[3.12] Radiating Carrion Golems. 90% resistances + 10-20 Mil DPS

I have a few very stupid questions as I've never played minions before, but I'll ask anyways:

1) Do you actually cast anything while mapping? Like, do I just get all my minions up in my hideout, pop into a map and just run around while minions just wreck havoc?

2) I'm having to recast all my minions on log in, is there a way for minions to persist between logins?

3) Is there anyway to "pull" minions to you or make them target something specific? I notice they kinda just go where ever, but if I'm slightly out of range and I can still see the mobs on my screen, the minions will not go and attack unless I physically get close.

4) How do I actually "raise spectre"? lol. I was under the impression I needed to Desecrate things, but I don't even see Desecreate gem in the gem section of guide.

5) Do I actually use the Stone Golem that I get from the weapon?
passiontrix написал:
I have a few very stupid questions as I've never played minions before, but I'll ask anyways:

1) Do you actually cast anything while mapping? Like, do I just get all my minions up in my hideout, pop into a map and just run around while minions just wreck havoc?

2) I'm having to recast all my minions on log in, is there a way for minions to persist between logins?

3) Is there anyway to "pull" minions to you or make them target something specific? I notice they kinda just go where ever, but if I'm slightly out of range and I can still see the mobs on my screen, the minions will not go and attack unless I physically get close.

4) How do I actually "raise spectre"? lol. I was under the impression I needed to Desecrate things, but I don't even see Desecreate gem in the gem section of guide.

5) Do I actually use the Stone Golem that I get from the weapon?

1. Mostly you'll just run around mindlessly pressing your potions keeping them up constantly. Depending on which curse you have slotted in, you can cast them whenever you feel it's needed.

2. There's no way to keep minions other than spectres when you log out.

3. Convocation is a blue gem where you pull all your minions to you. Personally for my character, I swapped out Clarity for Convocation making sure it's not linked to Blood Magic in my gloves.
Deathmarking an enemy is the only way to get minions who are "supported" by Deathmark Support Gem to focus them. You'll some DPS while mapping when you swap a gem slot for a Deathmark Support.

4. You don't necessarily need a Desecrate to summon your spectre's, you just have to go to the map where the specific monster type resides but having a Desecrate to swap in makes it easier as you don't have to go kill the mobs but just be in the map they reside in and summon their corpses.
You only need to do this once unless somehow your Spectre's die or you accidently swap out gems or take off your gear containing the Spectre's as they stay with you even when you log out as I said in (Q2).

5. No we don't use the Stone Golem
Последняя редакция: Nuboo#4493. Время: 29 июня 2020 г., 23:12:11
Hey! I got a few questions, but before i go through them, i want to tell you the build is amazing, mapping, and doing guardians/conqs (Litteraly facetanking them) feels so amazing!

But i have one boss in the game that i have trouble with, and that is Sirius, more specifically AWAKENER 8.

I am currently running a bossing service, and i wanted to play another build for this service, as i find cold snap/vortex getting too boring. So i chose to respec into this necro, and i spent quite a few ex's on it to make it as similiar as the PoB, and i hit big boi dps.

I have done a few services today for AWAKENER 8, and it is not because i dont know the mechnanics, but i keep dying in the last phase, and not only do i die, but my minions do aswell before i even do. (all of them. Most of the time though, 1 spectre and zombies - 1 incident where my carrions died). I was wondering if there was a way for me to make them a bit tankier? and also as the previous people stated, can i somehow put deathmark into the build without loosing dmg (regarding damage, could i also somehow get more? - i got a bunch more currency).

Anyways, like i said, the build works fantasticly for atlas stuff. But sirius is just a rip.

Current gear:

Just read previous answer to another question, and i am going to try to switch out clarity with convocation and see how that feels. I would still like an answer for my other question(s)
Последняя редакция: squirrel1683#3676. Время: 29 июня 2020 г., 22:54:27
squirrel1683 написал:
Hey! I got a few questions, but before i go through them, i want to tell you the build is amazing, mapping, and doing guardians/conqs (Litteraly facetanking them) feels so amazing!

But i have one boss in the game that i have trouble with, and that is Sirius, more specifically AWAKENER 8.

I am currently running a bossing service, and i wanted to play another build for this service, as i find cold snap/vortex getting too boring. So i chose to respec into this necro, and i spent quite a few ex's on it to make it as similiar as the PoB, and i hit big boi dps.

I have done a few services today for AWAKENER 8, and it is not because i dont know the mechnanics, but i keep dying in the last phase, and not only do i die, but my minions do aswell before i even do. (all of them. Most of the time though, 1 spectre and zombies - 1 incident where my carrions died). I was wondering if there was a way for me to make them a bit tankier? and also as the previous people stated, can i somehow put deathmark into the build without loosing dmg (regarding damage, could i also somehow get more? - i got a bunch more currency).

Anyways, like i said, the build works fantasticly for atlas stuff. But sirius is just a rip.

Current gear:

Just read previous answer to another question, and i am going to try to switch out clarity with convocation and see how that feels. I would still like an answer for my other question(s)

When I was talking about a DPS loss, It's just generally mapping DPS loss as you lose about ~25% more multiplier because you're not able to deathmark every mob but when you do deathmark a mob, you lose about 1-5% more damage multiplier depending on how leveled your Awakened Minion Support gem is.

It's up to you whether you want to swap it out.

But even without Deathmark, I can still do Awakener 8 Sirus with just a convocation, 0 minion and personal deaths.
Последняя редакция: Nuboo#4493. Время: 29 июня 2020 г., 23:10:57
Thanks for the explanation.

Another Q, how frequently, if ever, does your guys Spectres/Zombies/Golems die?
passiontrix написал:
Thanks for the explanation.

Another Q, how frequently, if ever, does your guys Spectres/Zombies/Golems die?

My Golems have only died on physical reflect maps, and I lose a spectre and zombie about once or twice over a day.
passiontrix написал:
Thanks for the explanation.

Another Q, how frequently, if ever, does your guys Spectres/Zombies/Golems die?

My minions do not die 99.9% of the time, the .1% being a really juiced up T16 at Awakening LVL 8 with a stupid boss and those are just my zombies which can be easily resummoned.

Here are some tips;

First at lvl 70, look towards getting cheap LVL 20 gems such as your Carrion Golem(To increase damage and HP of the golem) and Discipline(To increase you and your minions energy shield). This can also be done with your spectres and zombies if you're afraid of them dying.

You could also get lvl 20 purities but if you wait 2 levels and get lvl 21 Vaal versions of the three purities, you get them relatively cheap, about 5-10x cheaper than the non-vaal counterparts and ignore the vaal section of the skill.

If your a low level, you also don't have access to a lot of cluster jewels notables such as Replenishing Presence which gives you and your minions 1% life regeneration each, helping minion survivability even more.
My carrion golems have roughly about 10% life regeneration per second which is insane and keeps them alive.

I would also avoid using Primordial Might aswell, the aggresive behaviour of minions possibly puts them out of your aura range causing them to lose an insane amount of energy shield and resistances which will lead them to their deaths. Aggressive minions also can fall behind alot because they're allowed to stray far away potentially putting you in danger as well when you charge into a pack.

Finally, if you're still a decently low level, try not to be adventurous and do extremely high tier maps for your levels as generaly, your gems won't be leveled enough to handle that level of maps.
Последняя редакция: Nuboo#4493. Время: 30 июня 2020 г., 0:25:17
Nuboo написал:

Currently having a blast with this build able to clear all content safely.
What are your opinions on using a Presence of Chayula over a Jinxed Juju?
Roughly an extra 1000 total ES as well as stun immunity and chaos resistance
It allows me to swap my pantheon from the Brine King to Lunaris for additional physical damage reduction, movement speed and projectile avoidance.

On my character the change would be
+ 14.5% More ES
+ 35% chaos resistance
+ Stun Immunity
- 10% Less damage taken
- 1% all resistance
- 1% movement speed
- 8.8% Minion DPS
- 8 Strength and Dexterity

Against elemental damage the defenses are about the same but it does give a bit more EHP against physical and chaos. Losing the str and dex would be a problem for my character but its one that can be solved. Swapping 8.8% DPS for some chaos res and stun immunity is a sidegrade you could take if you wished

passiontrix написал:

1) Do you actually cast anything while mapping? Like, do I just get all my minions up in my hideout, pop into a map and just run around while minions just wreck havoc?

2) I'm having to recast all my minions on log in, is there a way for minions to persist between logins?

3) Is there anyway to "pull" minions to you or make them target something specific? I notice they kinda just go where ever, but if I'm slightly out of range and I can still see the mobs on my screen, the minions will not go and attack unless I physically get close.

4) How do I actually "raise spectre"? lol. I was under the impression I needed to Desecrate things, but I don't even see Desecreate gem in the gem section of guide.

1 - Cursing things directs minions. Other then that its flask and guard skill usage

2 - Resumming minions is a little annoying but only takes a minute. Remove multistrike to lower the carrion golem mana cost and turn off vitality for golems. Zombies have halved mana cost in helm so you can summon them as you map

3 - Primordial Might will make the golems aggressive but generally the mobs are where you want to be as they will drop loot or be towards the next pack so charging into things will trigger your minions to that location and be what you wanted to do anyway

4 - Desecrate is used to copy additional corpses of hard to find things. This build just visits the act 2 location with Carnage Chieftens and wanders around until you find 2 then raise them manually. They shouldn't die much so you shouldn't need to do it much

squirrel1683 написал:

But i have one boss in the game that i have trouble with, and that is Sirius, more specifically AWAKENER 8.

Most of the time though, 1 spectre and zombies - 1 incident where my carrions died). I was wondering if there was a way for me to make them a bit tankier?

Anyways, like i said, the build works fantasticly for atlas stuff. But sirius is just a rip.

So you've put the spectres in the helm not the zombies which is losing them 10% HP. Also you don't have 200% aura effect as you have 2 jewels that have less then the 6 nodes this build wants which is less max resistance and 4% more damage taken on you and your minions.

Hopefully we get the patch soon making cluster jewels easier to roll, getting that aura effect and maybe a second "renewal" large cluster would help. I have considered a few times spending 4 points to pick up Righteous army. Good damage per point along with minion life and life regen, plus extra life regen for the player

If you have budget to spare could look into buying a lvl 21 zombie/spectre gem for more minion life

I made a post and added a in the gem section of the guide that I have started using "Arena Master" spectres instead of host chieften ones. Their buff is different but another advantage is that they are basically immortal with massive HP pool

My last few A8 Sirus fights were 0 minion and player deaths
Nuboo написал:
passiontrix написал:
Thanks for the explanation.

Another Q, how frequently, if ever, does your guys Spectres/Zombies/Golems die?

My minions do not die 99.9% of the time, the .1% being a really juiced up T16 at Awakening LVL 8 with a stupid boss and those are just my zombies which can be easily resummoned.

I don't know specifically why my minions don't die but I can give some tips.

First at lvl 70, look towards getting cheap LVL 20 gems such as your Carrion Golem(To increase damage and HP of the golem) and Discipline(To increase you and your minions energy shield). This can also be done with your spectres and zombies if you're afraid of them dying.

You could get lvl 20 purities but if you wait 2 levels and get Vaal versions of the three purities, you get them relatively cheap, about 5-10x cheaper than the non-vaal counterparts.

You also don't have access to a lot of cluster jewels if your a low level such as Replenishing Presence which gives you and your minions 1% life regeneration each, helping minion survivability even more.
My carrion golems have roughly about 10% life regeneration per second which is insane and keeps them alive.

I would also avoid using Primordial Might in the future as a jewel, the aggressive minions can be nice making them reach further ahead of you because of the increased radius of the minions but this also causes your minions to fall behind when you run ahead because of the range. Minions far away could also potentially die.

Finally, if you're still a decently low level, try not to be adventurous and do extremely high tier maps for your levels as generaly, your gems won't be leveled enough to handle that level of maps.
This is great info, I'm just leveling my guy and buying gear at the moment. Missing Anima stone and good Clusters so far. I will grab cheap vaal 21's and 20 discipline as you mentioned.

How is this build for darkness delving? Can it stand in dark for a bit w/o needing to flare?
I cannot use purity of fire, my reserved life with all auras needs 109% and i cant affort it, i have THE same items or maybe better than the build says.....help

Edit: now works, thanks and nice guide
Последняя редакция: planellsisback#0164. Время: 30 июня 2020 г., 12:06:52

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