[3.11] Cold BV PF Indigon ft. RF | All content done in HC! | Fast mapper, safe boss-killer

TsunaH написал:
I woke orb my chest with explo and frenzy on hit from redeemer.
Decided to go for frenzy on hit because its basically perma frenzy charges during mapping and bossing.

I guess your options for the woke orb are either mana recovery from redeemer if you want a defensive option and frenzy on hit for more dmg (until you can get a +2 min freny charges shield i suppose)

I want to make defensive craft because i think about dual wielding. But i'm not sure that mana recovery rate also boost life recovery.

Did somebody tests with agnostic keystone? Maybe Agnostic with mana recovery rate mode will be better than life recovery mod.
Последняя редакция: Zzz.boy#3256. Время: 26 сент. 2020 г., 12:45:22
Zzz.boy написал:
Thanks for reply.
Coil1 написал:

I wouldn't awaken either of those mods to be honest. I would do Mana Recovery Rate on redeemer chest because it's both mana+increases the life regen from mana flask indigon. Does way more than life recovery rate

Are you sure that mana recovery rate will boost life regen? because in author spoiler "A deeper dive into mana flask mechanics, life and mana sustain, and righteous fire" there is text:
Mana recovery rate then further scales this, BUT only the mana recovery part, not the life recovery, as it is a direct modifier to your mana recovery and not to your mana flask. This is still useful, because with Indigon the build is a lot more mana-starved than it is life-starved. Better mana sustain is better survivability, but also better damage if you choose to aggressively spend your mana.

To answer your 2nd question, yes, you can beast imprint and revert the chest back ONLY if it's still the same Crusader base after(as in, you click the Crusader chest second with the Awakener Orb and not 1st)

So when i'm not destroy my chest during awakener's craft, it's ok? (i'm not sure that it will be same base after it will have 2 influences)

If you imprint the crusader astral plate then you woke orb it with the other chest, the imprint WONT work on the new chest because it is not the same "base" anymore.(2 influences)

Im going for the Divine Flesh variant cuz i dont like to die so trying to get some gears with chaos res. Im highly tempted to get the BV alternate quality for the leech because in this patch Doryani's lesson is in a really shit spot on the cluster. I dont know considering the price of the BV alternate quality
Последняя редакция: TsunaH#3575. Время: 26 сент. 2020 г., 13:04:03
Jihax написал:
Im really interested in this build.

I have explody chest already and money enough for the helmet.

Whats bare minimum to get it running for red tier.

Those two are the bare minimum, and I guess essence worm and hrimsorrow but those are dirt-cheap.

* Which mod is better to use with awakener's orb ?

I'm a big fan of the phys conversion mods (chaos is best if you're divine flesh, cold otherwise is best) but that depends on how tanky you aim to be. Can you confirm that life recovery rate works with the indigon flask recovery? Logically I'd assume it would but I never tested it. If so, it does sound decent for sustaining RF if you don't have a lot of ele mitigation. With good ele mitigation, I prefer mana recovery, but it is a small value mod considering it's on a chest (compare with the mana recovery on a belt). Or frenzy charges on hit, cause that helps with bossing dps, saves you from blood raging so less degen, or saves you from having 2-3 other frenzy mods on your gear

What depth could you reach with your gear from 3.11?

I didn't go very far myself (600ish) before quitting the league but someone else went to about 830 before they died. I'm not sure if the 830 rip was long overdue or if it was unlucky, but considering that it was still a complete pushover at 600 I'd say further could have been done in hc, and 1000 could have been farmed in SC

Which pantheons are we using in this build? I couldnt find it on the guide, might've missed it.

Solaris as major, though you could also map with lunaris and just solaris for bosses. They both have good upgrades.

For minor, shakari is the best all-rounder with divine flesh, but ralakesh also helps with bleeds if you have no staunching, tukohama is good at face-tanking stuff like mino without moving, gruthkul is some overall tankiness, garukhan has some movespeed, and upgraded yugul is better than shakari for cold mitigation in specific encounters like uber elder
Последняя редакция: Niedzwiedz#2968. Время: 26 сент. 2020 г., 18:00:07
Did somebody tests with agnostic keystone? Maybe Agnostic with mana recovery rate mode will be better than life recovery mod.

Let's say you assume reasonable numbers like 3k mana pool and a mana pot that gives 1.5k mana per second, that's 600 life recovery per second from agnostic, and 225 life per second from the 15% life recovery mod, so agnostic wins by a lot. The life recovery mod does also scale normal % life regen as well as life leech per second, to be fair.

My issue with agnostic is the way it interacts with degens (like RF). Here's a reddit post from mark_ggg:

To clarify, The Agnostic handles lowering the drain when total life lost per second is lower than 20% of your mana. It does not and cannot account for any other sources of life recovery that are also countering some of that life loss, only not countering more itself than there is. I.E if you are losing life equal to 10% of max mana per second, then Agnostic will only drain 10% mana per second, not 20%, because that's enough that it counters all the life loss. This calculation can only account for The Agnostic, and is independant of other sources of life recovery.

From a mechanical perspective, the Agnostic cannot possibly know whether your total life recovery is outpacing total life loss per second, because the value of total life recovery cannot be known until after The Agnostic has calculated how much life recovery it's providing - it's a part of that value, so inhernetly has to be an earlier step - so the more direct answer to the question in the OP title is "because the Agnostic has to have worked out how much life to apply before total recovery can be used to determine whether you count as on full life or not".

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/cd1ys7/why_doesnt_the_agnostic_interact_with_dots_in_the/

This means that if your mana pot and indigon fully outregen the degen from RF, agnostic STILL degens your mana. It basically tries to heal you from the degen using mana whether or not your other sources of life recovery are already handling the degen.

I don't think agnostic is unplayable with the build by any means, but I just slightly prefer playing without it considering it also takes a skill point. The trade-off is faster healing (not insanely faster, mind you, cause this isn't an archmage build with 8k mana and we already have other substantial sources of life recovery) when you get chunked but worse mana sustain overall if you run RF.
Последняя редакция: Niedzwiedz#2968. Время: 26 сент. 2020 г., 18:04:44
Niedzwiedz написал:

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/cd1ys7/why_doesnt_the_agnostic_interact_with_dots_in_the/

This means that if your mana pot and indigon fully outregen the degen from RF, agnostic STILL degens your mana. It basically tries to heal you from the degen using mana whether or not your other sources of life recovery are already handling the degen.

Thank you for explained answer.
I tried to test is indigon regen from mana flask works with life recovery rate.
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so for test i used this mana flask

For disable life and mana regen made tests in map with no regen.

For test used chest with life recovery mod

My plan was make 1 hp by rf and before mana will fully recovered used the flask. Made many same test to be sure.

I made next numbers of how many hp were recovered by different conditions.

860 -- Without 12% life recovery rate
915 -- With
3972 -- Amount of life
397 -- 10% of life (for my verson of indigon)

463 -- Without 12% life recovery rate (without insta heal from indigon)
518 -- with (without insta heal from indigon)

So 518 - 463 = 55 difference of amount regened by mana flask (with and without chest with life recovery rate)

55/463*100 = 11.88% difference

So i suppose that life recovery mod is working with indigon recovery from mana flask in current patch.

Will be much better if somebody prove my test by make simillar steps.

P.s. not used belt during test with mana recovery rate from flask.
Последняя редакция: Zzz.boy#3256. Время: 26 сент. 2020 г., 18:23:11
Thanks a lot for confirming it! So it seems like a decent stat for the build
Anybody know how important full conversion is? I have the chest, indigon, weapons, flasks and cluster jewels. Will it be good if I swap from poison now? I'm so sick of poison but I don't want to brick my character if I should just farm the 4ex for the eye first.
BigDickle написал:
Anybody know how important full conversion is? I have the chest, indigon, weapons, flasks and cluster jewels. Will it be good if I swap from poison now? I'm so sick of poison but I don't want to brick my character if I should just farm the 4ex for the eye first.

With all that gear prepped, you can 100% switch. Full conversion is good DPS and you can run phys reflect, but it's not mandatory to the point where you'd brick your character if you didn't have a watcher's eye. Hrimsorrows get the job done too, for easy 90% conversion. They're bad defensively but it shouldn't matter too much in the short term.
So, I kinda um, seen someone on the forum and started copying their build not knowing it was an actual build here on the forums.

Currently level 53 and just blowing thru the acts with BV, any idea on what I should actually be doing to get on track? Because I just now found this thread and seen that it was an actual build I was copying.
is this able to farm simu 20wave?

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