[3.11] Cold BV PF Indigon ft. RF | All content done in HC! | Fast mapper, safe boss-killer

theblindsaint написал:
noslrak, I was looking to make a chest that is elevated phys taken as cold, and mana. If you also want to make it triple elevated that should be a worthy project for a while no? :)

Also, why both frostbite in scepter and also ring?

After watching my friend fail 6 Maven orb 50/50s I'm not keen on going for elevated mods.

If I were I would make a dedicated bossing chest w/ Hunter elevated phys taken as chaos and Redeemer elevated mana recovery rate. Elevated explosions really doesn't do much imo and the build really doesn't need help mapping, so might as well make bossing smoother.

Also I don't use frostbite at all? Just have ele weak triggered in scepter.
Opps, MB I was looking at Hama's gear. I dont want to elevate explode actually, but phys taken as cold since I have 78% cold res.
So, lads, in a welcome case of "sometimes lucky" the only Maven orb I had, managed to elevate the explody mod on a spare Crusader chest I had lying around.

What do I pair it with?

I'm currently using a standard non-elevated explode/frenzy charge on hit one, and it's perfectly fine, but I know the OP recommends a Redeemer Mana Recovery mod.

Not really looking to go full elevated turbo zoom, I slammed the Maven orb just to see what would happen, but now that it's here I figure why not use it, you know?
Последняя редакция: AllTheseCrundles#5331. Время: 4 февр. 2021 г., 14:23:47
godly build, selling my gear off now that i hit 36 challenges if anyone wants to buy it, happy to flex price for people actually peeking through the thread

Managed to craft these! Amazing for the build. Can still upgrade with a Maven orb too. Can also recraft the phys conversion easily, and the fire resistance can be harvest crafted easily/cheaply to a higher tier or another resistance as needed.
Последняя редакция: mrpetrov#7089. Время: 4 февр. 2021 г., 15:48:23
DiabloImmoral написал:
Keussef написал:

Tracehunter написал:
Finally completed crafting my sceptre ! Is it mirror worthy ? :o

I will be glad if you tell me how you do this ! And how much currency you use. :D

I'm making the same sceptre myself on an oscillating sceptre base. Right now Harvest crafts and beasts are cheap so that sceptre only costs about 50ex on average to craft from scratch. Once the league player numbers start dropping and Harvest crafts become less plentiful I would expect the cost to rise to about 100ex. Of course by that point in the league mirrors will be 600ex so it's too easy a craft to be a mirror item. Harvest is in the core game now so there won't be people in standard willing to pay mirror service for 50ex crafts like after Harvest league. Definitely a trophy though.

That's only if you must have the 7% double damage. Just to get the prefixes and Hatred effect you're not beholden to the Harvest crafting market so much. That should only be around 25ex but things are so cheap right now that it might run you a bit more than that in reality.

How do you deterministically get +1 to level of spell skill gems and the hatred aura effect?
IGN: GonsNomNom (Echoes of the Atlas)
1. Alt/buy +1 all skill gem base
2. Fill prefixes with removeable mods, clean suffixes
3. Cannot roll caster mods
4. Redeemer slam
5. Pray you hit the 1/6 for t1 hatred or 1/3 for t1/t2 hatred
6. Remove/add influenced mod if you didn't hit hatred effect
7. Harvest annul off prefixes except +1 all skill gems
8. Cannot roll attack mods
9. Aug phys x2 guarantees +1 phys gems and phys as extra cold, use remove/add phys for t1 phys as extra cold if desired
AllTheseCrundles написал:
So, lads, in a welcome case of "sometimes lucky" the only Maven orb I had, managed to elevate the explody mod on a spare Crusader chest I had lying around.

What do I pair it with?

I'm currently using a standard non-elevated explode/frenzy charge on hit one, and it's perfectly fine, but I know the OP recommends a Redeemer Mana Recovery mod.

Not really looking to go full elevated turbo zoom, I slammed the Maven orb just to see what would happen, but now that it's here I figure why not use it, you know?

Elevated Mana Recovery Rate is the best elevated mod for this build.
IGN: @Oos
So this might be a dumb question, but how well will this build function in yellows and low reds without an indigon. I have a 6L explode and can get the rest, but indigons are currently around 17ex in HC so I would need to save for a while before I can get one.
Hi guys.Yesterday i decided to reroll into bv pf.
So i buy Void Scepter Veritania base itmlvl 86 and was trying to roll Hatred with alts.

I'm playing via Nvidia Ge Force Now.I'm in Ukraine and here GFN's language is locked to russian,so sorry for that,but here is how it's in eng
from top to bottom
t3 extra cold
t1 hatred mod
t3 cold penetration
i achieve that with 53 alt 1 aug and 1 regal
if i calculate all right, here is chances from CraftOfExile

Am i got incredible luck or calculate all wrong?

Nvm, my question is that any way to improve that or it's garbage and i need to craft smth new?I'm kinda new to POE (second league).
Sorry for my bad eng.
Последняя редакция: softwarnet1995#7395. Время: 5 февр. 2021 г., 1:06:32

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