[3.20] 🌿 Devon's Blooming Flicker 🌿 | Most content viable | Decent starter | 8M DPS
Yo. Can u post some video with your Kondo?
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I'm trying this build in Harvest. Currently lvl 78, using a 5L 'Terminus Est' & 5 Link 'The Perfect Form'.
One thing both I and OP overlooked after buying and equipping a 'The Perfect Form' body armour, is that free artic armor is great and all, until you realize this build has 14 intelligence and you cant take arctic armour past lvl 1 (8% phys & fire res) unless you have a lot of int on gear (like 50-60 int). You can get this on a single piece of gear so not really a big deal, but probably worth mentioning. One other thing to note thing to note is darkray vectors are a good and much cheaper alternative to atziri's step. 1-2c versus about 14c. Not as optimal, but useable. Starkonjas is also dirt cheap this league (1-2c) so if you have resistances capped it's useable as well. Every odd time, I was also having flicker charge generation problems against single target elite/unique mobs even with terminus est and a 20% flicker strike (and raider ascendancy obv). Kinda rough. I don't have any flickerstrike helm enchants, but it's like 1 in hundreds of rolls and not worth the time to run lab imo unless minmaxing at lvl 95+ or so probably. Alternatively, I've been testing bladevortex selfcast ramp up before going into a boss, to help with frenzy charge gen via raider ascendancy onhit generation. It helps a fair amount but isn't ideal since it both takes a gem slot and you have to cast for a few seconds to ramp it up before going in. Decent for bosses that you're waiting on a phase and doesn't have adds, I guess. CWDT+Blade Vortext obv wouldn't work with this build since it's evasion/dodge-based. Definitely helps though. One last thing to note, is some mana problems. Having 50-60 or so mana available of 600, when flicker costs 40 mana per use, causes some issues. I ended up turning off the dread banner since it was causing hiccups in flicker use, when having enduring cry on leftclick, and dashing now and then. So that issue is resolved for now, but I would like to turn banner back on somehow, someday All in all in's a fun build. Enjoy flickering on everyone. Последняя редакция: dizz#2756. Время: 22 июня 2020 г., 1:52:20
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" I knew it would require some intelligence and I did put intelligence on a ring in my PoB. Regarding the Frenzy 1 in 100 generation. Yes I've noticed it too and I know why it's caused. There is a very small chance per attack of it not generating 1 charge. If it's the first strike it can feel kinda bad because you'll have to wait for the cooldown of flicker to pass. You can use Doedre's Elixir before the boss to get that extra charge and you will basically solve the problem. The thing that usually outwieghs this is the fact that each attack has a chance of generating 0, 1, 2 or even 3 charges at once. The first one is the tricky one if it rolls 0. So by using Doedre's Elixir you will have 2 chances on your first strike since it will consume the Skill cooldown and the frenzy charge if the first one fails. Regarding mana, you should have around 125 mana if you left precision at lvl1 and if you took enlighten lvl3. That said, I also left the enduring mana flask in PoB for that exact reason of contigency planning. " Will do today. "Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown "The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro "Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro Последняя редакция: devon752#5895. Время: 22 июня 2020 г., 4:52:52
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Hey, great build first off! My question would be, if i could use a oni-goroshi with this build? Would the leech be enough?
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" Hey, Oni-Goroshi is a one handed weapon even though it uses both hands and it doesn't do quite the damage that you'd want with this kind of build. You would be better of just straight up using a Kondo or a regular rare with high pdps that's a 2H (these weapons would do something like 2x or 3x the damage of Oni goroshi). With that said I haven't actually played with oni so I can't help that much with it, apologies. "Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown
"The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro "Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro |
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Any good uniques that we can use on this build? Like starkonja's or Abyssus
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" If you check the PoB it already uses 5 uniques. I wouldn't recommend more since resistances become a problem. I advise taking a regular rare helmet with a good enchanta and hopefully quite a bit of resistances. "Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown
"The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro "Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro |
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Thanks for the build bro! Really loving it!
If you check out my chars you can also see what i'm running at the moment. Might help out haha! Anyways gl and hf!!!! Keep building <3 PS: LOVE FLICKER :D |
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Why do you remove Phase Acrobatics? That's keeping me alive right now.
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Hey just wanted to say thanks for the build! I'm a big fan of Flicker, so when I was having some trouble with my ET Saboteur, I decided to try this out.
I've used a handful of Flicker build, but this is my first one with Raider and holy shit it is FAST. It feels so fun to just zoom through maps annihilating everything and just holding one button (should be called the Zooming Flicker). The only major downside is that it's a little too fast. I can usually control myself enough to do Delve, but it's been really touch with this one when it just blasts down a dark tunnel a screen away in half a second. The avoidance is really nice too. It's amazing how long I can keep hitting bosses without taking damage. My only issue is ground-based damage. With the low life total, it kinda just rips through my health if I'm not closely watching where I step. I'm only on white maps now, but I'm loving this build. Looking forward to playing more and more of it! |
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