The Definitive Budget WardLoop Guide (17m DPS/250% Movespeed/Ailment Immune/25ex)
![]() Introduction: WardLoop Scion is a fascinating and wonderful build with many high highs and low lows. It brings to the table absurdly high damage output in conjunction with Auto-Bomber levels of automated damage, this makes it very good for a wide variety of content, including AFK'ing Blighted Maps, speed farming Delirium Mirrors, Delving, Bossing, etc. This build guide aims to explore a much more budget friendly iteration of the build however with a higher focus on Clearspeed/Mapping, in which we sacrifice the excess stats found in mirror-tier versions of WardLoop to end up with a variant that is much more usable by the average player. This version of the build achieves around 8-17 million Sirus DPS, 250% total movement speed, 1.4k permanent ward, 5.5k eHP and ailment immunity for an entry level cost of 19-25 Exalted Orbs, a cost that significantly cheaper than what you can expect to pay to attain these stats with some of the other variants available from other sources. Disclaimers:
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1. This build cannot effectively utilise Sentinels due to killing things way too fast in a wide radius around your character 2. This build cannot run the 'Wrath of the Cosmos' keystone on the atlas tree 3. This build cannot use Headhunter or Inspired Learning as the stolen buffs brick the build 4. This build dies very suddenly to large hits, it may seem tanky or even invincible when taking damage from smaller hits however this build is incredibly susceptible to random deaths due to Altar-buffed mobs or boss slams 5. This build is incredibly complex, you MUST follow this guide faithfully or it will simply not work. I do not recommend playing this build if you are a new player 6. This build cannot run maps with 40% Less Cooldown Recovery Rate and 50% Reduced Flask Charges Gained 7. This build requires significantly more investment than is outlined here in order to do Uber Content such as Blight Ravaged Maps, Wave 30 Simulacrum, Etc. 8. Despite the listed budgets being between 19-25 exalts, due to shifting prices and the potential need to buy items twice to fix mistakes, I HIGHLY recommend you do not start this build without at least 30 Exalts to spare. Video Guide: ![]() Resources:
Скрытый текст This resource contains everything & anything that may not be covered in this guide. " How to contact me:
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While I am usually very busy, you can get in contact with me one way or another using one of the platforms listed below. I ask that you only contact me as a last resort, this guide, my video guide and the accompanying resources should be more than sufficient to answer any questions you have, if you find a mistake however or need to ask soemthing you can't find the answer to, feel free to shoot my a query: In-Game: @Fyregrass Discord: Fyregrass#6288 Youtube: Changelog:
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7/5/22: Updated the Skin of the Lords section due to a serious error, also added Essence of Insanity as an alternative to buying a Spectral Spirits weapon due to fluctuating prices. 7/5/22: Added a brief section for Wellspring of Creation ______________________________________________________________________________ How to Level:
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Levelling through conventional means is both difficult and a complete waste of time, especially since this is not a league starter. The fastest and most efficient way to level this character up is this: 1. Follow my twink levelling guide until level 67: Video: Resource/POBs: 2. Before proceeding to the next step, ensure that you have completed the first 3x Labs and obtained 6x Ascendancy Points. Spend these obtaining the Elementalist & Pathfinder nodes, DO NOT obtain Path of the Witch, you will obtain this LAST. 3. Once you reach level 67, visit the TFT Discord Channel linked below to buy a 5-Way Carry, this should bring you to level 86+ at least, depending on how good the carry is, and how often you die. Channel: It is highly recommended you respec into life nodes and equip a full set of gear with high life, as well as Armor/Evasion & Chaos Resistance Flasks set to be used when charges are full. 5-Ways are more dangerous than ever and Toxic Volatiles will easily kill you if you aren't capped on chaos resistance. I also recommend that since you only need to run with once, that you do NOT AFK and pay attention to avoid dying to stray mobs or on death effects. This step should cost you 3-4 exalted orbs but it is well worth the time it saves. Alternatively, you COULD have a friend power level you with Breachstones or Cowards Trials 4. After finishing your set of 5-Way runs, Respec your character into the 'Functional' PoBs, either at the Low or High Budget level. This just depends on whether you want to get started out for 19ex or 25ex. Low Budget - Functional: High Budget - Functional: 5. Complete the Uber Lab after testing the build out in maps. Obtain Path of the Witch and then obtain a few more levels before Respeccing again into the Primary PoBs. Low Budget - Primary: High Budget - Primary: It is advised to run scoured Red Maps or at least non-difficult content to gain more levels ______________________________________________________________________________ POBs: Each PoB listed is relevant in its own way and you should read each one before proceeding to understand what their purpose is. Higher investment PoBs have not been provided at this point in time for a couple of reasons. Guides for higher budget WardLoop already exist by people who have played the build for a longer period of time and have a better idea regarding how to Min-Max at those price points. Additionally, It is currently unclear whether this build will exist beyond the 3.18 patch. If it does, I will likely take the time to provide higher investment PoBs.
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Low Budget - Functional: This PoB is the minimum entry point for the build. It requires level 85 and 6/8 Ascendancy points and approximately 19 exalted orbs. This iteration of the build uses extra To Dust Jewels, Swift Affliction Support and a CDR Jewel to cut costs and hit our stat threshholds extra cheap. This PoB also utilises a 5 Link Staff instead of a 6 Link Staff. This PoB is intended to be used to level up further and finish Uber Lab, at which point you can progress to the Primary PoB for the Low Budget version. Low Budget - Primary: If you chose the above PoB, you should respec to this once you finish Uber Lab & fill out the extra points as you obtain the levels High Budget - Functional: This PoB is the minimum entry point for the build with a few minor changes that save some passive tree points in return for spending some additional currency on better To Dust jewels, better rolls on the flask/belt, Anomalous Minion Speed support and a 6 Linked Staff. This PoB comes in at around 25 exalted orbs, while labelled 'high budget' it is not THAT much more expensive than the other PoB. High Budget - Primary: After obtaining your final 2 ascendancy points, you can upgrade the previous PoB to this one. ______________________________________________________________________________ Core Mechanics Explanation: This build is extremely complex, so I shall provide a run down of all the build mechanics for those who wish to better understand what is happening and how it is all working. How to Start Your Loop: Weapon Swap into and out of your Spectral Spirits Weapon with Olroth's Resolve active to begin the loop, if it turns off due to mana costs, repeat this action a 2nd time:
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The Ward Loop: The Ward Loop is a combination of different mechanics that combine to trigger spells 5 times per second until turned off. This makes the build function like an autobomber. This is achieved by utilising Heartbound Loops, Cast When Damage Taken & the Summon Skeleton gem with the duration on your Skeletons adjusted to be approximately 0.2 seconds, in line with the modified cooldown of the Cast When Damage Taken Gem. You take damage which triggers the summoning of skeletons, these skeletons almost immediately die which causes you to take damage again, in turn re-triggering the summoning of those skeletons in perpetuity. Additionally, we use 100% uptime Olroth's Resolve (Flask) to keep our Ward active at all times, this mitigates ALL of the damage we are dealing to ourselves while still allowing it to count for the purpose of our loop. In essence, we are triggering the spells 5 times per second without ever actually dealing real damage to ourselves. We are adding in Forbidden Rites into the loop to increase the amount of self damage we are dealing, this enables us to use much higher levels on our main DPS links however since each instance of damage is dealt individually, they are all mitigated by Ward enough to still never harm our life pool. Finally, we are utilising mana recoup to sustain the mana costs on our spells. The damage dealt to us still counts towards recoup despite never actually bypassing our Ward. ______________________________________________________________________________ 100% Olroth's Resolve: In order to maintain the loop without death, we must sustain 100% uptime on our Olroth's Resolve. This is achieved by stacking numerous flask multipliers on top of each other. They are as follows: 1. 10+ Second Duration We can run up to 28% Quality on the flask via Hillock, we can also obtain 40% increased Flask Duration from 4x Distilled Perfection Cluster Jewel Notables and 24-48% increased Flask Duration from the minor nodes on those same Cluster Jewels. Since we only gain flask charges passively every 3 and 5 seconds, only numbers that are multiples of these numbers matter. There is functionally no difference between a 10 and 11.9 second uptime as both numbers fall short of the 12 second breakpoint. 2. Passive Flask Charges Gained We gain flask charges passively from a number of sources which is what permits this build to function even when not killing enemies. We gain 3 charges every 3 seconds from our Pathfinder Ascendancy and 1 charge every 3 seconds from our Flask Mastery. We gain 4 charges every 5 seconds via the Balbala keystone 'The Traitor', obtained from our Timeless Jewel. 3. Increased Charges Gained We gain 4 charges every 3 seconds and every 5 seconds, and for this reason, Increased Flask Charges gained only matters to us in multiples of 25%, as this grants 1 extra flask charge per interval. We gain 10% from a Balbala notable, 80% from 4x Fasting Cluster Jewel notables and 35% from the Essence Extraction notable and the 2x minor nodes leading up to it for a total of 125% ICG. This means we are gaining 9 flasks per interval. With a 10 second duration we gain 45 Charges, with a 12 second duration we gain 54 charges. 4. Flask Charges Used Depending on the Flask & Belt Rolls, we use between 54 and 44 charges per use. If you are able to reach 45 charges per use, requiring a 40% roll on the flask and at least 18% on the belt, then you can drop 4x medium cluster jewel minor nodes and run a 10 second duration flask. If you cannot reach this breakpoint, you are required to use all 8x recommended medium cluster minor nodes to reach a 12 second duration in order to allow your Ascendancy and Mastery flask charges to tick 1x additional time. ______________________________________________________________________________ Cooldown Breakpoints: Cast When Damage Taken has a 0.25 second cooldown and Summon Skeletons has a 20 second duration. This build aims to align them at 0.198 seconds each. Now neither of these mechanics reach this time breakpoint precisely, however, due to the limitation of server ticks, we can take advantage of rounding and have both our cooldowns & durations align perfectly at the 0.198 second threshold which is equal to 6x server ticks. This requires running just over 99% reduced overall skeleton duration, typically by running 98% reduced duration & 51% less duration, or 97% reduced and 72% less in order to have Skeleton Duration rounded to 0.198 seconds. We must then achieve 27% cooldown recovery rate to have the CWDT cooldown rounded to 0.198 seconds as well. We achieve this by acquiring 20% CDR on our belt and then either 5% or 7% from our boot implicit and an optional 2% from an Abyssal Jewel. ______________________________________________________________________________ Projectiles: Ice Spear & Creeping Frost both benefit from the ability to shotgun with their projectiles, as such, we run GMP in our main links. Many alternative set ups prefer to place Creeping Frost in the Staff Link, if at all, however I believe this is an inferior way to build the character. Creeping Frost in the main link yields both higher overall damage as well as drastically improved AoE/Clear Speed as Creeping Frost will spread its projectiles out while clearing a map ______________________________________________________________________________ Utilities/DPS Buffs: This build enables room for a wide array of utilities & DPS buffs and it is worthwhile understanding how we acquire them. Bonechill: This grants the equivalent of a 14% shock and is linked to our Freezing Pulse in our Staff 5/6L Shock: By acquiring small amounts of flat damage on our helm implicits, we can utilise our Elementalist Ascendancy to apply 10% shock to all targets Arcane Surge: Due to the copius amounts of mana we consume and recoup, we can run a level 20 version of this gem in our Staff 5/6L to have 20% MORE damage at all times Culling Strike: Attached to our staff via a support gem, this passively gives us 11% MORE DPS Onslaught: Obtained either via our 6th Staff Link or via an Annoint, this gives us 20% Movement Speed at all times Phase Run: By running the Cold Mastery that grants Frenzy Charges on Shatter, we can maintain 100% uptime on Phase Run, giving our build approximately 47%+ Movement Speed at all times Righteous Fire: Due to the insane amounts of life recovery earned by our Life Recoup and self damage, we can permanently maintain RF for 39% MORE damage at all times, as well as running Vaal RF for an additional 19% MORE damage temporarily vs Bosses Sniper's Mark: Since we deal projectile damage and can cast this constantly via CWDT, we are obtaining the equivalent of a 38% shock against Rares and Bosses Purity of Elements: Obtaining this aura via Eternal Blessing support allows us to have this aura for free while leaving our mana pool available for use with Mind Over Matter ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Gems:
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![]() The above image can be found in the resource spreadsheet, it is fairly self explanatory in conjunction with the information already provided in this guide. While there ARE other viable gem set ups, I have decided that it is best to offer up a standard one-size-fits all gem list instead. This removes room for user error. IF you copy these gem levels/qualities/links, you can be 100% certain that should the wardloop fail, it is NOT because of your gems. ______________________________________________________________________________ Gear/Shopping List: Every recommended purchase below can be found in my spreadsheet's shopping list, however this section of the guide will be devoted to explaining/justifying choices
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Flask: Primary Option: Olroth's Resolve Tradesite Link: ![]() This flask enables our entire build to work. It is highly recommended to buy a 40% Increased Charges Used Roll with 28% quality, however they can be expensive. Alternatively you could add the quality yourself via Hillock OR buy a 28% quality flask and roll it with Divine Orbs. We use Survival Secrets to lessen the Ward Penalty down to 56% Less Ward. ______________________________________________________________________________ Weapon: Primary Option: Annihilating Light Tradesite Link: ![]() This item massively increases your DPS at the cost of resistances, which is why so much attention is given to obtaining them from other sources at all costs. The above filter ensures you get a 60% roll. You SHOULD 5 Link this item yourself, however if you want a 6 Link, buy it already linked and rolled. This staff is only used for utility and the final link is worth approximately 10% of your overall DPS at most. ______________ Weapon Swap: Spectral Spirits Weapon Tradesite Link: ![]() This item is used in your weapon swap, simply toggle it as many times as needed to begin your loop. When this weapon is switched out of, the game treats your spirits as having died and will cause Heartbound Loop to deal damage to you. Use the essence on ANY weapon to make it work. ______________________________________________________________________________ Body Armor: Primary Option: Skin of the Lords Tradesite Link: ![]() This body armor is yet another key part of the build as it grants a large quantity of ward while also granting you heaps of DPS. The above link will filter out the required sockets & keystones to ensure you don't buy the wrong body armor, this is important since many keystones either weaken or brick the build. ______________________________________________________________________________ Ring: Primary Option: Heartbound Loop x2 Tradesite Link: ![]() This ring triggers your loop and keeps it going. There are no alternatives to this ring and you will need 2x of them. These rings MUST have 20x Noxious Catalysts applied to them ______________________________________________________________________________ Amulet: Primary Option: The Pandemonius Tradesite Link: ![]() Our BiS amulet in abscence of Omniscience (which costs 2-3x this entire build). This amulet SHOULD be anointed with Counterweight for Damage or optionally with Graceful Assault if you are using a 5-Linked Staff for extra movement speed. Remember to apply 20x Turbulent Catalysts to this item. ______________________________________________________________________________ Flask: Primary Option: Dying Sun Tradesite Link: ![]() The rolls on this item don't matter, but it does grant a 6th Projectile to Creeping Frost and a 7th Projectile to Ice Spear. Due to Survival Secrets, this flask only grants 1 projectile, however it is still our best DPS flask aside from a Bottled Faith (which is expensive & inconsistent). ______________________________________________________________________________ Jewel: Primary Option: To Dust - 20% Tradesite Link: ![]() If you are using the High Budget PoB, you will need 1x of these. Do NOT buy any more than that. You are looking for a 20% reduced Skeleton Duration roll. These jewels are necessary. ______________ Jewel: Primary Option: To Dust - 19% Tradesite Link: If you are using the High Budget PoB, you will need 2x of these ______________ Jewel: Primary Option: To Dust - 18% Tradesite Link: If you are using the Low Budget PoB, you will need 4x of these ______________________________________________________________________________ Jewel: Primary Option: Grand Spectrum - Damage Tradesite Link: ![]() These jewels are a very efficient way to scale our damage cheap, due to being uniques, you can usually find useful corrupt implicits on them at a reasonable price as well. This build lacks sources of increased damage and thus gets much better mileage out of these jewels than most builds. You NEED 3x of them for them to be worth running however, and they can be mixed/matched with the resistance versions of the jewels as needed. ______________ Jewel: Alternative Option: Grand Spectrum - Resistances Tradesite Link: ![]() These jewels give 21% All Res or 63% Total Res each, which helps you meet your resistance requirements despite Annihilating Light drastically reducing them. Swap out as many Viridian Grand Spectrums as needed to cap resistances. ______________________________________________________________________________ Jewel: Primary Option: Survival Secrets Tradesite Link: ![]() We ONLY run this jewel to mitigate the penalty of Olroth's Resolve. This way we get to keep 44% of our ward rather than only 30%. This item alone effectively gives us 50% more ward. ______________________________________________________________________________ Jewel: Primary Option: Brutal Restraint - Balbala Tradesite Link: ![]() You NEED this jewel to convert Keystones to 'The Traitor' via the line "Akhara of Balbala". You ALSO need this jewel to add '10% increased flask charges gained' to one of the notables that you can access easily, namely, Constitution, Battle Rouse, Sentinel, and in the Low Budget PoB, Window of Opportunity. You can't do this deterministically, so I would recommend just buying as many of these jewels as needed and then selling back the ones that don't hit, OR buy lots of divine orbs and spam this jewel until you hit what you need. ______________________________________________________________________________ Belt: Primary Option: CDR/RCU Belt Tradesite Link: ![]() Your belt NEEDS 20% CDR and then any RCU roll between 10-20%. Buying this belt is expensive but if you consult the crafting guide in my spreadsheet, you can craft one yourself for a drastically reduced cost. ______________ Alternative Option: Crafted CDR/RCU Belt Tradesite Link (Bases): Tradesite Link (Recombinators): ![]() ______________________________________________________________________________ Helm: Primary Option: Runic Crown Tradesite Link: ![]() These items can usually be purchased for 1-2 exalts, and require 4 exalts to craft, however if the popularity of Ward Loop rises, you may want to eat the 4 exalt cost and craft one yourself. You want the Crown to have 550 Ward at least and about 75%+ Total Resistances You ideally want Cold Penetration as your Eater of Worlds Implicit, but you MUST get lightning damage to spells as your Searing Exarch Implicit (for shock). ______________ Alternative Option: Crafted Runic Crown
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Tradesite Link (Base): Tradesite Link (Resonator): Tradesite Link (Fossil): Tradesite Link (Eldritch Annul): ![]() ______________________________________________________________________________ Gloves: Primary Option: Runic Gauntlet Tradesite Link: ![]() These items can usually be purchased for 1-2 exalts, and require 4 exalts to craft, however if the popularity of Ward Loop rises, you may want to eat the 4 exalt cost and craft one yourself. You want the Gauntlet to have 400 Ward at least and about 75%+ Total Resistances You need Unnerve chance as your Searing Exarch Implicit and Cold Exposure from your Eater of Worlds Implicit. ______________ Alternative Option: Crafted Runic Gauntlet
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Tradesite Link (Base): Tradesite Link (Resonator): Tradesite Link (Fossil): Tradesite Link (Eldritch Annul): ![]() ______________________________________________________________________________ Boots: Primary Option: Runic Sabatons Tradesite Link: ![]() These items can usually be purchased for 1-2 exalts, and require 4 exalts to craft, however if the popularity of Ward Loop rises, you may want to eat the 4 exalt cost and craft one yourself. You want the Gauntlet to have 350 Ward at least, some amount of movement speed and about 70%+ Total Resistances You need 7% CDR as an Eater of Worlds implicit, if you would rather use Lesser Ichors and you hit 5%, you will need to find the extra 2% from an Abyss Jewel. You want either Action Speed or Movement Speed as a Searing Exarch implicit, although Action Speed is overall slightly better. ______________ Alternative Option: Crafted Runic Sabatons
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Tradesite Link (Base): Tradesite Link (Resonator): Tradesite Link (Fossil): Tradesite Link (Eldritch Annul): ![]() ______________________________________________________________________________ Large Cluster Jewel: Primary Option: Prismatic Heart 8 Passive Cluster Tradesite Link: ![]() This cluster's aim is to give you access to 2 jewel sockets, Prismatic Heart and 2x small nodes with 12% cold damage each for 5 points. It requires having Prismatic Heart on an 8 passive base in addition to one of the following: Corrosive Elements, Disorientating Display, Sadist or Doryani's Lesson. ______________________________________________________________________________ Medium Cluster Jewel: Primary Option: Fasting/Distilled Perfection Cluster Tradesite Link: ![]() 5 Passive Clusters are ideal as you MAY need a 2nd minor node to hit 100% Olroth Uptime. ______________________________________________________________________________ Flask: Primary Option: Speed Flask Tradesite Link: ![]() ______________ Flask: Primary Option: Resistance Flask Tradesite Link: ![]() ______________________________________________________________________________ CDR Jewel: Primary Option: CDR Abyss Jewel Tradesite Link: ![]() You ONLY need this if you got 5% CDR on your boots and didn't get the 7% roll from rolling with Grand Eldritch Ichors ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Pantheons & Bandits:
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Major: Soul of the Brine King Minor: Any, Except Tukohama, Shakari or Gruthkul as they may mess up your Wardloop ______________________________________________________________________________ Wellspring of Creation:
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![]() This Atlas Keystone makes it very easy to level up due to massively reducing incoming damage from enemies without actually bricking your loop. I highly recommend it if you want to die less. ______________________________________________________________________________ Последняя редакция: Fyregrass#7297. Время: 6 июня 2022 г., 20:25:20 Last bumped6 авг. 2022 г., 21:16:37
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Awesome guide, just starting looking into making a loop scion. When it comes to what to aim for upgrades as you amass currency, to do ubers etc, what would you prioritize and how would it effect shifting around all your other gear?
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" For when you have this build going and upgrade after beyond this guide? |
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Are you just using stalker and apex sentinels with this build?
Последняя редакция: Hermis#6806. Время: 4 июня 2022 г., 19:11:25
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Remove your guide!
Thank you bruh, I appreciate your work. I hope you get back to streaming one day. |
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Are there any methods to Incorperate a Mageblood into a build like this? can the CDR/RCU Be allocated other places to compensate for it?
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Is "Increased flask charge" on Arcane Chemistry ok or do i need to re-roll?
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" You need 15% CDR for the first breakpoint. Then 27% for the second. You might be able to pull it off with some tinkering. For flasks, you'd need keep them looped. With enough increased flask charges gained, decreased flask charges used. When I did it they both had to be Tier 1 to keep it going. Maybe re-used would help as it would re-use before it's completely full but always be enough charges to rerun it. Then Move CDR around onto the boots and jewels. Not my build.
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Последняя редакция: chrischoi#5738. Время: 5 июня 2022 г., 15:58:59
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Thanks for the guide, just got this online now, and having a blast! I do sometimes die out of nowhere, but I was warned, so not complaining;)
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