[3.15] AndreshKi's Blood Queen - Exsanguinate/Corrupting Fever/Petrified Blood/Absolution [SSF+HC]

AndreshKi написал:
eZstah написал:
Great guide man, playing thro it since your first version of it, what body armor is good for lategame? Maybe some unique?

how about this one?

I was actually planning on doing some testing with this and MoM, if the chaos damage is taken entirely from the energy shield protecting the mana instead of life, that could be huge, but i'm a bit poor atm to do the testing. :P

If anyone wants to test it out please do feel free, would be very appreciated.

Just tested, Sadly it doesn't work. But anyways this body armor gives about 3 energies shield which is huge against one shots.
Последняя редакция: eZstah#1989. Время: 24 апр. 2021 г., 4:05:37
eZstah написал:
Cyan101 написал:
I'm at 790k + Unleash / 6885 HP + 600ES / Attack n Spell Dodge 21% / Block 70% and Spell block 55%.
Cold iron point gives me another 140k but at the cost of auto-cast on my bone offering and desecrate so don't think thats a worthy trade, my levels will mostly be going into the life stuff now.

PoB - https://pastebin.com/6u86pkwn

If anyone has suggestions for what might help next, please do tell. I have a one cluster set test in the PoB that gives 134k DPS at the cost of 20% Chaos res, some dex and 230hp. It seems like its not worth it when the price of the cluster setup would be in the 5ex range for one and double that for 2.

Never thought about Unlesh. Just tried it and god it feels so much better.

Its much better, can very easily dodge stuff and keep DOT stacks up

Turbopuschel1 написал:
Any Cluster Jewels that would work great for this Build ?

Check my PoB, has a cluster test tree, you want blood artist by far and brush with death is good too. Large cluster you want the one I have in the pob cant remember the names
Australian Summoner-Main
Последняя редакция: Cyan101#3077. Время: 24 апр. 2021 г., 4:26:22
Looking for something cheap which can facetank A8 Sirus's Die Beam would this work?
what is best the op build or Cyan101
i am bit confused
JuhlDk написал:
what is best the op build or Cyan101
i am bit confused

AndreshKis looks like it has a lot more DPS and stuff, mines a bit tankier. But at the same time i'm also lost at where next to go with this build, sitting here with 10ex and no real ideas of what to buy that isnt like 5ex for a crappy 10% boost
Australian Summoner-Main
Transcendent Mind is a great extra damage jewel.
Not to sound negative but seems like exsanguinate starts to quickly fall off usually around red maps from my gameplay and reading online. If anybody has personal input of/or videos of t16/bosses it would be nice. Looking around poe.ninja and it doesn't look too promising.

Still hanging onto playing with it for a bit because I just started two days ago and will post a video or feelings if others still struggle. But don't judge my current character, only spent 50c (Tabula, Iron Point, Rumis) & been doing the chaos recipe so my gear is a mess. I still got to T12s but starting to feel a bit squishy with 6.8k hp probably because things stay alive for too long in ultimatums or conquerors.
HootPocket написал:
Not to sound negative but seems like exsanguinate starts to quickly fall off usually around red maps from my gameplay and reading online. If anybody has personal input of/or videos of t16/bosses it would be nice. Looking around poe.ninja and it doesn't look too promising.

Still hanging onto playing with it for a bit because I just started two days ago and will post a video or feelings if others still struggle. But don't judge my current character, only spent 50c (Tabula, Iron Point, Rumis) & been doing the chaos recipe so my gear is a mess. I still got to T12s but starting to feel a bit squishy with 6.8k hp probably because things stay alive for too long in ultimatums or conquerors.

Yup, I came to the same conclusion. Exsanguinate is a leveling skill only. If you're wanting to do endgame content with DoT, stick with Essence Drain, since it scales better.
Hey I’m following your build should I get more life and energy shield to sustain corrupting fever?
My other problem is how did you split your passive tree in two different directions that all the help I need on this :)
tormencia05 написал:
Hey I’m following your build should I get more life and energy shield to sustain corrupting fever?
My other problem is how did you split your passive tree in two different directions that all the help I need on this :)

Ascendant allows you to path any tree you choose, but you can only do one.

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