[3.14] Pathfinder/Berserker Scion CoC Reap 42 Million Sirus DPS
Updated pastebin now that i can see the mana recovery.
4.6k mana cost with 17,771 mana recovery over 6.59 seconds. That maybe able to sustain mana cost but i'm not sure. ![]() Here's the pastebin. 50Million Version. https://pastebin.com/T76rd821 Here's a cheaper pastebin. Using Terminus Est. 23Million Version. https://pastebin.com/DXBCbiKm Последняя редакция: ubergeek1221#1285. Время: 18 апр. 2021 г., 14:57:49
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This will be my last post on this forum thread, but this POB is in a dire need of fixing. I would not recommend anyone follow this POB in its current state. Here are the following problems that I see:
1. You can directly calculate your mana/s by dividing the amount by the duration. You are sitting at 2700 mana/s, meaning you are at 10,800 mana/4s. This is not enough to hit the 16000/4s mark that you put in your pob. 2. Even though you're dodging the indigon nerf with berserk, your rage generation is so slow via berserker ascendancy, the berserk buff is only going to last maybe 2-3s tops after taking 15s to charge to 50 rage total. This makes it hard to burst bosses, and you also lose this rage between phases. 3. You need to use double notable cluster jewels, just look at anyone from last league doing indigon BV with 40-50m+ dps and you can see exactly what sort of setup they use. The cluster jewel base in this pob is not ideal, should be using flask dur instead for bossing. 4. You should be capping crit somewhere else other than those sword crit nodes. They're super inefficient and you could be speccing elsewhere. 5. This gear is incredibly unrealistic for a post-nerf harvest in league. On standard I think this is passable, but not for in-league (depends on how you advertise it). 6. You can't cast your brand setup after 7000 mana spent recently, since your mana pool is too low. Anyways, good luck on building this character. Hopefully it turns out well, as results speak louder than any POB. |
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![]() I fixed the mana issue. It's dps is now 42 Million. But that's with gg gear. Only minor change to cluster is there is a 2 mod medium cluster for additonal flask recovery. Otherwise the clusters are fine i dont think you can do better then what i have in there for Reap. *Updated Pastebins Here's the pastebin. 42Million Version. https://pastebin.com/xsyMPHcD Here's a cheaper pastebin. Using Terminus Est. 19Million Version. https://pastebin.com/3dbwdkYY Последняя редакция: ubergeek1221#1285. Время: 19 апр. 2021 г., 13:06:54
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I recognize that the OP PoB has some unresolved issues, but I really like the idea of a CoC Reap build so I've been using the OP as a jumping-off point. I'm still in acts, but adding Haemophilia to the mix has produced favorable results. I've also set Cyclone and Lifetap together to create the life drain needed for the Corrupting Blood buff to stay up. I doubt that I'll mess around with Indigon at all - that sounds like end-of-Atlas malarkey I'll never even see.
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Turning the flasks off and other unrealistic shit makes you lose 90% of your DPS, funny as fuck.
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So, here's my take on the build thus far: https://pastebin.com/SEznDDAa
This is the first time I've tried to use PoB to make a build, so I'm sure I've screwed up a few spots. It's also a proper pain to scale up physical DoT damage. I've tried using Tempest Shield - Power Charge on Crit with Glancing Blows for power charge generation, and I'm using Blood Rage for frenzy generation. If y'all have any specific build advice that doesn't involve Indigon spam, I'd greatly appreciate it. |
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The reason to use Indigon is to scale the spell damage on Reap, i'm working on a version that just scales cyclone mana without spaming Brands. But it be alot less dps. The brand spam version might not work, since i have a Max Mana of 2.1k and i need 4.8k mana to cast the brand, what i was going to test was if you pop a mana flask first you Might* be able to cast that brand. That's what I'd like to know but idk unless test it. Otherwise, the cyclone version would be the way do to do it without spaming brands that i may not be able to cast.
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