[3.15]Expedition PENANCE/ SPARK Aura Stack, 50M+ DPS, BEST BUILD IN GAME | 20-30 EX BUDGET VIDEO
" thats an interesting spreadsheet. im having a super tough time deciding between 25% effect + ES vs 3% extra effect per cluster. i did originally have the 3% extra effect per cluster but my total ES was just too low as a scion. i was only pushing 3.3k. switching some of them out gave me slightly less aura effect but it did let me achieve 4.2k es. which is still way lower than when i played the build before but better than just pura aura clusters |
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" ohhh. i see :). hm im kinda stuck now with my build lol. dont know how to progress further. is 2 heralds + purposeful harbinger worth it? or should i go aspect+anger/war banner? also not sure about purity of elements. the alt quality is pretty sick tho - also planning to get chaos res watchers eye while affected by purity of elements. i think that sounds not too bad. |
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" Looking at your PoB here are my 2 chaos: 1. You have the wrong Doryani's boots. Get the one with Purity of Lightning. That's the Sorcerer one. That would generate more ES and will fix your Lightning Res. 2. Your ascendancy is Inquisitor. Should be Guardian. That's more phys reduction, less dying. 3. Still ascendancy, you went to ranger node but didn't put any of the ranger ascendancy. But regardless, you should went for necro. That's more DPS. Thus less dying. 4. I'm not sure if you activate your normal RF. Technically you could do that 'cause you regen more than degen but for now, don't activate it. 5. You are using Torrent's Reclamation, don't forget to activate your summon after login. 6. Drop your life and mana flask and put it Rumi's Concoction for more armour as you're still not capped phys dmg reduction. Quartz flask for dodge. Cinderswallow w/ crit chance craft could come later when you have fire dmg to spells from anywhere for dmg. As I got Torrent's Reclamation late, I don't know how it feels with low level gem but that said, you can also remove Quicksilver with the summon from belt activated. Don't need quicksilver anymore. Just ensure you don't drop Staunching and Warding. 7. If you have extra point, get the "Charge on Kill" small passive on the tree. Near the scion start node. It's on the OP's PoB. You might just have missed it. It's for generating frenzy/power/endurance charge. 8. Get a level 21 Vaal Arc. 9. Put tempering catalyst on your amulet for more ES. 10. Level up your gems. Well that sucks 'cause you're dying on low tier maps. But with the above changes, you should be able to level your gems now. This is particularly important. You'd feel a big boost for every level of gem you get. 'Cause we're scaling the effect of these gems, more level equates to exponential gains. If you can get level 21 Discipline, then that would more ES upfront but you can still get away with just levelling what you have right now. Cheers! |
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" I'm not far into the build myself. Have a long way to go. I'm not one of those streamers that can generate currency fast (but would like to progress to that level). But still one upgrade at a time is good. As I level, I'm thinking if I can drop one of those mana reservation notable on medium cluster to fit in more aura effect or if I can reshuffle the gems to efficiently reserve what I currently have. In terms of upgrade, I'm looking for getting divergent determination now. But that's only worth, in my opinion, if you can drop the Guardian ascendancy and still phys dmg reduction capped. Otherwise, not worth it. Regarding your heralds / aspect+anger/warbanner question, haven't played with it yet myself. The OP's guide is not detailed so we have to figure things out. Lol. So I don't know the answer to that. And also, I always consider how it "feels" in-game and not just look at the numbers. At the end of the day, we are playing the game. I mention this 'cause regarding heralds, it would add a new "feel" to how it is in-game. If you add herald of thunder for example, that's a new feel. So yeah. But in terms of numbers, not sure yet. :) |
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" haha, ye u are right tho :) got that one today: that makes using purity and determination worth i think Последняя редакция: bahnschranke#6444. Время: 14 окт. 2020 г., 3:54:43
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I am following this build and struggling to decide between running Determination or 2 Heralds. If I remove Heralds my DPS suck big Time with bosses, but if I dont use determination i get Oneshot in heist Packs....I feel at a dead end...
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so i tried going inq instead of guardian today - according to the ingame tooltip im still at 90% phy reduction with alt quality determination
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" are you sure you reloaded the area? cos i'm no way near and our gear is pretty similar |
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" dman u are right. checked again am im only at 64%....rip inq dream xD |
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So, I see, Most of you dont use Heralds and choose Determination instead, or pick 1 herald and dont use Vitality, right?
Последняя редакция: ArisFuser#6403. Время: 14 окт. 2020 г., 12:59:53
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