[3.15]Expedition PENANCE/ SPARK Aura Stack, 50M+ DPS, BEST BUILD IN GAME | 20-30 EX BUDGET VIDEO

_TheQue_ написал:
Hey guys can you check my AuraStacker for any advices?
I can do delirium full delirium but somehow i feel still squishy :(
i dont have much time to play currently.

Go Scion
There are new gloves that give 800% Multi that are a good budget option if you choose to use 70% socketed spells. This is an interaction with Anomalous Zealotry benefitting from the Shaper mod.

Must be doing Something obviously wrong.
(No small jewels yet)

But barely any dmg/ES.

Any recommendations?
lv 5 empower :D
RehabAcTioN написал:
Must be doing Something obviously wrong.
(No small jewels yet)

But barely any dmg/ES.

Any recommendations?

All the medium clusters must be:

2 Purposefull Harbringer + First Among Equals or Replenish Presence
The rest First Among Equals + Replenish Presence.
You can swap First Among Equals or Replenish Presences if needed for reduce reservation Notables.

Also you can run a 3rd Herald only if needed to reach 400%.

From there the goal is to don't have reservation notables.

Don't run Anger, Herald of Ash. Run the purities on the Alpha Howl to reach 90%.
Последняя редакция: akaflux#6374. Время: 28 февр. 2021 г., 20:44:21
I'm at 19 auras, 90% ele res, CI, 5.4k ES, and POB says about 13m total DPS fully buffed. In deli 100% I'm definitely tanky enough but damage is lacking a bit and need more focus on clear speed. I'd like to dump a few hundred more ex into my stacker - any ideas Kobe?

First time playing an aura stacker, was hoping to ask a few questions and get some feedback. Sorry it's a bit lengthy.

I sunk something like 30-40ex in and I'm currently here. I was trying spark but it was a little rough given my level and meh gear, so I swapped to arc. I also dropped malev for a third herald since i wasn't doing spark.


Main todos:
Finish helm - i've got an 86 redeemer hubris w/ 15% grace reservation, though i'm a little worried if I lose the + levels on my alpha, i'll drop too much resist

Fix the large clusters - vengeful + dmg, ideally snowstorm, with whatever 3rd to split the jewel (i don't actually take the third right? this just makes it so i can get double notable + jewels in 5pts?)

Rerolling prefix on the neck to finish my budget version
Reroll suffixes on med clusters to get chaos res/life regen
Pick up better rmr/jewels with ES + dmg and a corrupted blood
Pick up awakened support gems

So with that in mind, i was wondering a few things:
When should i switch back to spark and if I do so, should I drop the third herald to get malev back?

What should I do with my skill points? I usually get to 95/96 pretty easily and that seems to be enough for a 4th large cluster + 1 med cluster or a med cluster and a few misc points in the tree (crit/multi/charges).

Are there any obvious priorities for upgrading next?

Any general feedback would be great as well, especially if i messed up anything obvious. I'd love to get this build to being able to comfortably maven.
KobeblackmambaTTV написал:
There are new gloves that give 800% Multi that are a good budget option if you choose to use 70% socketed spells. This is an interaction with Anomalous Zealotry benefitting from the Shaper mod.


This got totally removed from the game apparently.
Последняя редакция: neo1987#5582. Время: 1 марта 2021 г., 19:02:36
so ye can confirm the gloves just got bricked.
''Fixed a bug where the "Socketed Spells have +x% to Critical Strike Multiplier" modifier was incorrectly applying to the Anomalous Alternate Quality effect on Zealotry.'''

Gloves are fixed do not use anymore.

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