[3.14] Memoria's HoT Autobomber Assassin [Video Guide] [FAST, Deathless Sirus A8, All content]

im really new in poe... i love yours autobomber build.
im still leveling my character (67 atm)
but i just bought Glorious Vanity Timeless Jewel and it doesnt give me corrupted soul...
either under mind over mater or pain atuntment.
it changes into divine flash.

plz help :(
KondziioR написал:
im really new in poe... i love yours autobomber build.
im still leveling my character (67 atm)
but i just bought Glorious Vanity Timeless Jewel and it doesnt give me corrupted soul...
either under mind over mater or pain atuntment.
it changes into divine flash.

plz help :(

It has to be conquered by Doryiani, you can change that with Divine Orb
Ok, i found where was a problem with my Explode.

So apparently i run to low tier maps and hp of the mobs was to low.
I've trid to run couple of t8+ maps and it feels a lot better that t2-t5 :)
i love it!
now time to end act 9&10 and go maping :)
Последняя редакция: KondziioR#4378. Время: 7 июля 2020 г., 11:47:30
SaoDiSeng написал:
Memoria_Gaming написал:

With Storm's gift? I honestly can't see how the explosions aren't happening for you, I'll take another look when I get home unless someone else has an idea.

yes, as you can see from my profile, I do have 2 Storm's gift rings.

Storm's Gift gloves, not the rings.

Did you try higher tier like Anaroin? Seems to be working better.
Hi, how is your shock nova dealing enough damage to shock Sirus 8?
ign Exdunn
Memoria_Gaming написал:
SaoDiSeng написал:
Memoria_Gaming написал:

With Storm's gift? I honestly can't see how the explosions aren't happening for you, I'll take another look when I get home unless someone else has an idea.

yes, as you can see from my profile, I do have 2 Storm's gift rings.

Storm's Gift gloves, not the rings.

Did you try higher tier like Anaroin? Seems to be working better.

Yes, I did try the glove, and tried T16, still the same.

Exdunn написал:
Hi, how is your shock nova dealing enough damage to shock Sirus 8?

It was mainly to help shock on trash mobs while clearing with Inpulsa.
SaoDiSeng написал:
Yes, I did try the glove, and tried T16, still the same.

Another thing i spotted:

Explode will work correctly only if you ONE SHOT mob. So if you are doing pew pew pew and then mob dies your Explode dmg will be too low to kill whole pack.

Please remember that Explode is doing dmg of current mob hp (when he is dying)
yes, as you can see from my profile, I do have 2 Storm's gift rings.[/quote]

Storm's Gift gloves, not the rings.

Did you try higher tier like Anaroin? Seems to be working better.[/quote]

Yes, I did try the glove, and tried T16, still the same.


With Uber lab done and getting culling strike and more crit from Ambush and Assassinate you should notice a difference. I think you're basically killing the monsters too slow. Getting one low monster to explode doesn't do much, but if you get a chain reaction going they will all explode.

Getting your Storm Brand 6L will also assist, try to get Runebinder as well.

If that doesn't help I don't know what to do, it works for me and seems to be working for everyone else.

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