3.25 WRETCHED DEFILERS, all content viable afk wave 30, ubers down

BrasileirinhoPe написал:
why dont use Primordial Might Crimson Jewel???

Migth is for more qol for bosses i reccomend drop one eminence and go one migth but for maps and simulacrum u dont need it at all ( u got better ai at cost of lose some dps and defences)
thanks for 3.19 update! might try a few things from it :D

wish zombies werent soooo bad, one of the few skins (mummy) i like so much that i bought and wish i could keep using...

(wish they add something like zombies reraise evry 4secs, like the golems do :p)
Build memory, 3.22 pob release

3.19 POB

-The build got a lot of nerfs : permanent dorp of virid since +2 helms is a msut now
-Aura reservation mastery gone
-Melding got a huge nerf
-Minions got a huge nerf too

I still managed to get 90 all res, but the build is more expensive and do less dps now but still decent (8m-14m with golem slam) (from 20ex to 55Divines)
46 pure phys red + 30k+ armour
90 all res
aegis 75/75 block
5k es poll + CI
Ailment immune

Zombies, specters and guardian are dropped this league u can still run it, thats an alternative version:

but keep in mind they still can die...only golems are immortal.

Any suggestion for imporvements will be appreciated.


3.18 arives, ashes went to late game and monsters got buffed....
So this time i decided to make different and go full survival with a low budget.
No mageblood is needed in this new version, but ofc u can put it to boost to next level.

The intention in this leaguge is to make a more acessible build that everyone can start and farm without stress to reach end game faster.

Can afk wave 30 and do all content

AFK wave 30

5.5k ES
90 all rest + 20+ overcapped without flask
76 pure reduced pys res(20k hit) and 90 pct with flask+molten shell
1500 es regen 1.7k+ with flask
75/74 gc block
aegis es regen 510 on block
immune to aillments + bleed removal with bone armour
critical immune
94% curse reduce
25m sirus dps
immortal explode AG
less dps taken with arakalli
+ auto support flasks

2 button - flame dash+ bone armour or molten shell
any map mode
fast move
immortal minions
almost immortal necromancer


Minion build don't fit everyone

Very flexible i picked Arakkali and Yugul


Oak or 2 points on final version


20 ex version


The POB contains the leveling tree, how to respect, ag budget and final gear
and the character leveling and final gear and how to go to low to medium to "high" final budget as well
In NOTES u can find all the item prices.

50 ex verisons

HC TANKER(added enligthen 4, anomalus defiance banner, divergent tempest shield and lvl 4 enhance) in this version we get +1 golem

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dps stampade version (11m dps afk)
this one can do wave 30 5 rewards afk
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hungryloop ag on the stampade dps build(almost 14mdps) -
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This probally the better option of all 50 ex pobs, get perma 50 pct curse reduction and 100pct with flask and let our specters get spell echo for a huge damage boost.


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The final price breakdown was on the NOTES

After that point invest on MB and in a agressive minion wand.Go to the 3.17 build to check future improvements.

400ex verision (added mb + ashes)

31m dps, crit immune, 5.3k es, 2.650k regen, 75 block, minions with insanity defense, max aoe radius auras, 90 red pys damage 20k+ hits, 90 all res overcapped + more ele red from mb. +bleed, aillments and cb immune + 100pct and beyond curse effect red
This is my ongoing project after that i think the build is done.


as the leguage is getting to it end i amde a meme version MF thats works very well if u wanna play this character and dont wanna level a new one

POB https://pastebin.com/fCPy83wq

1x host and carange chieftain
1x demon harpy
1x pale seraphym
Go to /Global 6666 and ask for them.


Please see pob for more info, it depends on the version
3.22 uptade ready
nice build man. currently plan to learning doing blight ravaged. yea u can do w/o gear and jsut tower but im so bad at it. maybe tis is good build to start learn
How do you solve mana issue? Your own pob can't cast zombies or golems. something gotta be really off, enlighten 4 doesn't help either.. Or do you never resummon minions?
Последняя редакция: weppe1337#5569. Время: 1 сент. 2023 г., 14:47:09
nice build man. currently plan to learning doing blight ravaged. yea u can do w/o gear and jsut tower but im so bad at it. maybe tis is good build to start learn

Heyo ty! fell free to ask questions hope u enjoy it

weppe1337 написал:
How do you solve mana issue? Your own pob can't cast zombies or golems. something gotta be really off, enlighten 4 doesn't help either.. Or do you never resummon minions?

all minions are permanet so u don't need to cast them
the only minion that could die is the zombs in very extreme situations, if one dies just turn off tempest shield or discipline cast desecrate and ressumon so no worries

the left mana is only used for flame dash/phase run/ desecrate so 15 mana left is enough
Последняя редакция: Bhaltamoz#1174. Время: 1 сент. 2023 г., 14:53:38
Bhaltamoz написал:
nice build man. currently plan to learning doing blight ravaged. yea u can do w/o gear and jsut tower but im so bad at it. maybe tis is good build to start learn

Heyo ty! fell free to ask questions hope u enjoy it

weppe1337 написал:
How do you solve mana issue? Your own pob can't cast zombies or golems. something gotta be really off, enlighten 4 doesn't help either.. Or do you never resummon minions?

all minions are permanet so u don't need to cast them
the only minion that could die is the zombs in very extreme situations, if one dies just turn off tempest shield or discipline cast desecrate and ressumon so no worries

the left mana is only used for flame dash/phase run/ desecrate so 15 mana left is enough

ahhh ok that makes sense :) im running the cheaper version, what do i want on animate guardian on this version? and is spectre the same?
ty for quick answer!
weppe1337 написал:
Bhaltamoz написал:
nice build man. currently plan to learning doing blight ravaged. yea u can do w/o gear and jsut tower but im so bad at it. maybe tis is good build to start learn

Heyo ty! fell free to ask questions hope u enjoy it

weppe1337 написал:
How do you solve mana issue? Your own pob can't cast zombies or golems. something gotta be really off, enlighten 4 doesn't help either.. Or do you never resummon minions?

all minions are permanet so u don't need to cast them
the only minion that could die is the zombs in very extreme situations, if one dies just turn off tempest shield or discipline cast desecrate and ressumon so no worries

the left mana is only used for flame dash/phase run/ desecrate so 15 mana left is enough

ahhh ok that makes sense :) im running the cheaper version, what do i want on animate guardian on this version? and is spectre the same?
ty for quick answer!

Specter are always the same : 2x demon harpy + 1 carnage chieftain + 1 arena master (u could go 3 harpy too) but i think this setup is the best for dps

Theres the ag gear on pob too

Budget ag
AShenath gentle touch 10c / with vunel corruted is 50c and boost the dps a lot

9 pct helm+chaos res i got mine for 20c or u could run a leer cast for 1c, this helm is only to cap chaos res the final dps is almost the same (leer cast do a little more dmg)

Pelt - 90c - must have to sustain pride aura

wind scream 15 all res - 10c

dying breathe -1c, late game go kingmaker (6 div)

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