal point during your last lab if you dont have a Mark's Gem (like Poacher's Mark). Endless munitions gonna be better until you get the ring. For me i dont like have the Poacher's Mark as a gem when you have already too much gems to setup.
I guess it's kind of a FAQ, but could someone explain how the Smoke Mine - instant Mirage Archers on boss setup works? I don't get it

And b/c someone asked: you can run Withering Step on left click (Move), and use a classic CWDT-IC setup. More phasing, unless you're dead.
I had a lot of fun with this build a few leagues back, but my god now it's just far too squishy to do anything with. Sadly isn't going much further than yellow maps.

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