Retired build. Say hi to 3.15 boys

LoneWolf999 написал:
Sareth написал:
Kreezhem написал:
Thanks for your answer

I have a few exalts to spend. I currently have every pieces of gear that you listed in the guide. What would you recommend for a first upgrade ? A secondary weapon 6L Sire to get a cremation for boss damage?

For the clarity explanation, if I understand properly you try to have the biggest manapool possible but you use clarity to reserve some mana in order to get your VD mana cost < to your max mana pool after one cast.

yep, the problem is that indigon + archmage has some weird interactions. It doesn't calculate cost and scaled cost gradually but does it stepwise in intervals. (from what I see).

Clarity helps to manage that process better.

If you've got a few exalts to spend a 6-L sire is a pretty sizeable increase in DPS and should be the first thing you push for.

So sire:cremation/sire:ball lightning is better than pledge:VD/sire:cremation? Is ball lightning used for mob clearing?

Also is it possible to update the skill tree on PoB? i think there's a lot of difference with the current build

Thanks a lot!

BL is much better clear than volatile but needs a 6-L sire. VD only needs a 5L pledge which is cheaper.

Cremation is the best option for bossing with this setup.

if you're on a budget (i.e. 2ex) going VD with 5-L pledge is all you need, even till a8 sirius.

Good luck!

LegendaryOne написал:

Can we get POB update?
I noticed you changed from Necro to Inquisitor which makes sense for elemental aliment removal.

Did you try out Scars or Vigilant Strike for fortify?

If you want fortify, get a hardened scars annoint along with a enduring hybrid hallowed flask of warding.

It's a much better option for this build considering that we have pathfinder ascendency.

Here's the new POB.

This setup is probably 80 exalts or so but melts all difficult content.

Here's the video of the char doing 4 conquerors + Sirius.

Последняя редакция: Sareth#5930. Время: 27 июля 2020 г., 8:17:57
What setup do you use when farming with Ball Lightning? In particular do you swap anything other than the weapon? Helm for instance?
TheShadowFoxx написал:
What setup do you use when farming with Ball Lightning? In particular do you swap anything other than the weapon? Helm for instance?

Just have a 2nd sire of shards with a ball lightning setup for swap.

you don't need a helm swap, BL enchants don't give you that big of a boost.

LegendaryOne написал:
I've been plodding along without pledge or 6L Sire and so I grabbed one and hated being frozen in place while casting.
Just more casting speed or should I go back to ball lighting clear which felt better?

Spell echo helps alot with getting your volatile dead casts up.

But mostly positioning helps alot. Yes you're tanky, but stuns are annoying to deal with so try not to get hit while casting.

Hey dude, cool build!

Was wondering if you think this could work with storm brand being used to trigger Herald of Thunder and utilizing the storm secret rings? Would lose quite a bit of mana reserving HoT but think that the mechanics would totally negate the damage done by the storm secret rings. Let me know what you think.
sodycodester написал:
Hey dude, cool build!

Was wondering if you think this could work with storm brand being used to trigger Herald of Thunder and utilizing the storm secret rings? Would lose quite a bit of mana reserving HoT but think that the mechanics would totally negate the damage done by the storm secret rings. Let me know what you think.

What you're describing is an autobomber setup which is incompatible with an Archmage/Indigon setup.

They both increase damage through very different mechanics.

Autobombers use skill levels and mana reservation to ramp up damage on heralds.

Archmage Indigon builds do not reserve mana and health and use them to tradeoff for DPS/EHP boosts.

Because their dps/ehp mechanics counter each other, trying to combine both builds into one would either sacrifice the strength of one mechanic over another resulting in a mediocre performance utilizing both.


I was wondering why immortal call over arcane cloak?
DevelopersDevelopersDevelopers написал:
I was wondering why immortal call over arcane cloak?

One cast of cremation + archmage offers a single ramp up process that takes its cost to max mana.

This means any sort of additional mana spend will mess up the damage.

That's the reason why every other support skill used in this build utilizes a blood magic support.

Immortal Call is also used because its damage reduction reduces the self damage from RF and functions as a 60% uptime DR buff. With the new Guard passive Dynamo you want to be spamming it as much as possible to get mana back constantly.

Arcane cloak is only used in builds where Archmage is not utilized.

Skill + archmage gives the ability to one step ramp.

For builds that don't use archmage, arcane cloak is used as the means to ramp cost for damage. I.e. BL miner

Последняя редакция: Sareth#5930. Время: 1 авг. 2020 г., 19:12:22
Thanks for the build. I would like to ask which unique items you would replace with rare one for better performance since this is crafting league ?
IGN : SiconIsME (Domination League)

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