[3.25] CWDT Ward Loop Scion
Storing this guide here for standard, the main post will focus on the league.
This guild will teach you how to craft and make the most amazing build in POE.
3.25 Change
The Olroth's flask got a double nerf. Build is significantly weaker now. Still works for chill farming. Use Corrupted Flask only for high budget builds. Also don't forget to enchant your flask before you corrupt it
3.24 Video Guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fC8LKqHDdmY 3.20 Videos https://youtu.be/EDo1YuXZji4 https://youtu.be/xQ_55cf-mz4 All Ubers and Sim 30 and The Feared on GigaTank Version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0woheEAC0o Index
Discord server https://discord.gg/jp9vQeHgWY Calculator Required to balance life and chaos resistance at the end https://returnx.github.io/cwdt/ Official Webpage https://cwdt.info/ No Armour allowed. When you buy/craft items make sure they don't have Armour
PoB - Path of Building
3.25 PoB https://pobb.in/N-Wba6M_Zk-N Will update the guide later this week. The above is a budget pob. Later we will try to make a high budget pob.
Backup POBs
PoBs from 3.24 ----------------------------------------- 15 - 20 Divines PoB https://pobb.in/u/Akshay/loopstarter Level 70 POB https://pobb.in/u/Akshay/level70tree 3 divines Early Game https://pobb.in/u/Akshay/Day3Loop ---- High Budget PoBs Coming Soon ---- High Budget Spell Suppression Tanky build by @fettrecon Deep Delve Rank 1 Scion https://pobb.in/WEbsEyrlGv6j https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/branfett/icetanknecro?i=1&search=type%3Ddepthsolo%26class%3DAscendant For 100 Divines budget, copy the above PoB and user cheaper items. No Sublime Vision and no Progenesis. See Discord on necro crafting guide. PoBs from 3.23 ----------------------------------------- 100 - 200 Divines 30 Million DPS Tanky Uber Farmer https://pobb.in/mWqncynGA5G6 ----------------------------------------- 500-1000 divines 100 Million DPS Tanky Uber Farmer Endgame PoB https://pobb.in/Dfw8jaG13Zc5 ----------------------------------------- 500 Divines Omni 80 Million DPS Tanky Uber Farmer Endgame PoB https://pobb.in/oBjx9WE-j_st ------------------------------------------ 3.22 PoB below, you can copy them and apply tattoos! Min Maxed Pandamonious PoB - https://pobb.in/Gz2CHsFkBHIG Min Maxed Rare Amulet / Ashes PoB - https://pobb.in/iaM5jdPVCrZ1 Tanky Suppression Versions with Tattoos 70 Divines - https://pobb.in/ZWVq4919FZu5 100 Divines - https://pobb.in/rh3-cD70d0tT 700 Divines - https://pobb.in/N3iH6G6qlg79 2000 Divines Omni - https://pobb.in/IFjlx0BRruET ------------------------------------------ 3.20 Budget Spell Suppression Version https://pobb.in/PM03sKcQ0mzE 3.20 - 100 Divines - 50 million dps https://pobb.in/KKcPz5Cci2RD 3.20 Omni - 300 Divines - 110 million dps https://pobb.in/ZZhh_tZyXW11 3.20 Mirror Version 300 million DPS https://pobb.in/0PdKveoEZP1_ 10 divines 10 million POB https://poe.ninja/pob/Eq6 500c starter build I was running this on day 4 of league start https://poe.ninja/pob/Ew6 The above pob has notes for ultra budget - 300-500c Level 70 POB https://poe.ninja/pob/FAG This requires 420 heartbound loop rings and more than 1700 life 75 divines pob - 32 million dps https://poe.ninja/pob/Gkx Tanky Evade + Spell Suppression Version - Level to 100 https://poe.ninja/pob/HKw
More Pobs, they still work
25 ex budget https://poe.ninja/pob/92q Medium budget, 40 ex Example 1 - Rare ring, 9% CDR https://poe.ninja/pob/935 Medium Budget, 60 ex Example 2 - Rare ring, 27% CDR https://poe.ninja/pob/8QA Medium Budget, 50 ex Example 3 - Polaric devastation ring edition https://poe.ninja/pob/9q7 Occultist/Witch pob https://poe.ninja/pob/8eM
Omni pobs - They all still work
Level 76 POB for Omni https://pastebin.com/wsDbCy4t Excluding the cost of Omni 30 ex omni pob https://poe.ninja/pob/9hC 100 ex Omni Pob https://poe.ninja/pob/9hA 160ex - 100 million DPS pob, high budget https://poe.ninja/pob/8rX 500ex - 250 million dps https://poe.ninja/pob/9Gj 5000ex - 1.5 billion dps https://pastebin.com/t3DZcWbk
Network Mode Lockstep
Change this option to Lockstep Go to main menu and change this, this is very important Without this option, the loop will miss casts and slow down, less dps ![]()
How The Build Works
When you take 3272 damage, Level 20 CWDT gem will cast all the spell gems linked to it. Our goal is to take 3272 damage every 0.2 seconds and not die. Expedition items have Ward. Ward will absorb the damage done to you If you have 1500 ward, and a monster hits you for 2000, only 500 damage will go to life and your ward will disappear, it breaks. Ward will be recharged after 5 seconds Olroth's flask When this flask is on, your ward will not break/disappear The goal is to permanently have Olroth's flask effect Permanent Olroth's flask effect So we want to have Olroth's permanently on, to do this we use Brutal Restraint The Traitor https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/The_Traitor_(keystone_passive) Using the traitor keystone and 1 cluster jewels which give us high flask duration, we can get permanent Olroth's effect The traitor keystone works when you have 2 empty flask slots, means you can only use 3 flasks. You can use 4 flasks at high budget, but we need at least 1 empty flask slot Heartbound loop ring explained We Summon Skeletons, and when a skeleton dies, the ring will do 420 damage to you. This damage will be absorbed by Ward Forbidden Rite is a skill that will deal damage to you on cast If you cast Forbidden Rite 4 times, you will die by suicide, it does a lot of damage But as long as your ward is more than Forbidden Rite self-damage, you will take no hit to life pool. Ward will absorb the damage. To Dust Jewel + Reduced Skill Duration Effect Summoned Skeletons last for 20 seconds, this is not useful. We will use To Dust and Reduced Skill Duration on passive tree to make Skeletons last only 0.2 seconds Skeletons die every 0.2 seconds and deal damage to you because of Heartbound Ring and then trigger CWDT gem. We cast spells every 0.2 seconds! This is about 5 casts per second. This is crazy high cast speed.
Leveling Guide
Hollow Palm
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trV1NWfCx_4 Totem Build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3146104 You can follow any Scion build to level up. See the Scion forums.
Level and Life
Required level
This build will work from level 72, you need 1700 life minimum. Pathfinder Ascendancy is required. Complete at least Merciless Labyrinth before you Switch to Wardloop
Kill All
Pathfinder and Elementalist
Olroth's Resolve Flask
Olroth's Resolve
Buy a flask and make it 20% quality. No need to corrupt it for low budget builds. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/kGQddJKT5 Its extremely important to use Herbalist Tattoo. Check PoB on where to apply the tattoo, its below Scion Area, near Ranger area. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/P98GPJJFL Check flask uptime using the calculator https://returnx.github.io/cwdt/ The best Olroth's Roll is 42 or less increased flask charges used. It will say at the top 56 charges consumed on use. This is the best. Get the best roll if you a high budget. Otherwise you stick to something with 47% or less. However the calculator should help with any roll.
To Dust Jewel
Filtered for 14 and above, remove filter if you want something different. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/Q2gVZKOHw We will buy 4 To Dust The total "Reduced Skeleton Duration" should added up to 74% exact, no more, no less. Please see the screenshot below. Exactly 74% Reduced Skeleton Duration Get any combination of the below. 14,20,20,20 15,19,20,20 16,18,20,20 16,19,19,20 17,17,20,20 17,18,19,20 17,19,19,19 18,18,18,20 18,18,19,19 ![]()
More Jewels
Brutal restraint
The number does not matter for now, its a future upgrade. It must be Balbala. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Sanctum/ypmdYKWiR Buy this and put it in your tree and check all affected notables. Make sure your Jewel does not grant you Alchemist's Genius buff, this buff will reduce your ward and stop the loop. Its pretty rare, if you have it, simply buy a new one. Flask effect duration jewel In 3.20 Flask mastery got removed, so we will need at least one jewel with increased flask effect duration modifier If your Olroth's flask is not always on, then use two of these jewels. Jewels, Resistance This will help you cap resistance, you can get % life and also cold damage or ele damage. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Kalandra/GerDvOTb With life % https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Sentinel/4e08MS9 Jewels, damage If you are res capped, you can use these https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Kalandra/9VEgDPySK
Cluster Jewels
Large cluster - cold damage or spell damage https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Kalandra/OEVKeQlHE Blanketed snow and Stormrider are good notables https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Kalandra/dVqeewRUJ Minion cluster Buy a 4 passive minion life cluster. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/B9BJneki8 Craft - Spam alterations till you get Blessed Rebirth. Flask clusters We need 1 of these clusters, both of them are correct, you can buy any of these examples 25 effect and Distilled Perfection both are equal. Fasting + 25 effect Fasting + Distilled perfection Crafting - Buy the following base, level 50+, 6 passives. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/3e9rZ20u5 Once you buy it, just use chaos orbs. Getting (fasting + distilled) or (fasting + 25) is very easy. Trade buyout URL https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/Ebo63ZyC5
https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/3rnv6Rdi5 Buy 2 heartbound loop rings with 420 physical damage You can buy a not corrupted 350 ring and use noxious catalyst on it. ![]() ![]()
Rare Amulet like this https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/gDpE37KiQ if they are expensive, buy the following. The Pandemonius https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/The_Pandemonius Craft it by using Blessing of Tul on The Halcyon amulet https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Sentinel/gZoPhQ https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Sentinel/6jBM0cG Anoint Divine Judgement Replenishing remedies if your olroth's flask is not permanent Catalyst - Turbulent Catalyst
Body Armour
Budget Option Skin of the Loyal https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/vX6qXBfE CWDT gem in Skin of the Loyal will be Level 19/20. ---- Skin of Lords - MORE DPS You can only insert corrupted gems in Skin of the lords And Cast When Damage taken should be level 18/20 corrupted Use the below link to buy, I have filtered out the keystones that break the build https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/3GKRoPJi5 2R-2G-2B is best for budget 2R-1G-3B is good for endgame Crit capped. 1R-1B-4G also great 1R-2B-3G also great
The best choice is The Annihilating staff The Annihilating staff Buy a 5-link if you cannot afford 6-link Other options available, not recommended, unless you are very low on budget and cannot cap your resistances. This staff penalizes your resistances heavily. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Sanctum/kJpPDpWc5 Duskdawn This item can be crafted for 15c vendor recipe, see the wiki on how to craft it https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Duskdawn Cane of kulemak https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/zv9dJXqs4 Rare staff 6-link with essence
Use the link to get a cheap belt https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Ancestor/wwm57mBFb Bench Craft 9-12% Increased Cooldown recovery rate suffix You can buy the craft in TFT or ask a friend You can also request in my discord, if am online, I can give Crafting CDR - Costs 1 Exalted Orb ![]()
Crafting Ward Items
Crafting guide for helm/gloves/boots
Just spam dense fossil and craft suffix using eldtrich currency On helm/gloves you can block accuracy with bench You can watch LOLCOHOL video on how to craft, its the same for helm/gloves Repeat this video for both gloves & helm https://youtu.be/9hjDoiOGDHc?t=224 Its Cheaper to Craft than to buy from trade Crafting this is very easy, trust me, I have made 1000 ex profit form this.
Budget Craft Steps 1. Buy 20 dense fossils, 20 primitive chaotic resonator 2. And buy level 85 Runic Crown using Base URL 3. Make it 20% quality 4. Spam dense fossils Base URL https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Kalandra/L238MOGSn Buy URL https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Sentinel/75lM89lS5
Crafting Guide Full
How To Craft Runic Crown for End Game
Phase 1 Perfect fossil to get 27-30% quality Spam dense fossils till you get more than 650 ward, ideally 700 ward Then Apply One Greater Eldritch Ichor Phase 2 Now use Eldritch chaos orb to reroll suffixes Annul the bad suffixes, its RNG now Bench craft accuracy Slam eldritch exalt If you don't get anything good Remove accuracy Benchcraft Annul suffix Craft Accuracy again using Bench Slam eldritch exalt Repeat above process till you get good suffixes You can also use eldritch chaos orb when both suffixes are bad In the final open suffix, you can bench craft resistances or attributes On gloves you can craft Shock reduction or elemental damage or resistance/attributes Target Runic Crown Budget - 550 ward, only benchcraft suffix Endgame - 680 ward, eldritch craft 2 suffix, benchcraft final suffix Budget - 100c Endgame - 25 divines Budget - 100c Endgame - 25 divines
Budget craft guide 1. Buy 20 dense fossils, 20 primitive chaotic resonator 2. And buy level 85 Runic Gauntlets using Base URL 3. Make it 20% quality 4. Dense fossil the gauntlets Base URL https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Kalandra/2rQe0ypck Buy URL https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Sentinel/vPL0KnLHE
Crafting Guide Full
How To Craft Runic Gauntlets Endgame
Phase 1 Perfect fossil to get 27-30% quality Spam dense fossils till you get more than 400 ward, ideally 450 ward Then Apply One Greater Eldritch Ichor Phase 2 Now use Eldritch chaos orb to reroll suffixes Annul the bad suffixes, its RNG now Bench craft accuracy Slam eldritch exalt If you don't get anything good Remove accuracy Benchcraft Annul suffix Craft Accuracy again using Bench Slam eldritch exalt Repeat above process till you get good suffixes You can also use eldritch chaos orb when both suffixes are bad In the final open suffix, you can bench craft resistances or attributes On gloves you can craft Shock reduction or elemental damage or resistance/attributes Target Runic Gauntlets Budget - 350 ward, only benchcraft suffix Endgame - 450 ward, eldritch craft 2 suffix, benchcraft final suffix Budget - 100c Endgame - 25 divines
Easy craft guide Boots are the same for all builds, only resistances Same as helm and gloves. Base URL https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Kalandra/2Pgmb55hk If you are extreme budget stop after you get 350 plus ward, just craft resistance in suffix
Endgame boots
Phase 1 - Prefix Dense fossil till you have more than 400 ward, some times more than 430 ward Check if you have have a high movement speed mod, if yes, then your phase 1 is complete If you don't have movement, annul a prefix and then make sure ward is more than 370 Repeat above still till you get open prefix or 30% movement speed prefix with more than 370 ward Craft Movement speed from the bench Phase 2 - Suffix Now apply a lesser eldritch ember and a greater eldritch ichor Now slam with eldritch exalts If you get low tier mods, eldritch annul them If all three suffixes are horrible, then use Eldritch chaos Repeat the process till you got good resistance rolls in the suffix Buy URL, these are extremely basic boots. Get more resistance if you can afford. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Sanctum/WYMMO9ZFm
Skeleton Gems
These are gem links when using 2 heartbound loop rings Summon Skeleton It should be level 11 You can vendor the gem with Scouring orb to reduce level https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/BJLZOqjS8 Don't Level Up Gems in helm, keep them fixed at the same level CWDT level 5 https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/V5rvnDrup Summon skeleton level 11 - Forbidden rite 1 - Cast When Damage taken 5 The levels of these gems should be fixed, do not level it up CWDT must be 5, skeleton must be fixed at 11 Don't change these in the helm, or else you need to do math
Gem links
3.23 Updated Gem CWDT Levels If you are using Skin of the loyal, CWDT in body armor will be level 19. If you are using Skin of the lords, CWDT in body armor will be level 18. Gem links are flexible Mandatory - Ice Spear + GMP + CWDT Other Gems - Red Inspiration Cruelty Empower Green Cold Penetration Added Cold Damage Hypothermia Blue Creeping Frost Increased Crit Damage Awakened Elemental focus is not recommend, it will disable freeze from Ice Spear. You can use any gem link that you can get your hands on. Hypothermia, Awakened Cold Penetration, Awakened Added Cold Damage, Empower, Increased Critical Hit Damage.
Cast When Damage Taken - Body Armor It should be 19/20 for Skin of the Loyal It should be 18/20 for Skin of the Lords Reason is Skin of the lords has +2 CWDT should never go above level 20, if you make CWDT level 21, build will fail. Also don't link CWDT gem to Righteous fire, flame dash or phase run Make gloves 3-link and use Righteous fire in gloves Or use RF 21 in gloves, that way CWDT 20 won't tirgger RF
Helm and glove Implicits
See POB please, just spam greater ichor and lesser ember till you get it
Gloves - Cold exposure with Greater ichor, and lesser ember for unnerve Helmet - Spell damage with ichor and ember for lightning damage. Blue Ichors - Shock Reduction is great on helm. Along with Small Pantheon Garukhan you can be shock immune. Use Red Embers - Also some builds use Phys Damage Taken recouped as Mana. Red Embers - You can go with Damage to cold spells or increased effect of frostbite curse in 500 divines version. Also lightning damage on helm implicit will help to shock enemies.
Life And Chaos Resistance Calculator
https://returnx.github.io/cwdt/ But most budget builds can get only 1150 ward, mid-tier 1250, top-tier 1350 Forbidden Rite does a lot of damage. To reduce forbidden rite damage, we will crafting chaos resistance on items, or use tree/jewels. Use this calculator to balance your life pool and chaos resistance. The more life you have, the more chaos resistance you will need. Otherwise you kill yourself. If you have 3k life and -60 chaos, you will die by suicide. Play with the calculator for your build. For the One Ring Upgrade, you will want more than 1250 ward, so watch out when crafting your items. And use the calculator.
Very important - Use only 3 flasks with Brutal Restraint Traitor, 4 if you have high budget If you have a problem with resistances, the use Bismuth flask and a quick silver flask with additional resistance suffix Resistance and curse reduction flask https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Sentinel/3X3Mn8kF5 https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Sentinel/v4k7JaDHE In this build you can only use 3 flasks not use more than 3. You will die if you use more than 3 flasks Pantheon is very important
Soul of Brine King Soul of Yugul - Curse reduction Soul of Garukhan - Shock reduction Other Pantheon options will brick the build
Second slot weapon swap
Buy 2 Wands from Act 1 Nessa And use Essence of insanity https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/exchange/Sanctum/ZKd7fQ You can put cast when damage taken and portal in 2nd weapon
Start Stop Loop
Swap weapons to start, Press X
To stop remove belt and put it back on Or you can remove helm for one second
Map mods
You can do reflect and no regen maps Works Elemental reflect - you are reflect immune No Regen - We don't use regen, we use recoup Warning 60% less Recovery Rate of Life and Energy Shield For these maps, disable RF, blood rage Try to get ignite immunity and corrupted blood immunity for these maps CANNOT DO - RED ALERT Reduced cooldown recovery rate Reduced flask charges gained Mana problem, two or more swaps to start loop
Mana problem
Mana issues -- you require multiple swaps to start loop Zero, Did you forget mana recoup nodes on your tree? First, If your ward is low and have Mind Over Matter allocated, then you will run out of Mana Remove Mind Over Matter You can use the calculator to check, Forbidden rite damage must be less than your ward with flask on Second, In your helmet, the first socket should be blue and put Summon skeleton is that socket Third, If you still have this problem, then put your skill gems in the last socket of weapon and body armour. The skill gems should not be first gem in weapon and body, put support gems first!
Loop Speed
Skeletons and Ice Spear should refresh at same speed " " " https://returnx.github.io/cwdt/
Loop not working - Checklist
Please come to discord server and show what's wrong
https://discord.gg/2s5nSYZSS7 In group play, Determination, Malevolence aura fail the loop Physical damage reduction, endurance charges reduce your damage or stop loop Reason for loop not working 1. Did you forget to craft Cooldown recovery rate on your belt? 2. Check your "To Dust" total skeleton duration reduction for 9% cdr 3 jewels should be 34% total with using Window of Opportunity in passive tree 4 jewels should be 59% total without Window of Opportunity in the tree. For 27 CDR, total To Dust must be 34 and Window of Opportunity passive + less duration mastery See your CDR in the MISC Tab in Character Sheet 3. Gem in Helmet 11 Anomalous Skeleton - Forbidden Rite 1 - CWDT 5 4. Use the calculator to balance your life pool and chaos resistance 5. Armor on your gear? Check Defense tab, remove armor from items 6. Make sure you have more than 2550 life for rare ring setup 7. Blank Space 8. Replica Pure Talent will break the build 9. Pantheon, should be Brine King/Arakaali and Yugul/Garukhan or loop won't work 10. Get Pathfinder Ascendancy 11. Does the keystone on your body armour break the build? 12. Network mode should be Lockstep in Game options 13. Make sure you are using Survival Secrets Jewel 14. Did you forget to craft your Swap weapon? Craft and use in second slot!
Dying in maps
Dying a lot in middle of map 1. Use the flask calculator to check your Olroth's flask works https://returnx.github.io/cwdt/ 2. Check all points are allocated in two medium flask cluster, both must be 6 passive clusters 3. Compare your medium cluster with the ones in guide & POBs 4. Check your tree for Essence extraction is allocated, its near mind over matter. 5. Make sure you did not accidentally equip 4th flask or 5th flask 6. Make sure Traitor keystone is allocated in the passive tree with Balbala Timeless Jewel 7. Check if Pathfinder ascendancy is allocated 8. Olroth's flask enchant should be "Reused at end of flask effect"
Upgrades More
Priority List of upgrades 1. Gem Quality Make gems 20% quality 2. Weapon Enchant Get the harvest weapon enchant which gives 1% elemental damage per 2% quality Make your weapon 20% quality or 30% quality using TFT Hillock Service or farm it yourself from Betrayal Jun Missions. 3. Awakened Gems Awakened Cold Penetration Awakened Added Cold damage Level these gems to at least level 3-4 quickly. You can use the harvest beast Wild Brambleback to level them up. 4. Level 100 Get to level 100 using 5-way carry This is the best upgrade you can do, more passive points is more damage 6. Amulet Catalyst the Amulet if you haven't done already, Turbulent catalyst on The Pandmonious Change anoint to Whispers of Doom and use Frostbite Curse If you don't find Sigil of Power useful, just remove that. You can go for a +2 Rare Amulet or Ashes of the Stars with Whispers of the Doom. You will soon see that +1 to all skill gems is required when you switch to Rare Ring.
Skin of the Lords
Buy from here Use Empower 3 / 4 in the second red socket https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/3GKRoPJi5
27 CDR
Easy Budget Option https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/wawaKnBCb Buy a charm with 10% CDR Craft 12% on the belt, try a few times on bench craft. And get 5% on your boots implicit using Blue Eldritch Ichor Currency 12 + 10 + 5 = 27% Now allocate 10% less duration mastery on tree --------------------------- High End Option You can find the crafting guide in Discord CraftBook Get a belt from here https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Kalandra/8PLXEkbIV Get some CDR on boots, using eldritch crafting Also get CDR on abyss jewel Total must be 27 or more.
4 flasks
In 3.23 you can consider buying Pathfinder Charms, this will greatly help in 4 flask setup. Those charm cost 4 divines. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/4d69V3gt9 Use the below calculator to find out what works for you https://returnx.github.io/cwdt/ One way to approach this is Buy 2 of these clusters https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Sanctum/3EP4eWGh5 Navigate to nearest cluster spot and add this. The above clusters are easy to craft, grab 2000 alterations and a few augments and a few Regals And buy level 84 clusters and start spamming, augment and regal till you get Don't pay 10 divines, craft them yourself. It will take about 1-2 hrs. And 10% flask charges gained on Timeless jewel. These are easy to come by Use this tool to find a Balbala jewel https://vilsol.github.io/timeless-jewels/ Also get the belt to 20% reduced flask charges used and Olroth's should be 6.4 duration, 28% quality or more. And also best a good roll Olroth flask. 56 charges used ( 40%,41%,42% increased charges used) More than 43% is bad, its for budget builds Also try to get 15% or more flask effect duration suffix on your belt. The discord has a CraftBook for crafting such a belt Plus you can get 10% on such rare jewels. You can consider adding two of these jewels.
Big image
![]() Image of calculator for something that works.
Скрытый текст
Rare Ring
3.23 Requirements for Rare ring Level 20 Summon Skeletons, two options 1. Using +1 to all skill amulet 2. Using Empower level 2 support 3. Buy Level 20 Summon Skeletons Ward Recommended - 1270 or more It will work with 1100 ward as well, but you will take damage to your life. Budget Example Gem links Helm Level 20 Summon Skeletons + CWDT 20/20 + Empower Support 2 Gloves/Boots Forbidden rite 1 + Normal CWDT 12 High Budget Amulet, +1 to all skill gems Helm Level 20 Summon Skeletons + Level 20 Cast When Damage Taken + Snipers Mark Gloves/Boots Forbidden rite 1 + Normal CWDT 12 Use the calculator to adjust life and chaos resistance. You also want more than 1200 ward. Examples, unset ring is the best
Dying Sun
Once you have high resistances using rare ring, time to buy Dying Sun I want to stress an important point, for you to be able to use Dying Sun, you also need good suffixes on your helm/gloves/boots. High resistance suffix, this way you can remove Bismuth flask and use Dying Sun.
Empower 4 and gems
Just buy Empower 4 support and upgrade all your gems if you haven't yet.
Awakened GMP
This is a lot of damage, buy this if you can
Watcher's Eye
Hatred critical - You can attempt to divine for more than +1.5 https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/MQQLMTJ
Forbidden Flame and Flesh
Deadeye is the best, or you can buy pathfinder and use deadeye in the tree. Inquisitor is a good option Occultist if you can fit another curse.
Switch to Omni when you have more than 100 divines. You will need to remake all your items and also change your tree and cluster. Crystallised Omniscience Buy Unnatural instinct as well with this ugprade It goes here, make sure to change the tree pathing. ![]() With the amulet updated, you need to change your helm and gloves to have attributes instead of resistances Omni Helmet Craft Dex on it in the suffix https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/zv9Zkmvc4 Omni gloves dex/int Crafted Int on it in suffix https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Sanctum/6392k50HG That's all folks for now. Последняя редакция: Akshay#5418. Время: 11 авг. 2024 г., 2:24:14
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The idea behind this guide is to make it as easy and simple as possible.
So we stick to a very reliable setup. I did around 35 cwdt builds for other people and in my experience this setup is as reliable it gets. Once you grasp the build, then its open for upgrades. This should help new players to take the leap of faith and try the build. This is the biggest hurdle. For facetaking do occultist I actually have an occutlist with 4k life and 1.9k ward and also 20% damage reduction from ascendancy and high block. Also -22 chaos resistance. Its much more tankier than scion. |
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" Could you elaborate on the differences in gear required if I were to do Occultist instead? I've been putting gear together on the side and have an already-leveled Occultist it would be nice to respec. I found your character and it's passive tree, but I assume the breakpoints/pantheon/etc. would be different. Thanks for the help and the guide! |
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" its the same i just copy pasted the guide here https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3261683 |
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nice job doing it all explained.
shame for me that's a lot to think and set it up... |
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Amazing build! I've being farming expedition in city square and then logbooks with close to 0 issues. But i can't seem to work how to sustain RF. Any tips?
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hi there mate, i wonder if you can help me. I just came back from a hiatus and was amazed with this build. However, i only looked on poe ninja for the layout of skills and items and cant get mine to loop. Wonder if you can help me. DO i need to change/add something?
https://pastebin.com/6ttG2ncw |
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Thank you very much OP for the simple to follow guide. I've been meaning to try out CWDT Ward Loop but was holding off till next league, as I was already burnt out from this league. Your guide changed my mind and I'm happily blasting away so thanks.
Would be pretty good if you can add an upgrades section to discuss opportunities for defensive and offensive upgrades. Things that I briefly considered were how to get more ward and life, annihilating light for more dps, going for the 27% cdr breakpoint, using only 1 heartbound loop, forbidden flame/flesh options, etc. |
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Could you please post a lvl80 tree? Thanks!
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" @lolonnais Need to allocate at least 2 life recoup nodes near the Intuitive loop Am surprise the build even works for you. " I saw the pob, lots of issues. I will guide you to 9% CDR, not high budget 27% cdr. Look at my guide and use that to buy a belt. See the belt section. To Dust Jewels should be, 20, 20, 19. The Skeleton duration, first mod in jewel. Gems in helm must be Anomalous Skeleton Level 11 - Forbidden rite 1 - Minion speed anomalous quality 20 - CWDT 5 That's it, your build should work. Последняя редакция: Akshay#5418. Время: 11 апр. 2022 г., 1:22:00
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