[3.15] AndreshKi's Blood Queen - Exsanguinate/Corrupting Fever/Petrified Blood/Absolution [SSF+HC]

kompegor1 написал:
Not sure if it was mentioned before in comments, but you would be a lot tankier when you change any of your chest to Saint's Hauberk as it can be found only in Path of Building his item section

I picked up a Craicean's Carapace, swapped Immortal Call for (Vaal) Molten Shell, and added in Enduring Cry and basically laughed at the Trialmaster in a t16 first time fighting him.
I picked up a Craicean's Carapace, swapped Immortal Call for (Vaal) Molten Shell, and added in Enduring Cry and basically laughed at the Trialmaster in a t16 first time fighting him.

Wow, helpful information, thanks. I will try it because on t11 I've started to have difficulties
Testing out your build now.. really enjoying it so far. Excellent work on the guide, top notch!!! Two thumbs way up :D
Anyone played/playing this on ssf? how was your progression?
Can some one check my scion and tell me why i’m dying non stop each red map? Almost lost belief...( Thank you very much guys.
BrightButHeavy написал:
Can some one check my scion and tell me why i’m dying non stop each red map? Almost lost belief...( Thank you very much guys.

I'm in the same boat man. I'm running a single Coldpoint with the helm in SSF and can't break past T8 maps without getting randomly oneshot.

I would appreciate some pointers because at the moment, the build feels like a glass cannon.

One tip for others trying this build though, turn off Petrified blood in Lab or the traps will absolutely destroy you.

I'm not holding out much hope for this build because after taking a look at his/her profile, the OP appears to have given up at level 90.
Последняя редакция: Sighted#2345. Время: 27 мая 2021 г., 7:49:10
xaviawoofles написал:
Anyone played/playing this on ssf? how was your progression?

Hi. In am playing a different exsanguinate build in SSF. Currently lvl 95 and no problems farming T16 and guardians.
SSF ist pain to get clusters etc, but i like it that way.
If you are interested in progression, go to Poe ninja and then builds. Filter for Items and players you want. You can look what they had for gear in the first days and weeks by switching the time Machine in the right upper corner. This is how i got my tips for my char.

Good loot to you
pls cut the shitty Sirusboss out of the game
Последняя редакция: Anabasis37#7107. Время: 28 мая 2021 г., 0:10:35
Sighted написал:
I'm not holding out much hope for this build because after taking a look at his/her profile, the OP appears to have given up at level 90.

Exsanguinate scion is the one of the most popular hardcore ultimatum builds right now and there's a couple dozen in the high 90s on poe.ninja. I haven't dug into them individually, but the passive tree heatmaps line up with the POB for this build. It seems like it must be viable somehow, but I've never played hardcore into the endgame, so it's possible they are all just spamming less dangerous maps.
Последняя редакция: GERWARIC#7694. Время: 28 мая 2021 г., 2:21:08
Spent around 20 ex (all i had) and it's cool and fine - BUT UNPREDICYTABLE DYING all the time. Awesome game play, especially cyclone version - just candy - but death death death. Even to get 91 lvl was a challenge. Simply dont know how to develop this. Think i'm missim something but dont know what. Thx a lot guys! Almost all of your chars was inspiration for me and word in development my girl.

I love that build.
I want to know if it's better for me to exchange MOM for A doryani's glorious vanity :
30% mitig life to mana (and with eldritch to energie shield) or 50 % mitig life to energie shield (with jewel).

If the jewel is better, i gain passive point...
What do u think about ?
Последняя редакция: lemaitrejo#9141. Время: 28 мая 2021 г., 11:57:13

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