[3.11] Ngamahu's Cyclone Scion [Budget, Reflect Immune, All Content, Fast]
" Heads up: There is a TL:DR at the bottom if you just want the anwsers. You should use vivinsect for early on, until you can replace it with a -mana cost (Elreon) Master-Craft (Usually around 35 C) rare ring with overall better stats. the ring included into the pob is merely a placeholder, usually you want to cap resistances with rings and the last gem slot. However as i looked into the pob right now, since you are not the first one to point that out, they must have changed some resistance values somewhere; which i apparently missed, since in 3.11 you were capped with only the gear and one ring with ~25 all resistance(ergo easily achievable since the gems lot was still open.) TL:DR Replace Vivinsect (as mentioned in the gear section) with a rare - mana cost master-crafted ring. Alternative Gem slot still open, otherwise grab resistance nodes insead of proj. nodes at the scion starting point. Concerning Thread of hope: I Know it's a cool gem, but since we are running it on a scion with shapers and a Cyclopean Coil, we want to get as much stats as we can possibly get, making travel nodes less of an issue, and therefore eliminating thread of hope as a useable item. you could maybe make some stuff more efficient with thread and take some stat nodes or the +30 ones to balance that out, but generally no, we cant use thread efficiently. concerning map sustain: We are a speed clearing build; I ran into some small survivability issues when running on A8 RED maps, especially after they removed the stun immunity from cyclone. We generally deal enough damage to speedfarm maps, which was really good for Delirium where i first created the build. and if it only comes to maps amd farming them yeah we can do that. however: Would i take this build into UE or UA? Nope ! Can it kills bosses in .5 seconds like the ultra mega summonner necro of doom? Hell no, Our Boss DPS is good enough to confidently clear all conquerors (aside Hezmin the ******, but that is more of a personal thing) and to not worry about most BS. TL:DR Resitances: Replace Vivinsect with Elreon Craft Rare Rings to cap resistances if necessary otherwise there is a open jewel slot and you cna take the 14% nodes at the sion starting point. Thread: NO Maps: If only mapping and conquerors Yes, If UE UA A8 Sirus etc. i'd advise against it, and getting a char that is specifically focussing on STDPS Последняя редакция: Glaringsoul#2551. Время: 25 сент. 2020 г., 18:35:09
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Heyas, I really like the build and was wondering if adding immolate to the axe(not sure which to replace) and combustion to cyclone(instead of elemental focus) would be an increase?
I might not know enough, but the molten bursts would get 200-300 fire damage and the enemy fire resist would go down by 19% Also at that point you could switch which passives you get to Primeval Force to increase chance by 10% at a cost of 4% elemental damage. Also just noted the prior message talked about lack of stun immunity, the Unpredictable Offense notable inexchange for some crit will give 20% atk speed, 8% atk damage, 50% stun resist and 5% more dodge. Последняя редакция: Daeroth713#2758. Время: 25 сент. 2020 г., 18:41:52
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" So i Just Plotted it in POB and: 43k Damage from my variant 42k Damage for yours + the -Fire Resistance. (TOT: ~48K Per Burst) (33k Damage when enemy is NOT burning) Conclusion: For just the Molten Burst it would increase the DPS; BUT: We loose around 60k dps with Combustion instead of Concentrated Effect. (including the Ignite ticks) which means that as long as we have more than 12 "balls" hitting we are equal on the dps which we are in very few cicumstances doing, and really hurts our Single target Damage. (only time i could think off is when 2 enemies are directly next to each other and it has the same effect as with prolif effects) and we already got Primeval force? I am not sure what node you are talking about so i'm just gonna make assumptions what "chance" you are referring to. Critchance: yes if it is a flat 10% more dps if scaling about equal i think Chance to ignite: We mostly deal damage through phys converted attack damage and quite frankly give a damn about ignites (aside of the ones from herald of ash) so 10% is not gonna do much for us Последняя редакция: Glaringsoul#2551. Время: 25 сент. 2020 г., 19:00:52
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Sorry for not thanking you before. So, the marauder build i was following just went wrong and i really need a fire build, and this one is pretty much all uniques and it is Scion, so that's perfect for me. I have a lot of the required gear already but i would like to know if i can use this:
instead of the QotF. |
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" Qotf gives us multiple good stats, most notably -Resistances (which apparently are already only borderline capped since GGG changed some values without me noticing) -Life (admittedly loreweave also has life) -Evasion (our primary defense, as we wont really be able to effectively utilize armour or ES) -Movement Speed (less important, but still scales really really well, and helps you by being able to outrun any kind of danger) meanwhile loreweave gives us: - 2 kinda useless defense stats - A nice Damage bump (which sadly is kinda less effective since we utilize AOF) as well as crit chance which is huge, and Elemental Damage (also huge) and some life. So Generally i'd stick to qotf if possible. Do i think it can be included, yes but in that case (since we are already gone beyond the point of budget) i'd replace Shapers and get either proj (gripped), or melee (spiked) gloves balance out the resitance with that and go for phys-> fire conversion (on the gloves) to utilize the stats of loreweave better. The result will be a significantly slower moving, but more hard hitting build, that also requires a lot more investment. Other option would be to ditch the raider part, and frenzy charges as a whole and to go either a armor build (in that case Elementalist& Inquisitor as ascendancies) and get a bunch of rares (which again is mentioned nowhere as it completely annihilates the budget in most cases) Последняя редакция: Glaringsoul#2551. Время: 8 окт. 2020 г., 18:44:07
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Fug, i really wanted to use this one. I have a QotF but it's not 6link and the light resist is trash. Oh well, i can buy one later on. So, for leveling, i'm using split arrow atm and you said you used fire arrow till you could use the axe right? Do we get fire arrow after Merveil? Even though i have a lot of hours in this game, i'm terrible at knowing what to use early on a character. What other gem/skill combinations would you recommend while leveling?
thanks for the help and the build. EDIT: Well, burning arrow is right the start of the game and somehow i missed, wtf. lol Последняя редакция: phosTR#5224. Время: 8 окт. 2020 г., 22:05:26
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" yes Burning arrow seems about right. this is there to be able to pick up the ele damage nodes on the tree to not have to respec later. Alternatives also include to go with a melee fire skill and use a 2h axe until you get ngamahu's. Beginning: Molten Strike (can get that from act 1 directly at the beginning)[skill sucks though] Infernal Blow (a lot better and can be bought after killing merveil in a1) Middle: Consecrated Ground (really fun skill due to consecrated ground mechanic and can be bought from siosa in A3) and in A4 you can either directly transition into a fire damage cyclone by adding in fire damage gems, or keep it into the second equip slot for it to level and wait until you get the axe to get the build rolling. Or do what i did and just keep using burning arrow with added ele damage, fire pen and pierce to just steamroll through stuff since ranged skills are still op as hell, and there are a bunch of cheap and really good levelling bows like: Sliverbranch (lvl 1) Roth's Reach (lvl 18) Xoph's Inception (lvl 23) (really really good if you have a tabula since the bow is quite powerfull, and the "normal" unupgraded variant is quite cheap this league due to the overabundance of breachstones due to heist); and later transition to Ngamahu's once you reach the level requirements to get the core started. EDIT: Deadarc and Relentless fury (both 1h Axes) are the good contenders for Melee skills... Sadly most 2h axes are "lacking" and do not fit well with our build so a good 2h rare axe is better then any uniques until you get ngamahu's Последняя редакция: Glaringsoul#2551. Время: 9 окт. 2020 г., 9:58:53
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nvm. i changed the build and i've finally started using the axe and it's fun af
Последняя редакция: phosTR#5224. Время: 10 окт. 2020 г., 14:03:38
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What is a good enchant for the helmet? More Cyclone damage?
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" Yes |
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