[3.22] Gryph's Immortal Cremation - Boss Killer+Simulacrum+Blight Ravaged Farmer
Norcaine90 написал:
Apologies if it's something that has already been mentioned before but ctrl+f 'crest' on all 10 pages showed no results.
So yeah, what about Crest of Desire? Would it be good for the build or nah? Slotting Unearth in it for even more gem levels and quality sounds nice on paper, no?
Or maybe Cremation? Perfect Crest with Cremation in (got rid of Hypothermia and A Ele Focus) gives us around 2,5 million dps more. I may be missing some pob-fu knowledge but it certainly looks very nice!
Edit: I should prolly mention that I'm talking about the Melding of Flesh version. But still, the damage increase should be there nonetheless.
Jesus Christ, I tried this without the Melding of Flesh, the corpse life went from 110% to 194% with perfect crest of desire rolls!
Apologies if it's something that has already been mentioned before but ctrl+f 'crest' on all 10 pages showed no results.
So yeah, what about Crest of Desire? Would it be good for the build or nah? Slotting Unearth in it for even more gem levels and quality sounds nice on paper, no?
Or maybe Cremation? Perfect Crest with Cremation in (got rid of Hypothermia and A Ele Focus) gives us around 2,5 million dps more. I may be missing some pob-fu knowledge but it certainly looks very nice!
Edit: I should prolly mention that I'm talking about the Melding of Flesh version. But still, the damage increase should be there nonetheless.
So this was discussed a bit in my DD Ignite thread but here we go:
It's terrible for Unearth because you lose projectiles...and we need the extra projectiles for shotgunning/generally keeping up with Cremation detonations.
It's not good for Cremation for the same reason:
We want projectiles. We support Cremation with GMP because we want to fire 8 projectiles per second per geyser (minimum).
Don't use Crest of Desire. :P
memonemo написал:
i got question tho , since i'm new to unearth and Cremation mechanics, we spam unearth under boss to increase the damage the boss takes from cremation , but when i face bosses do i need to keep 3 stacks of cremation on boss or 1 is enough?
Depends on your damage output :P
Each geyser is detonating 8-10 corpses per second.
So if you have 3 geysers you're detonating upwards of 24-30 corpses per second. 1 geyser is going to be 1/3 of the damage.
KardoKalansay написал:
One quick question though, and if anybody can input some ideas, that would be wonderful. The main damage comes from the explosion of dead minions, right, which scales up depending on their life? Why do we have elemental focus connected to cremation? I was just wondering if it affects the damage output... Was thinking of putting in spell echo because trying to spam cremation when in a boss fight (elder, shaper, etc) kind of sucks... Thanks!
The damage comes from detonating corpses. Cremation is what is detonating them and therefore is technically the source of damage.
Overdarke написал:
I notice some builds on poe.ninja are using a legacy of fury. Assuming resist aren't a problem, is it worth having over the ES/offering enchant from the boots?
I have these on an Animate Guardian actually. :P
Последняя редакция: Gryphenprey#0653. Время: 20 марта 2022 г., 12:52:20
So this was discussed a bit in my DD Ignite thread but here we go:
It's terrible for Unearth because you lose projectiles...and we need the extra projectiles for shotgunning/generally keeping up with Cremation detonations.
It's not good for Cremation for the same reason:
We want projectiles. We support Cremation with GMP because we want to fire 8 projectiles per second per geyser (minimum).
Don't use Crest of Desire. :P
Right, I just realised that I missed the crucial part of this helmet having only ONE socket - I'm blind, my bad >.<
Do I NEED a Mana cost Clarity eye, or could I get a ES on hit Discipline eye? Or is it tanky enough without it? Because if it's fine without it, i'll probably just look for a MC Clarity and Crit Determ eye.
One quick question though, and if anybody can input some ideas, that would be wonderful. The main damage comes from the explosion of dead minions, right, which scales up depending on their life? Why do we have elemental focus connected to cremation? I was just wondering if it affects the damage output... Was thinking of putting in spell echo because trying to spam cremation when in a boss fight (elder, shaper, etc) kind of sucks... Thanks!
You don’t have to spam cremation. Once you have three geysers down you can’t make a fourth anyway. You go the alt quality of cremation specifically so that the projectiles from the geysers blow up corpses, not just the initial detonation. You spam unearth once you have the geysers down (the geysers last a long time and typically need to be recast because a boss moves not because they time out because anything that stands in three geysers that long short of a wave 28+ Kosis is going to be dead.
Thing that POB says works, but I'm not convinced because Sniper's Mark doesn't seem to add damage when I have twinned bosses...projectile damage. Not convinced it works. Someone should test that and prove me wrong. :D
It doesn’t. I’ve played in a duo with a skele mage character that uses snipers mark and it does nothing other than occasionally create an additional projectile which DOES increase damage a little because of the extra explosion but that increase is unobservable and punishment is a MUCH better curse for us. Also POB is coded to think of the projectile as dealing our damage since removing GMP also drastically increases the per explosion damage which it does not. A lot of things about this build are calculated poorly by POB but the end result is amazing and sometimes the final answer POB spits out is close enough.
Thing that POB says works, but I'm not convinced because Sniper's Mark doesn't seem to add damage when I have twinned bosses...projectile damage. Not convinced it works. Someone should test that and prove me wrong. :D
It doesn’t. I’ve played in a duo with a skele mage character that uses snipers mark and it does nothing other than occasionally create an additional projectile which DOES increase damage a little because of the extra explosion but that increase is unobservable and punishment is a MUCH better curse for us. Also POB is coded to think of the projectile as dealing our damage since removing GMP also drastically increases the per explosion damage which it does not. A lot of things about this build are calculated poorly by POB but the end result is amazing and sometimes the final answer POB spits out is close enough.
yeah that's been my experience with it. I went back to using https://poedb.tw/us/Monster_level for corpse life calculations because the damage numbers seemed to line up better to what I see in game. if I also take off the damage penalty from GMP that would make more sense as the corpse explosions don't scale from projectile damage. That would put me to 3 million damage per explosion. IDK! Whatever this dps is: https://youtu.be/ARpVlawY82I
Also that video is talking about using Animate Guardian tech. Check it out! :D