[3.22] Gryph's Immortal Cremation - Boss Killer+Simulacrum+Blight Ravaged Farmer

Thanks for the build, it's been amazing.

Is it a deliberate choice to not push unearth up to level 32 with +1 proj and a level 21 gem? (Comedy option: recombine both +2 proj and +2 aoe onto the same glove and use woke empower for another +2 gem level.)

Also, does your crit version have curse immunity? I'm currently using a flask for it but seeing your comments about vile bastion (which I'm currently using) I'm considering switching it to stun immunity and either changing flame/flesh jewels or just going with crit multi jewels (character is strictly for simulacrums + bossing so I'm now questioning the need for curse immune).

Third, you're using a basalt flask - wouldn't a granite give you more armour?

Fourth, I'm missing your source of power charges - do you actually use them? It's checked but you're crit capped without them, so maybe it's just an oversight.

Fifth.. Do the explosions count as damage from the projectiles? GMP level seems to affect the corpse explosion damage but all

Finally, what's the thought behind increased AOE over, for example, crit damage? Just QOL? I don't think there's much need to try to get overlaps because we're putting cremations at the enemy's feet so they should all hit.

For reference, my PoB: https://pastebin.com/WH4FqZR1

(I'm going to swap storm brand for divergent purifying flame - I think I misconfigured the PoB earlier and thought it did nothing because we already have bottled faith but I think that was wrong.)

Thanks again.

Bonus weird question: with my setup right now, cremation costs 1 mana. Sometimes, though, it jumps to 10 mana but immediately comes back down. So far, nobody I've talked to has any idea what might be causing that.
Последняя редакция: totalnewbie#3746. Время: 13 июня 2022 г., 17:04:14
totalnewbie написал:
Thanks for the build, it's been amazing.

Is it a deliberate choice to not push unearth up to level 32 with +1 proj and a level 21 gem? (Comedy option: recombine both +2 proj and +2 aoe onto the same glove and use woke empower for another +2 gem level.)

Also, does your crit version have curse immunity? I'm currently using a flask for it but seeing your comments about vile bastion (which I'm currently using) I'm considering switching it to stun immunity and either changing flame/flesh jewels or just going with crit multi jewels (character is strictly for simulacrums + bossing so I'm now questioning the need for curse immune).

Third, you're using a basalt flask - wouldn't a granite give you more armour?

Fourth, I'm missing your source of power charges - do you actually use them? It's checked but you're crit capped without them, so maybe it's just an oversight.

Fifth.. Do the explosions count as damage from the projectiles? GMP level seems to affect the corpse explosion damage but all

Finally, what's the thought behind increased AOE over, for example, crit damage? Just QOL? I don't think there's much need to try to get overlaps because we're putting cremations at the enemy's feet so they should all hit.

For reference, my PoB: https://pastebin.com/WH4FqZR1

(I'm going to swap storm brand for divergent purifying flame - I think I misconfigured the PoB earlier and thought it did nothing because we already have bottled faith but I think that was wrong.)

Thanks again.

Bonus weird question: with my setup right now, cremation costs 1 mana. Sometimes, though, it jumps to 10 mana but immediately comes back down. So far, nobody I've talked to has any idea what might be causing that.

Lots of questions. OKAY!
1: "Is it a deliberate choice to not push unearth up to level 32 with +1 proj and a level 21 gem?"

Yes, in my opinion it's more worthwhile to have a gem level 30 Unearth and extra ES on the gloves than to push it to 32 for 6.5% more damage. Now, if you want to get a level 5 empower and a 21/20 Unearth, there's no opportunity cost to that, so go nuts, yeah?

2:Also, does your crit version have curse immunity?
Crit version can have curse immunity if you want it to, but MEH! Also remember if you are on consecrated ground then you have 50% curse reduction already (Bottled Faith and Purifying Flame)

3: I was being lazy with the flasks. Yes a granite would be better--slightly.

4: "Fourth, I'm missing your source of power charges - do you actually use them?"

Quality on Assassin's Mark gives 12% (with ashes of the stars) chance to gain a power charge when hitting the marked enemy.

5: "Do the explosions count as damage from the projectiles? GMP level seems to affect the corpse explosion damage but all"

yeah see, I don't think they do. Sniper's Mark doesn't seem to actually work in practice based on some testing with it against twinned bosses. They still die at the same rate despite one supposedly taking a huge amount more damage. I am inclined to thus "untick" GMP when looking at my damage, though it's all kinda vague it seems. IDK. I am operating on the assumption that the explosions themselves are not counted as projectiles.

6:"Finally, what's the thought behind increased AOE over, for example, crit damage? Just QOL?"

Literally QOL. Woke Inc Aoe gives nice coverage for mapping and makes it easier to hit mobile bosses. I also had so much damage at that point that it hardly mattered if I was doing 20% less damage.

As for the mana cost thing, it's because we have 10% reduced cost when on full energy shield from Insightfulness. So it you take some damage, your costs will go up.
Err whoops I guess I never finished the GMP question. I think the +1 proj probably ups your overall damage from cremation - more proj = more corpses detonated. Though I might go back to alt qual GMP for mana cost reduction.

Speaking of which.. genius. Thank you for solving that mana cost mystery and all the other questions.

I'm already working on a level 5 enhance (fingers crossed). Empower will have to wait... Also going to try to replicate your gloves. That temple mod is a big chunk of damage O.o

My plan is to roll +2 gloves and slam them with single mod temple gloves - I see yours is fractured but I think trying to roll the suffixes with fossils on a fractured suffix base is basically impossible. Did you make yours in some different way than the two I mentioned? Oh, maybe roll +1 on the temple glove with and slam? Goes from 1/5 to 1/3 but it seems way more expensive that way just because of the temple mod fracture..

You also have phys as extra fire on boots - there's got to be something better, right? Travel skill CDR? Not many to be useful but uhh, phys damage is literally only unearth, isn't it, which is not a lot.

I'm sorry for all the questions but I appreciate you taking the time to answer. This is one of the strongest builds I've played in quite a while :D
totalnewbie написал:
Err whoops I guess I never finished the GMP question. I think the +1 proj probably ups your overall damage from cremation - more proj = more corpses detonated. Though I might go back to alt qual GMP for mana cost reduction.

Speaking of which.. genius. Thank you for solving that mana cost mystery and all the other questions.

I'm already working on a level 5 enhance (fingers crossed). Empower will have to wait... Also going to try to replicate your gloves. That temple mod is a big chunk of damage O.o

My plan is to roll +2 gloves and slam them with single mod temple gloves - I see yours is fractured but I think trying to roll the suffixes with fossils on a fractured suffix base is basically impossible. Did you make yours in some different way than the two I mentioned? Oh, maybe roll +1 on the temple glove with and slam? Goes from 1/5 to 1/3 but it seems way more expensive that way just because of the temple mod fracture..

You also have phys as extra fire on boots - there's got to be something better, right? Travel skill CDR? Not many to be useful but uhh, phys damage is literally only unearth, isn't it, which is not a lot.

I'm sorry for all the questions but I appreciate you taking the time to answer. This is one of the strongest builds I've played in quite a while :D

Yes, woke GMP is the most damage because of the extra projectile, but Anomalous gives the mana cost reduction. Woke GMP is best placed on Unearth imo, just for the qol it provides because of triggering Bone Offering (will leave 1 corpse so you never miscast when BO procs).

Regarding the gloves, this was last league--the character you're referencing. So yes, I self fractured and used fossils to make them and yes, it was expensive. The gloves I am using this league look like this though:

The phys as extra fire is, in fact, for Unearth. The reason being that if you're using elemental focus cremation can't ignite to proc Sadist or Polaric Devastation(if you're using that ring). It's just there to have some fire damage for that purpose and I was too lazy to change it. XD
Thanks again for the build, really pleasant to play.
This build really shine once you put the ashes of the star in.

Some End-Game Questions:

-With your experience, what is the best way to grind to lvl 100 with this build ?

-I grind for Ersi, the fractured lady, is there any recipe to optimize the fractured harvest recipe ?

-I don't use Brittle Ground boot, but i have an animated guardian, for the crit version, Is it better to feed my guardian with brittle ground boot or Legacy of Fury for the Scorch effect ?

Is it worth the price to continue crafting for the conc effect or back to rerolling essence for a T1 ?
Последняя редакция: Sp1p3#1118. Время: 14 июня 2022 г., 10:31:53
Hi guys, can you help me to understand some things.

1. How we calc crit proc for corpse detonation? Maybe I blind but i don't know where to see.

I have this wand is dd work ok for crit version or suffix with crit multi will be better?
Последняя редакция: defmaxou#6096. Время: 14 июня 2022 г., 3:42:45
Sp1p3 написал:
Thanks again for the build, really pleasant to play.
This build really shine once you put the ashes of the star in.

Some End-Game Questions:

-With your experience, what is the best way to grind to lvl 100 with this build ?

-I grind for Ersi, the fractured lady, is there any recipe to optimize the fractured harvest recipe ?

-I don't use Brittle Ground boot, but i have an animated guardian, for the crit version, Is it better to feed my guardian with brittle ground boot or Legacy of Fury for the Scorch effect ?

Is it worth the price to continue crafting for the conc effect or back to rerolling essence for a T1 ?

Grind to 100 in whatever way you want. Juiced maps, Simulacrums, Pure Breachstone Rotations...buy it via 5 way emblems. Hehe. I usually grind it via sims when I pop 100.

There's a sextant for Harvest plants. Makes each plot have at least 1 of that color AND gives higher chance at rarer mods.

Use Scorch Boots on AG, it has AOE instead of needing him to walk into things. If you need the crit...get brittle on your boots...or Mageblood XD

For the Helmet, use an orb of dominance. If you strip the crit, you could upgrade hypo and try rolling the crit again. If you strip the fire to spells you could upgrade crit or hypo. T2 spell crit is adequate.

Also with the price of Harvest crafts this league, I would lock suffixes and use reforge influence after you get your suffixes to get Conc Effect.

defmaxou написал:
Hi guys, can you help me to understand some things.

1. How we calc crit proc for corpse detonation? Maybe I blind but i don't know where to see.

I have this wand is dd work ok for crit version or suffix with crit multi will be better?

Double Damage is fine. Multi is better because we don't have a lot of it without insane jewels, high levels, and gg gear though. I'd be more concerned with the missing 40% ele damage because you're not using a sceptre. :P

As for calcing crit for corpse explosions, use POB. xD
i just add this with awakened empower. and i see rly boost dmg. 1m i play with noncrit version and rly enjoy. Thanks for guide!
A couple questions, and I'm sorry if you've answered this already-

What actually scales the corpse explosion damage aside from additional corpse life via gem level/qual? Specifically I'm curious about projectile damage, which does increase explo damage in PoB, but I'm not sure if that's correct...

How does Bottled faith interact with Divergent Purifying Flame? is it worth using both in the non crit build?

How do additional projectiles interact with the build? In the standard setup, we produce 5 corpses per cast of unearth, with a cap of 10 at a time. So would it be ideal to up our projectiles to 10/cast?

I've got these gloves here which would allow me to run GMP as well as volley to get 10 corpse/cast at the cost of 2 gem levels. I'm guessing not worth but then if 5->10 corpse/cast is an effective doubling of dps then maybe?

My PoB: https://pastebin.com/qW3Bsb2P


Quick edit: I kinda hope inc proj damage doesn't scale explosion damage so I can drop the mark, extra curse nodes, and change my medium cluster.
Последняя редакция: Dudeabides420#3186. Время: 14 июня 2022 г., 15:48:08
Dudeabides420 написал:
A couple questions, and I'm sorry if you've answered this already-

What actually scales the corpse explosion damage aside from additional corpse life via gem level/qual? Specifically I'm curious about projectile damage, which does increase explo damage in PoB, but I'm not sure if that's correct...

How does Bottled faith interact with Divergent Purifying Flame? is it worth using both in the non crit build?

How do additional projectiles interact with the build? In the standard setup, we produce 5 corpses per cast of unearth, with a cap of 10 at a time. So would it be ideal to up our projectiles to 10/cast?

I've got these gloves here which would allow me to run GMP as well as volley to get 10 corpse/cast at the cost of 2 gem levels. I'm guessing not worth but then if 5->10 corpse/cast is an effective doubling of dps then maybe?

My PoB: https://pastebin.com/qW3Bsb2P


Quick edit: I kinda hope inc proj damage doesn't scale explosion damage so I can drop the mark, extra curse nodes, and change my medium cluster.

Alright so first thing's first. From what I can tell, projectile damage modifiers (including the less damage on GMP) do not apply to Corpse Explosion damage from Phantasmal Cremation. I base this on testing Sniper's Mark against twinned bosses and them still dying at the same rate+time.

Bottled Faith counts all sources of consecrated ground for its damage buffs. Divergent Purifying Flame only counts the C. Ground it creates. You can certainly use both in the non-crit version as the extra crit chance from BFaith will make proccing EO very reliable. Obviously it's better for crit though.

So, extra projectiles on Cremation make it denotate more corpses per second. It fires a base of 4 projectiles/s and then with GMP it goes up to 8, and lastly with Dying Sun it is 10/s. With this in mind, with 3 geysers down you need to only produce 24/30 projectiles per second. Adding more projectiles to Unearth doesn't actually improve DPS so long as you produce enough to satisfy the geysers (and with GMP you do, easily). That said, if you want to use Woke GMP on Unearth it adds QoL by giving 6 corpses and preventing the annoying miscasts caused my Bone Offering proccing. B.O. takes max 5 corpses and thus you will always be left with 1 corpse for cremation to use to summon the geyser.

As for the gloves, the empower is pretty nice. This would let you use Combustion or Culling strike or something as a nice utility link.

I guess you could try to aisling them or recombine again. *shrug*

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