Assuming keeping my life like this will work regarding overleech.
How do you manage to fit pride / malev in as well? I assume I might need to spec into Reduced reservation on the tree?

Последняя редакция: Werdy#2881. Время: 25 июля 2021 г., 14:04:09
СообщениеWerdy#288125 июля 2021 г., 14:03:31
Werdy написал:
Assuming keeping my life like this will work regarding overleech.
How do you manage to fit pride / malev in as well? I assume I might need to spec into Reduced reservation on the tree?
Yes like that.
It's Pride OR Malev. Can't really do both.
СообщениеGryphenprey#065325 июля 2021 г., 14:19:28
For sure - I can't even fit either one at the moment.
Maybe I need to run a lower level vitality.
СообщениеWerdy#288125 июля 2021 г., 14:21:55
You need to reserve more life. Also gems need some tweeking, vitality level one lower level flame dash etc.
Последняя редакция: Bogdanovici1#3432. Время: 26 июля 2021 г., 11:13:18
If I reserve anymore I will be reserving over the 49% threshold. Unless I am missing something.
Build feels ok so far. Pretty ZDPS on Sirus 4 though :P.
СообщениеWerdy#288126 июля 2021 г., 17:04:38
Werdy написал:
If I reserve anymore I will be reserving over the 49% threshold. Unless I am missing something.
Build feels ok so far. Pretty ZDPS on Sirus 4 though :P.
The build was pretty zDPS before without really investing into it....and it got nerfed more. Hahaha. Still a solid starter to farm maps and get some moneys though.
49% life reserve is perfect, don't change a thing.
СообщениеGryphenprey#065326 июля 2021 г., 17:19:35
For sure! I absolutely wreck maps - conqs and sirus are a bit much atm till more investment though.
СообщениеWerdy#288126 июля 2021 г., 17:37:19
With Malev, War Banner, lvl 1 Vitality and PB, I'm left with 34 unreserved mana. Am I doing something wrong or should I just get more mana on my gear?
Сообщениеmatesasd#226428 июля 2021 г., 10:02:27
matesasd написал:
With Malev, War Banner, lvl 1 Vitality and PB, I'm left with 34 unreserved mana. Am I doing something wrong or should I just get more mana on my gear?
That should be fine. Exsanguinate uses life as a cost, not mana. If you need more mana for other skills try taking Righteous Decree for 2 points for a big mana boost and 9% mana cost reduction.
СообщениеGryphenprey#065328 июля 2021 г., 12:58:49
warning: herald + 20 arrogance is 50% so you will need a life reservation mastery (e.g.) or 21 arrogance. conq efficincy jewel does nothing
Последняя редакция: FlyingThundah#3139. Время: 30 окт. 2021 г., 9:48:19