[3.19] Poisonous Concoction AutoFlaskFinder, detailed guide.

Mapplish написал:
Hey, amazing build so far!
What map mods are to dangerous and should be avoided with this?

reduce flask charge gained is must avoided for me, less life/es recovery can be a bit annoying since after using diadem, our ES is our mana, other than that is just run it
Mapplish написал:
Hey, amazing build so far!
What map mods are to dangerous and should be avoided with this?

Reduced flask charges if you using autiflasks
Less effect of non-curse auras & Less armour, cus in my case i have no alot of overcapped resistances and armour for molten shell.
No or Less regen, mapping with this mod is ok, but bossing requires to have desecrate in inventory, cus we can spawn corpses for Diadem consuption.


maydie13 написал:

- ~4.5k life
- autoflasks
- ~18k Armour and ~17k Evasion
- Crit immunity
- Spell Suppress cap
- Ele Ailment immunity, Curses immunity, Stun immunity (should be there with flask for sure)
- 100%+ increased Movement Speed with permanent Quicksilver
- 4kk (7kk+ with Focus) single target against Shaper targets.
eHP without Molten Shell | eHP with Molten Shell

anyone knows how the 18k armour come about? currently im sitting around 2-3k pre buff. not extremely sure how high i can get at this point.

also, i struggled a lot with black star with this build. i wonder if it's cause of chaos resist or lack of armour.
Последняя редакция: mercikiler#6648. Время: 12 февр. 2022 г., 22:40:03

playing this build for the second time, really enjoy it!

just wondering how we proc touch of cruelty, as it needs to proc'd by a chaos spell?
I'm assuming herald of agony crawler does it because plague or withering step doesn't hit.

Does anyone knows how we activate the 10%inc chaos damage from touch of cruelty?still can't find an answer

prior to 3.17 this notable was bugged and specified "chaos skills" whereas it was working only for spells so thats why i'm wondering.
Hi there,

Is there something I missed or do we drop onslaught after switching to despair and nostalgia ring?
Map: "Area is inhabited by Goatmen"
Templar: "Heavy breathing"
Hey very nice guide and build I am having lots of fun with it.

I just have a small question how much flask duration, recovery rate and charges gained do you need to change the flask enchant from the granite and quicksilver flask from reused at the end of this flasks effect to used when chrages reach full, while having them at 100% uptime.

My dying sun has 100% uptime with used when charges reach full but if i put the same thing on my quicksilver and granite flask they have like 1 second where they are not activ.

Here is my POB if that should help in any way:

EDIT: I managed to get them to 100% uptime with a quicksilver with Dabbler prefix. And 6% quality on the granite flask

Now I have another question. I looked at your profil and I saw that you have 20% qual on both utility flask. You are also running Replenishing Remedies + 6 node cluster without fasting instead of Druidic Rite.
How are you keeping your flask charges up all the time?
Последняя редакция: Asmordeus#4167. Время: 13 февр. 2022 г., 7:56:54
maybe I phrased it wrong. I see that this is the effect of the flask. But this is only 65%. Is this the maximum or do you need 100 for immunity? Or these 65% are immunity
mercikiler написал:
maydie13 написал:

- ~4.5k life
- autoflasks
- ~18k Armour and ~17k Evasion
- Crit immunity
- Spell Suppress cap
- Ele Ailment immunity, Curses immunity, Stun immunity (should be there with flask for sure)
- 100%+ increased Movement Speed with permanent Quicksilver
- 4kk (7kk+ with Focus) single target against Shaper targets.
eHP without Molten Shell | eHP with Molten Shell

anyone knows how the 18k armour come about? currently im sitting around 2-3k pre buff. not extremely sure how high i can get at this point.

also, i struggled a lot with black star with this build. i wonder if it's cause of chaos resist or lack of armour.

Increased effect granite flask prefix and another flask with inc effect prefix/t1 increased armour suffix is like 14k armour
sandstone2012 написал:
maybe I phrased it wrong. I see that this is the effect of the flask. But this is only 65%. Is this the maximum or do you need 100 for immunity? Or these 65% are immunity

The increased flask effect that you have in this build basicaly bring the 65% up to 100%
hey guys my pob atm: https://pastebin.com/ZeHvvMxV

i was wondering if is worth to expend 4 ex ish in Asenath's Gloves now whitout the plus curse chest or if i just swap for Asenath's after i'm able to afford the chest?

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