Fyregrass' Comprehensive Storm Brand Assassin Guide - Currently Dead Build. Revisit in 2 weeks.

wts my gear for storm brand ign: edbangerwand

Nevzat написал:
jcosovnikar написал:
I don't believe in survival at all in this build. In fact, my survival is based on a powerful offense, very powerful and with a lot of control.

I share my variation. I'll take it to at least lvl 95/97 :)

I LOVE Storm Brand!

Can you post a youtube video of how it plays? interested to see assassin using hypothermia set up. I suggested it to Fyre but i think he likes pure lighting :)

A little bit of Storm Brand :) and still a lot to improve :)

Well, i just kinda went from struggelign to running a t16 Maze map 80% delerious with 1 death (no HH) which i feel could have been avoided

It sure scales, i'll give you that.

A huge upgrade for me was + minimum frenzy charges on rings, that way you still have 2 frenzy charges even though i run Dominus / Inner Conviction
Последняя редакция: evolite#1905. Время: 26 апр. 2021 г., 14:17:49
Current POB: https://pastebin.com/XWRZF16U

can someone tell me why replacing my diamond flask with bottled faith is a DPS loss even with conc ground being check off in config? I have to be missing something? I know BF is super good but I don't wanna spend the money on it if it somehow isn't.

Also thoughts on getting disorienting display and dropping flesh and stone for zealotry?
Последняя редакция: Laere#2957. Время: 26 апр. 2021 г., 16:16:44
Laere написал:
Current POB: https://pastebin.com/XWRZF16U

can someone tell me why replacing my diamond flask with bottled faith is a DPS loss even with conc ground being check off in config? I have to be missing something? I know BF is super good but I don't wanna spend the money on it if it somehow isn't.

Also thoughts on getting disorienting display and dropping flesh and stone for zealotry?

I did post screenshots yesterday with the dps difference using your profie. Even using the PoB you linked, changing only your diamond flask out for Bottled Faith and checking off the "enemy on consecrated ground":

Diamond Flask

Bottled Faith

Your DPS goes from 4.5m to 5.2m. You really don't have to worry about whether a Bottled Faith is less damage or not. You can tell from just looking at what each flask provides:

Diamond Flask gives you around 20% effective crit chance (puts you at 93% overall). Bottled Faith, even with a 1.5% base crit roll gives you 25% additional crit (puts you at 98% overall). And that doesn't even factor in the addition 7-10% increased damage the enemy takes on consecrated ground. It will be a straight up upgrade 99.9% of the time over a diamond flask.

As for Disorienting Display, it's not as good as it sounds for brands. You only get 10% chance to blind when you actually cast the skill. It's not per hit. We don't cast Storm Brand often enough to reliably have a 100% uptime. You could still swap into Zealotry for more dps, but the build doesn't really have an issue with damage imo.
Thanks man!
Hey man!! Ty for the work invested on this build! So rich of details!
Nevzat написал:
I replaced the 3 grand spectrums with Crit chance/Crit multiplier and life %... DPS seems comparable and 7% life per node really adds up. Is there a reason they are in the build and the jewels cost like 10 chaos each... gives us massive survivability so i'm a little confused at the pure glass cannon POB warrior approach. Should definitely tailor build to be a bit more tanky imho for pure QOL reasons alone.

Like agnerod staff should be replaced asap imho, void batteries are fairly cheap at 1.5 ex each compared to a single cluster jewel costing that, and it frees up passive slots (staff ones) that we can use for HP for example. They are such a huge upgrade they should not (imho) be bought once we have 20 ex of gear

Why is a relatively cheap item way below replica soul tether for example that costs like 4 exalts? That is a LOOOONG time to grind as a glass cannon mom before you can finally respec out, and then the cost to respec into the cluster version is insane.

Soul tether gives ok survivability compared to having 3k hp sure... but it wasn't a night and day difference compared to the void batteries. Going for a mom approach imho just doesnt work for this build especially when no mitigation is involved, we only use two auras, a lack of hp nodes in the tree, a lack of hp in our amulet slot, weapons, rings etc... we are gimped for far too long.

Upgrade order imho should be:

One holy conquest jewel
Armor jewel
Void Batteries
Cluster jewels and Life/Crit Jewels
Replica soul tether

and i'd skip the Mom phase if i played this again, and would just put points into hp/surviability, slightly slower clear is well worth the tradeoff of not having 3k hp for a week of league launch imho.

I'm finally at a point where i am tackling T16 content, but my god, the struggle to get here was insane.

Again, i'd recommend for Fyre to test a version out with call of brotherhoods, es leech and hypothermia in the 6 link set up. Clusters can stay as they are, maybe snowstorm added in etc and see how you find it at least early/mid game. Can even use +1 int gems amulet, +3 wand and shield also for some nice DPS boosts and they are dirt cheap to buy.

I’ll address this one by one. First up, the initial two PoBs are provided purely for league start purposes. It is simply impossible to skip the MoM PoB at day 1/2 of the league and I made clear that people should skip if it they’re playing the build later on in the league with more money, it’s not at all a PoB warrior approach, in fact the complete and total opposite, we run 5k eHP in that set up which is very tanky for a build that is able to do T16 reds on day 2 of the league as a spell caster. It’s tankier than virtually every BB/BF set up, every other storm brand iteration, etc.

The Grand Spectrums are there also because they’re very cheap on day 2 of the league but the crit multi/life jewels often hit the market at 1ex. When I posted the build in 3.13 it did not include league starter PoBs and no grand spectrums, etc. Most of the feedback I got was to include league start PoBs.

Moving on, I respectfully disagree with the upgrade approach, Inpulsa HAS to come before Agnerod because it is useful to lightningslinger but Agnerod is not. The remaining upgrade order is more or less what I already recommend.

As for CotB, this is PoB warrior stuff. You can watch Grimro’s two hours spent playing this build before he got mega tilted and quit Storm brand. If you want to play a glass cannon then CotB is absolutely fine, on stream the other night I showed off the cold conversion storm brand character I made last league with a 2 mirror investment, at its peak it was doing 16m Sirus DPS. So I would like to believe I’m perfectly qualified to talk about this build.

My version of the build runs enough eHP and mitigation to tank a Sirus beam under perfect conditions while still in our mapping gear (HH, Inpulsa, Asenaths), yet still every day people come to me and ask how to become tankier. At the end of the day, veterans who want to play as glass cannons doing cold conversion are free to do so and won’t have any need for my build. 33% of all Storm brand users atm are doing this. The people who need my guide are the people who aren’t good enough to do juiced red maps at sub 4K eHP, my guide is designed to present a well rounded character that can do all content comfortably with adequate offence and defence. 90% of the messages I get are from new players wanting guidance, it would be very bad for those players if I recommended cold conversion. Just to be clear, I’m not saying COTB is objectively bad, just that it has no business being included in this guide. If it’s something you want to pursue and something you find fun, I encourage you to pursue it, but 100% of new players want a well rounded character and even two thirds of veterans want it. I have two comments at the top of this thread and that means I am limited to 100k characters, I’m close to that limit which is why everytime I revise the guide I remove as much information as possible that isn’t entirely relevant to the current patch/meta. If I had 200k characters I would probably have included a cold conversion section, but given that I have to make a choice here, this is the no brainer. Still, I appreciate the feedback and I hope my answers provide some clarity as to the decisions I made. When I first made this guide I was just a juicer and I had no idea what kind of audience this guide would attract but 3 months later I have a better idea of who this guide is made for and I had to make the conscious decision to tailor it towards the people who want well rounded characters over veterans who don’t even need my guide in the first place.

If you’re curious, look up OccultistBrand in my profile. That’s my 2 mirror investment cold conversion character from last league, triple watchers eye, +2 wands, 4 mod amulet, corrupted CotBs with aura effect, etc. I don’t want people thinking I’ve never tried it, I have plenty of experience with it, it’s just way too rippy for my liking and seeing Grim and PoM play it this league and especially vs Ultimatum’s has reinforced the idea that I don’t think it’s that good in the current meta, if you feel differently though go for it!

P.S. your comment has spurred me to decide I’m at least going to acknowledge CC’s existence and provide an explanation of why I don’t recommend it for most people with the inclusion of my 2 mirror character. I’ll probably make the edit later today. I really do appreciate the feedback as much as I disagree with the idea of recommending it
Последняя редакция: Fyregrass#7297. Время: 26 апр. 2021 г., 20:14:21
Anyone have an updated POB on this build. I keep getting an error
what should I go for to improve my dps?


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