Fyregrass' Comprehensive Storm Brand Assassin Guide - Currently Dead Build. Revisit in 2 weeks.

momocorpo написал:
nugramahesa написал:

you can use soul tether for extra eHP and use watcher's eye vitality life leech(it's cheap and really good option since the dps is alr crazy) and when u have enough money you can go for wrath+life leech (i prefer this over wrath+zealot since the dps alr nuts for bossing). at least that's what i do for survivability and i rarely dying since this build can kill mobs offscreen the mobs (exc if my potato pc freezing)

Thanks, yeah just realised that there is a vitality leech jewel, I'll have to sell my wrath pene to get this one + replica soul tether though, I'm poor now lol

you will built alot of currency with this build in no time man gl!
Vampz написал:
Final veridict, this build is amazing, one of the best builds i ve played.

Got from 90 to 95 in about 2 days with replica soul thether and vitality watcher eye carrying me, along with the insane dmg clear.

Got HH recently which makes mapping even safer and fast.

The bossing is out of this world, as like Sirus A9, did Maven A9 easily as phases are really short, almost no mechanics to deal with, her 3th phase, like sirus, is insanely fast. Died 2 times but thats on me because it was only my second time with her (first was a failed one on another caracter) and i need to learn to read her abilities better.

The brands really get op with 12 pc and the cluster setup, reaching close to 600% crit multi and incredible spreading/explody! Fantastic guide.

How does the switch on using glorious vanity jewel feel? Any thing noteworthy on dps/defense wise?

Hey. Loving the build so far. Invested some into the body, helmet and gloves. Nearly done once i have T1 Res and Life everywhere

Got a question tho. What should i focus on next? I am running assassins mark ring right now since a good rolled power charge one is just too expensive and i also like to boss.
Should i have another ring ready with conducitivity? Due to my high investment i am not sure if assassin is really worth it right now.

I am at ~400 crit multi. Next jewel upgrades would be 10ex+ per.

Also. Why are we using wave of conviction? When we are applying ele weak with the ring.

Also. What do you think about a Corrupted Soul jewel but with Revitalising Lightning for 35% lightning dmg + 0,2% leech or Ritual of Thunder for 35% lightning dmg and 4% pen. I can get any of those for 1 point extra with corrupted soul.
Последняя редакция: MsOtherName#0949. Время: 13 февр. 2021 г., 12:53:20
Hello, i want to reroll a character, and have 14 raw ex. Is it enough to clear content without any difficult (like sirus a8) ?
scorflex написал:
Hello, i want to reroll a character, and have 14 raw ex. Is it enough to clear content without any difficult (like sirus a8) ?

Definitely not and even if you have a expensive gear you still need to dodge because this build is more of a glass cannon. Needless to say, with that budget you can start farming easily as this builds map clear is insane.
_Katosjka написал:
scorflex написал:
Hello, i want to reroll a character, and have 14 raw ex. Is it enough to clear content without any difficult (like sirus a8) ?

Definitely not and even if you have a expensive gear you still need to dodge because this build is more of a glass cannon. Needless to say, with that budget you can start farming easily as this builds map clear is insane.

Thx for this honnest response. Sirus is kinda hard for me, because i always lost track of him in his final phase, ending in a painfull death for me haha !
So if i can burst him in his final phase, i'm ok with this ^^.
Curious as to what my next upgrade should be. I'm still missing a cluster wheel, so missing at least two more brand loyalty/ grand design jewels. In terms of items, what should I prioritize?

I have 20 raw ex atm. Thanks!

Последняя редакция: Lophie#7161. Время: 13 февр. 2021 г., 21:19:18
My first time going storm brand this league and I absolutely love it.

I didn't see this guide until now after rolling it my way but one thing I want to point out is that enduring mana flask makes the mana management and brand uptime immensely better. You noted that clarity would help but I look at that as wasted mana reservation over a flask spot. I don't even run a quicksilver flask since this build zooms so hard once it gets going.

I do really like the idea of running 3 large clusters and forgoing the 3rd notable, though I will look into testing this out on pob. I hear the cold conversion is pretty nice and might minmax to that later once I'm done with lightning!
Great guide!
Последняя редакция: PoEJonqt#4396. Время: 13 февр. 2021 г., 18:59:41
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Pretty fun. I play with a support sometimes and was wondering if it's better to swap to penance when running with one? I couldn't tell a difference though. I guess for bossing storm brand is better.

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