[3.11] The Moaning Witch | Evasion based SRS MI Bomber (SSF viable, League Starter)

troomar написал:
Ad SirCalmness: Cool, let me know how works for you.

I have another small update, nothing build breaking:
- I exchanged 1 support gem in the main SRS link - I exchanged Elemental Focus / Combustion for Deathmark Support. Sure, DPS wise it's worse, but I've always had a problem with Legion encounters and Blight maps, because SRS tend to attack and kill different mobs than I wanted, especially marked mobs in Legion and bosses in Blight.

With Deathmark I can choose these juicy mobs and focus them. It also works on bosses with many adds or with twin bosses. This issue is not really visible until you're in a party of 2-3 people, then these bosses get quite tanky. I opted to be a rather boss killer (with still a lot of clearing speed) in these parties.

I'm not gonna change this in my build, I consider it to be within personal preferences, but I think it was worth mentioning.

Going very well honestly, still on crap gear so a lot to improve but no issues early mapping.

Yeah I like Deathmark, think I'll level a gem in my weapon swap and switch it out for bossing later.

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