[3.14] In-Depth 216m Sirus DPS Scion CoC Build Guide (w/ GIFs, Leveling Guide)
Great build, a bit expensive but really a weapon of mass destruction.
Just got my CoC lvl5 leveling finished. Anyway, can someone give me a hint, where I can still improve by a good margin? What I know I still need to do is - improve attack speed by blood rage a bit to get to the optimum trigger rate - level my awakened hex touch to 5 But what to do after that? I'm guessing I could try to improve my crit chance a bit more? Also: I still cannot use the regular RF because it drains me too fast |
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" 1) We are using Anomalous Inspiration to get a thick crit chance bonus. And we actually gain back Inspiration charges every a second or two because it uses mana again. So we always gain/spend Inspiration charges back and forth. Not a big loss to not have permanent uptime because we get excellent Crit chance from there. Also for bosses, you have no chance to spend so much mana before it can react, so you won't lose huge mana. So those charges will be making you even more op. Even if you lose them, you will gain back in no time and Crit bonus is huge there. We can't tolerate it with another support. 2) Diamond flask brute forces the hit to roll twice, which is the meaning of Lucky. So it's absolutely mandatory. We easily chill/freeze surrounding enemies with our secondary skill on Cospri's such as Ice Spear or Freezing Pulse and Cospri crit chance works here. You shouldn't be struggling while mapping if you're using Diamond flask, that gloves don't do that much when it comes to crit. |
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Thanks for the build, looks like you definitely put a lot of work into it. I am having a little trouble with survivability at the moment, I do have a couple of jewels to purchase and swap out because I needed the intelligence for swords. Do you think you can take a look and see maybe what's causing me to get exploded? I don't get stunned ever because of boots enchant. Thank you.
https://pastebin.com/i27Xzt3T |
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" I can't really help without PoB but I looked at your tree from profile. -> You don't have Prodigal Perfection. It's absolutely mandatory. -> Get rid of Heart of Oak, waste of points. I don't know your maximum mana but according to your gear it seems like not really that much. Also you don't have Curse Immunity on your Mana flask, Freeze immunity is useless there. You're ailment immune while on Conc. Ground, you have Bottled Faith, you're Pathfinder. Get Curse Immunity there. Regular RF is just an overkill, I generally forget using it while mapping. Just activating it on endgame Invitations, Sirus last phase etc. If you can't use, reason would be your maximum mana and mana regen. Also realized that you are using Frostbite instead of Ele. Weakness. Ele. Weakness is better, I tested all the curse stuff on PoB before doing the guide. |
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I've been playing this build too (started off with nova/frostbolt, then transitioned when I had about 300ex saved up). Some small things I've personally found about the build 1) I actually prefer to have a creeping frost/freezing pulse setup for mapping over the 2nd ice spear. Seeing as you've played the build quite abit, do you feel like the 2nd ice spear is necessary? Could be good to have a side portion dividing the two setups, especially since some people might unknowingly use GMP despite it being a DPS Loss for bossing (but I like it alot for mapping with freezing pulse, just need chill). This is mostly for people who eventually get +1 projectile on multiple pieces of gear. 2) How do you feel about double +1 level rare amulets? Obviously not budget friendly and a little less defensive... But if you get a good life roll I think its quite competitive with Pandemonius 3) For Boots, I think with budget you might also be able to do something like onslaught support in weapon (if you don't need the 2nd inspiration for crit there), and redeemer boots to get (elevated) Elusive/CDR/Onslaught boots instead of Tailwind although I definitely think the latter is by far the more currency efficient way to hit 10.1 APS. Just a side thought, curious how you feel about this! 4) I also just wanted to mention that for high budget people transitioning into the build from something else, too much attack speed IS a problem for the build... For a long time, I had to invest in the 3% attack speed node that was in Unnatural Instinct's range to lower my APS below 10.1. Had to sell my 14% atk spd Cospri AND get rid of my elevated tailwind in order to hit threshold. DO NOT GET ELEVATED TAILWIND unless you are SURE you can find the right cospri to match it! (very low attack speed, 8-10% usually for BOTH) 5) Would be nice to put somewhere in the Cospri section to not buy Resolute Technique corruptions. I've had so many new players who search me up on poeninja ask me about their build; I open up the POB; double Cospris with Resolute Technique and +1 Projectile :') Well those are just some random thoughts and opinions I thought I'd get from you, the guide is incredibly well thought-out, well written and answers every single question a new player would have coming into the build. There are alot of pitfalls building this and gaining DPS with it so kudos to you! I am done this league optimizing my gear, just finished my gloves today C: But I would love to get your thoughts. POB: https://pastebin.com/fP1TN0US for REF, in case you were curious! Again, great job, hope to see more from you in the future. |
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Great guide and all, but i'm a bit confused aboout attack speed brekpoints, this guy - TriPolarBear also made a guide on COC ice spear and he insists that attack speed for dual wield should be doubled, so the break point for 14 CDR should be be 15.14 APS. What do you think?
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Not the OP, but if you look at the POB that they posted, the total DPS is 111m~ DPS with everything turned on. Out of that, 106.6m~ (Whopping 95.6%) is from the main link. What this means is that hitting the breakpoint for the main link is by far the most important breakpoint in this build because the CoC is a HUGE chunk of your overall DPS. Even with 2nd Ice Spear in your weapon(bossing setup), I can confirm that the % overall DPS only drops to about 85%~ which means the main link remains the main source of damage regardless of your setup.
Remember; your Cospri's do not have Awakened CoC linked to them. They will only ever be at the 7.57 APS breakpoint. In order to sync the trigger rates, you would have to sacrifice Awakened CoC in order to achieve a lower breakpoint on the main link, decreasing the largest source of your DPS. Being at 15.14 APS has essentially no DPS benefit since it works towards buffing your secondary DPS source but at the cost of your primary source of DPS. EDIT: Watched the section, I'm pretty sure Tripolar meant "Do not go OVER" these breakpoints, and he didn't really talk about 10.1. If we examine the APS for these lower breakpoints (likely for budget reasons, 52% is not cheap at all and won't be relevant to alot of casual players), they are actually pretty reasonable to achieve so I don't blame him for discussing this briefly. Unfortunately, I think the closer you get to optimised, the less relevant squeezing out DPS from your Cospri triggers will get since they amount to basically only a very small percentage of your overall DPS. Последняя редакция: LynnChalice#3792. Время: 3 июня 2021 г., 7:58:01
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" Thanks for your compliments, great to share a build. I remember seeing your name nearby myself from poe.ninja. It feels great to have a nice discussion with a person that have huge amount of info about the build! I started the build after doing serious researches to create a good guide. Before this, in previous leagues, I played different CoC setups such as typical Ice Nova Assassin variant and Occultist. Just mentioning that I found Scion perfect for my tastes. Mainly because of QoL granted by PF ascendancy, also Inquisitor is extremely underrated. I also started the build without selling my Burning Arrow Elementalist because I wasn't %100 sure that this CoC fits my tastes perfectly. So I started with around 200 exa. After playing for a time, I sold my BA and continued to invest more and more. And every investment is worth, you know it for sure. 1) I am actually using Freezing Pulse for a long time, updated my PoB here but I don't really remember which setup this PoB has. I find Freezing Pulse lot better for mapping. It's a loss for DPS but it just doesn't matter for mapping. To conclude, my favorite setup for Cospri is FP-GMP-Hypothermia. Another Cospri is typically Power Charge on Crit-CF-Frost Bomb. In fact, generally I just dive in bosses with GMP setup, not really optimal but Cospri is just a side source for our main DPS if we look at the DPS portion other than 6-link Ice Spear setup. So it's not really needed to have a 2nd Ice Spear there. So I think we can be lazy to gem swap for bosses! 2) Yeah I was looking around, doing some searches and found some people using good rare amulets. Actually tried them on theory, did some PoB tunes and stuff. The main drawback for me is actually Blind but we have Disorienting Display, I like to use them both but yeah, only DD is fine too. Not only +1 would be worth though, I think it's good to get an amulet with +1 int, +1 cold; +2 in total. Not counting multi and resistances. I'd give it a try, it probably gives extra ~10m sDPS, at least. But need to try it for a time if losing one source of Blind will be bad or not. 3) For typical builds, every additional action/attack/cast speed is perfect. But CoC is a lot different as we know. Need to do good amount of tunings to fit in the right APS because Onslaught is %20, it's too much to handle. We can see it with a basic swap like unchecking Tailwind and checking Onslaught on PoB. Boots give Onslaught on kill, which means it doesn't matter for bosses though but in general I don't prefer to have Onslaught on maps too. If we really want to get below 10.1 with getting Onslaught instead of Tailwind, we probably need %8 AS on both Cospri's. Otherwise it should be a problem. 4) Yeah, I tried to explain this in the guide. I generally answer ppl's questions, I am getting too many pms in game. Too much Attack speed is bad and unfortunately, real investment requires Corruptions on our weapons and we can't choose attack speed every time that we want, there aren't a lot of options. 5) Actually you're right, I will mention Resolute Technique. 3 ppl asked me ingame why their build hits zero. I wanted them to link their weapon, they had RT + Add. Proj. ^^ Thank you again for the compliments, love to hear those things from a well-known CoC player as a poe.ninja perspective. We share a very similar setup for sure ^^ I'm also done in general, I am not planning to rush 100 this league. Writing a guide was an absolutely phenomenal experience for me. |
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" Yea, it's getting more interesting if you check his pob (https://pastebin.com/bgfPAR9F), his dps on COC Iсe Spear is only 54mil, despite having 15.11 APS and 14 CDR (i swapped his ice nova with hypothermia ofc). Looks like POB can't show double proc of COC? And even if it would show double DPS it's still not better than OP's build. And you are right about minimal dps from malices. Was big suprise for me. Maybe it's not worth having dps spells in there at all. Maybe stick there another curse or something... idk Also here is an interesting reddit thread about COC, CDR and APS stuff. i guess only practice can show the difference between these builds if it exists at all. As both delete bosses in seconds. Последняя редакция: DaiBi#5797. Время: 3 июня 2021 г., 11:27:34
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I'm a bit confused on the aps needed for this. From what I gathered reading your guide. The ideal cdr-aps is 52% and 10.1. However is it necessary to be consistently at 10.1 aps, or is this just the final bit of min-maxing?
It's cause I played around with your pob and losing out on tailwind is pretty painful to the aps pushing it down to 9.30+. I tried maxing out the level of anomalous blood rage, and it would need 4 frenzy charges up to get it back to around 10.08 aps meaning one would have to give up 2 passive skill points to get back to the ideal aps. Another option would be to change to the superior blood rage, but it introduces a huge bossing aps problem because you're almost unable to generate frenzy charges without the anomalous quality one that caps out at 2% chance on hit. I tried investigating the pob a bit more, and there doesn't seem to be any other way this build generates frenzy charges so it's rarely at the ideal 10.1 aps when doing much of anything, and moving to the default quality blood rage essentially prevents you from generating frenzy during the most challenging content. How important is getting to and maintaining 10.1 aps? Is being at 9.x aps good enough for most purposes? I assume that most people won't have tailwind boots, and boss fights might take a while to ramp up the frenzy charges so this build is only close to 10.1 aps on the most ideal of circumstances. Последняя редакция: Blaithin860#0546. Время: 3 июня 2021 г., 14:09:15
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