[3.14][Nerfed] Blade Blaster Assassin | 10m Sirus DPS | Zoom Zoom | Tanky | Deathless Sirus

can somebody explain me why I can't open pastebin in pob? I got every time error
10.Your shield should now have Defense/Max-Res/Two removable suffixes/crafted suffix.
11. Craft mana.
12. Use Harvest craft Augment caster.

10. 2 prefix + 3 suffix
11. 3 prefix + 3 suffix
12. how you can augment caster then ?
DreamOn322 написал:
Hi guys, it was my league starter. In my trash gear i manage to climb up to red tier maps, but t14 is so painful, i cant play further like that. Any tips what should i improve in my gear primarily? Thanx a lot and sorry for my english.

I'd say get more life if you can, annoint your amulet with either a life passive, or the minimum endurance charge passive. Get enduring cry, it helps with getting endurance charges and free heals. If you can I would link enduring cry, second wind support, and your movement skill. Also try to link Cast when taken damage with increased duration and immortal call.
zaboleqqq написал:
How you are sustaining your mana? I use Kikazaru and Clarity and this make me safe but without them, I'm not able to cast as often as I should.

We do not have any mana leech on gear and we do not have any way to leech mana so I'm using potion but it is not enough I think.

Are there any good anointments that we can get early on amulets to help us with mana/life leech?

Get eldritch battery as soon as you can and start building an ES pool, eventually when you have around 400 ES it's manageable and you can ditch your mana pot. As far as life leech, you can try to get a shaper/crusader ring that has +life gained on spell hit. That should suffice. Also try to link second wind with your movement skill & enduring cry. Enduring cry is pretty much another health pot that gives u endurance charges when shouting near enemies.
Hello. Builded 100c version from pob and really enjoying it now LOL. Some Glass Cannon :D. So what i wanna ask is what should I improve at first? Character Senuya in my profile, thank you.
Question, the glorius vanity jewel is currently 200c, so how do I get defences? Do I just then build for ele res in the meantime while saving for glorious vanity?

EDIT: NVM just realized its optional xD
Последняя редакция: Mustlord59#2322. Время: 21 янв. 2021 г., 16:57:48
Hey man great guide. Doing it rn. One question tho: What's the idea behind using shield charge?
Can someone help me out? My ES regen so slow. And when mobs hit me, it just regenerate so slow - i can't deal damage (cause all mana reserved). How ES regen in this build so fast? (in video).

Upd. Jesus, i just realized why. It's cause "Mind Over Matter" nod. lol
Последняя редакция: obaobab#5499. Время: 22 янв. 2021 г., 12:07:36
Does opportunistic help with bosses?
zaboleqqq написал:
How you are sustaining your mana? I use Kikazaru and Clarity and this make me safe but without them, I'm not able to cast as often as I should.

We do not have any mana leech on gear and we do not have any way to leech mana so I'm using potion but it is not enough I think.

Are there any good anointments that we can get early on amulets to help us with mana/life leech?

The FAQs have a section dedicated to mana.

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