[3.23 UPDATED] Bergerbrush's Beginner Friendly Death's Oath Occultist
![]() Hello everyone! My name is Bergerbrush and this build is my Death's Oath Occultist. This Guide will have all information needed for newer or older players to start off from level 1 as you are exiled upon the Twilight Strand. And I will guide you the whole way to the Path of Exile endgame. If you have any questions regarding the Build or suggestions feel free to contact me in my Twitch Stream where I stream sometimes. ![]() 3.22 & 3.23 Updates
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Basicly no changes to care about in 3.23, will update more when we know more about new Gems! Build Guide once again updated to have correct information for current League! Leveling Section has been updated with new Skill Tree's for Act 1-10 if you level with Poison Concoction! This also comes alongside a new Leveling Guide PoB of course! Death's Oath 3.22 Update Video! Here are all the PoB's for the 3.22 Trial of the Ancestors LEAGUE! Leveling PoB: https://pobb.in/tQTLxLsIoZ8O Stage 1 PoB: https://pobb.in/kGZERyU372_s Stage 2 PoB: https://pobb.in/54PEI6F-7tmG Stage 3 PoB: https://pobb.in/YFXJq6n6erYq Min-Maxed Endgame Bossing PoB: https://pobb.in/GzBcmbSZT8lQ Min-Maxed Endgame Mapping PoB: https://pobb.in/PrFUDHQxg1Gl Pros & Cons
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+ Extremely good Map Clear + League Start Viable + Decent Single Target in Maps + Pretty good Defensively + Immune to Curses + Can do most Map Mods + Very easy playstyle - Can not do UBER Bosses - Items can potentially be expensive early in the League - Have to juggle stats in Skill Tree & on Gear Information & Videos
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Information about the Build
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Offense Death's Oath Aura Death's Oath is a Body Armour that grants an offensive Aura around you. By utilizing the Occultist Ascendancy we can use the Death's Aura to very easily clear maps by just running around. When we stand next to an enemy they will just die from our damaging Aura around us. Then when they die they explode from the "Profane Bloom" ascendancy node. This usually triggers a chain reaction of entire packs of enemies basicly blowing up and therefor making map clearing very easy by just running around. Single Target The Death's Aura isn't very strong for stronger enemies and therefor we require another form of damage in order to take down Bosses and certain rare monsters. To do this we utilize another 6-link in our Bow and in most cases we use the Caustic Arrow skill for this. It leaves a puddle of toxic ground that does Damage over Time. Pair this with our Death's Aura and we can gain a decent amount of Single Target. With the newly added Vaal Caustic Arrow our Single Target damage can be quite high if you use this correctly. The best way to use this is to put it on a Boss and then try to kite the boss within the Vaal Caustic Arrow puddle as it does 2.4x the damage of a normal Caustic Arrow. Lifetap By putting Lifetap in our Death's Oath Aura we can utilize the damage multiplier given by the Lifetap support. But in order for Lifetap to give us a damage boost we need to have the Buff uptime on our character. We make this happen by linking a level 1 Lifetap with Steelskin in our Gloves, Helmet or Boots. When we then activate Steelskin it will apply the Lifetap buff to our character, which then activates the Lifetap support gem in our Death's Aura, giving us more damage. Eldritch Battery Eldritch Battery uses Energy Shield instead of Mana for casting skills and spells. By using the Keystone "Eldritch Battery" in the skilltree. We can utilize our Energy Shield for casting our Skills and Spells. Since Energy Shield doesn't work for us anyway due to our Divine Flesh keystone then we can use the Energy Shield in order to not have to care about our mana-pool. Since we reserv a lot of our mana for our Auras we would then struggle to cast skills if we did not use Eldritch Battery. Defense Curse Immunity By using the Viridi's Veil Praetor Crown Helmet and a Magic Ring in the Right ring slot. We become Hexproof which means that Curses are applied to us, but doesn't actually affect us. This isn't really a form of Immunity so the title here is misleading. But it still does make it so Curses and Hexes don't really affect us in anyway. Evasion Based Many people who play this Build usually build their defences around armor. But for my version we mostly use the right side of the Skill Tree which means we not only have access to Evasion Masteries but we even have certain nodes that grants us Evasion. This makes it easy to use the "Grace" aura and therefor the Grace Mana Reservation Mastery. I therefor invest in evasion a lot and build my defences around that mainly. Divine Flesh Jewel & Chaos Resist By using a Glorious Vanity Jewel we can convert the "Pain Attunement" node into a new Skill Node called "Divine Flesh". Divine Flesh makes it so all damage bypasses our Energy Shield, rendering our Energy Shield completely useless. But it does make it so we have +5% to our MAXIMUM Chaos Resistance. And lastly it makes it so 50% of Elemental Damage we take is taken AS CHAOS DAMAGE INSTEAD. By having the "One with Evil" skillnode in our Skill Tree and getting chaos resistance on some of our gear, we can then get 81% Max Chaos Resistances. So if we take Chaos Damage it is highly mitigated, meaning that we will take very little Chaos Damage. And since we use Divine Flesh that means that 50% of elemental damage we take is taken as Chaos instead, but with our high chaos res we basicly take no elemental damage at all. Temporal Chains Temporal Chains is a defensive Curse that applies to enemies around us. It lowers the "Action Speed" of enemies, meaning that their attack, cast and movement speed is lowered. This is a great way of slowing enemies down around us so it's easier for us to dodge incoming attacks and in some cases not even give our enemies a chance to attack us, before they are dead themselfs. Steelskin on Left-Click In my opinion the easiest way to automaticly have Steelskin activated most of the time and therefor also giving us the Lifetap damage buff most of the time, is by putting Steelskin on your Left-Click. So while you are using Left-Click to move in the game it will automaticly use Steelskin when ever it is off cooldown. This is not only the easiest and smoothest way to keep the damage buff from Lifetap up but Steelskin is also a very strong defense cooldown. As it gives us a absorption shield during it's uptime. Primal Aegis When or if you invest enough into this build and can accquire the Forbidden Flesh & Forbidden Flame Jewels. You will be buying the Jewel combination that grants us the Elementalist Ascendancy Node "Bastion of Elements". This gives us a Absorption Shield that absorbs Elemental Damage. By having the Divine Flesh node so 50% of Elemental Damage is taken as Chaos Damage and by having the "Bastion of Elements" Elementalist node, we can take extremely large amounts of elemental damage without dying. Pairing that with our high evasion we become extremely tanky to both incoming Elemental and Physical hits. Showcase & Videos
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Build Guide Videos Death's Oath 3.22 Video Mapping & Bossing Showcase Video Showcasing ![]() Helpful Path of Exile Playlists Playlist of General Tips & Tricks in Path of Exile Beginner Guide Playlist of how Path of Exile Mechanics Work Leveling Stage Act 1-10
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Below you will find 4 Sections with explanations to your leveling progression. Gear, Skill Trees, Skill Gems and Ascendancy Choices all have extensive information with everything you need to know. I also suggest looking at the videos below if you need help with leveling in general or this specific character. Here is a Playlist loaded with Information regarding how Path of Exile works and how to understand the game better. Leveling Gear Act 1-10
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Good Uniques for Leveling Early - Tabula Rasa - Tabula Rasa is one of the most common leveling items because it has 6-links and all are white which means you can slot any gems into the sockets. The item also doesn't have any requirements and can therefor be worn by anyone at any given time. But keep in mind, it doesn't really have any stats. But because of the 6-link it provides a large damage boost. - Wanderlust Shoes - Wanderlust shoes are one of the most common leveling boots. It can be used at level 1 and has no requirements. It provides a good amount of movement speed and also Freeze Immunity. - Goldrim Leathercap - Goldrim is a very common leveling helmet as well. As it also can be used at Level 1 and gives a LARGE AMOUNT of all Elemental Resists. - Lifespring Wand - Lifespring Wand's are also one of the most common leveling wands for spellcasters. As they can be used at Level 1 and provide a good amount of damage, cast speed and even a little bit of life. But the main thing that they do is that they give +1 to socketed spell gems. And Gem levels for Spellcasters is a really nice damage boost. - Le Heup of All Ring - There aren't many really great rings for leveling. But Le Heup of All is a pretty good choice. It gives a nice stat boost to help with overall gearing, it gives damage and a good amount of resists. Rare Gear & How to Obtain it - General Rare Gear - Gloves - Helmet - Belt - Rings - Body Armour - Amulet For these items it is generally very much the same when you level new characters. You want modifiers such as: + to Maximum Life +% to any RESISTS you need IMPORTANT! It is quite hard to obtain Chromatic Orbs & Jewellers Orbs early in the game. And it is therefore suggested that you look out for items that also has the correct amount of sockets that you need for linking skill gems, and that they have the correct colours as well alongside with the suggested modifiers. - Boots - Boots are very simple as well, same as other General Rare Gear items but we also want movement speed. We want modifiers such as: + to Maximum Life +% to any RESISTS you need % Increased Movement Speed (The higher the better) - Shield - Shield is just as the other gear, we want modifiers such as: + to Maximum Life +% to any RESISTS you need Gem Skills for Leveling Act 1-10
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- Level 1-12 (Act 1) - I suggest leveling with Cold Spells until you are Level 12 and can start using Poisonous Concoction (Swap out Frostblink for Flame Dash after killing Brutus) - At level 12 you can remove your Wand and start playing Poisonous Concotion - You can remove all the previous Skills you have used at this point and start using the ones provided from this point on in the Guide. Poisonous Concoction is a very interesting and unique Skill in Path of Exile that requires you to not have any weapon equipped. It also has a mechanic where it uses your Life Flasks in order to deal more damage. (In a way you are throwing your flasks to deal damage with them) Therefor it is vital to keep more than 1 Life Flask on you during leveling and also keep your Life Flasks updated every Act! Also it is extremely important, that you get the Skill Node "Replenishing Remedies" as soon as you can in Act 2, because it will help you sustain your Life Flasks! Also, you are not able to purchase Poisonous Concotion or recieve it as a quest reward when leveling a Witch Character. In order to get this gem you need to ask a friend who can accquire it for you. Or you can ask me if I am live or available in my Discord! 3-Link Damage Setup Auras Only level Precision to level 10. The more we level it, the more mana reservation it will require. Movement Skill & Steelskin Link these skills with Lifetap as it will use Life instead of mana when activating them. If it becomes a problem then just remove it until you get your Death's Oath Armour because you want to use Lifetap with Steelskin at that point. IMPORTANT! - Keep this specific Lifetap gem at level 1 only. - Level 12-22 (Act 2) - If 4-Link is Accquired Auras - Level 22-32 (Act 3) - If 5-Link is Accquired Auras & Curse Despair is a Curse which lowers enemies Chaos Resistance and makes them take more Chaos damage. You should manually cast this on bosses or tanky enemies to kill them easier. Extra Damage Plague Bearer is a Skill that you activate and incubate Posion damage into. When the buff reaches it maximum value you can activate this skill again to Poison and damage enemies around you. This is very helpful for clearing and helps with Single Target as well! - Level 60-64 (Act 9) - If you have been able to obtain a Death's Oath Body Armour by level 62 you can start using it if you want to. Just keep in mind that you require a decent amount of Chaos Resistance to mitigate the chaos damage that you take from wearing the Armour. Keep in mind though that the Death's Oath Armour does not require the sockets to actually be linked with eachother. This Armour will activate any support gem that is socketed into it, and therefor you do not have to LINK the sockets together. Also getting the proper Colours on the Sockets can be difficult, but here is the general setup of 5 gem or 6 gem setup that you want in the Death's Oath. 5 Socket Gems in Death's Oath 6 Socket Gems in Death's Oath Skill Tree's for Act 1-10
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Act 1 Level 1-12 Act 1 Skill Tree Act 2 Level 12-22 Act 2 Skill Tree IMPORTANT - You need to get the Skill Node "Replenishing Remedies" as soon as possible in order to sustain your Life Flasks! Because Poisionous Concoction uses Life Flask charges when you attack with the skill! For the Bandits Quest in Act 2 I suggest you KILL ALL BANDITS. Killing all Bandits gives us: 2 Extra Skill Points Act 3 Level 22-32 Act 3 Skill Tree I suggest doing first lab after finishing Act 3. At this point you should be strong enough to face Izaro in the Labyrinth. You should pick the Ascendancy called Occultist and the First Skill you should pick is "Void Beacon" Here is a Video on how the Labyrinth & Ascendancy System Works Act 4 Level 32-40 Act 4 Skill Tree If you are struggling with mana at this point, get the skill node "Charisma" first. Because that will lower the mana reservation from your auras. Act 5 Level 40-45 Act 5 Skill Tree Act 6 Level 45-50 Act 6 Skill Tree Act 7 Level 50-55 Act 7 Skill Tree After finishing the quest "The Silver Locket" take the "Jade Flask" as your reward from Weylam Roth. This is a strong defensive Flask that gives us Evasion during the flask uptime and we will use this Flask in our Flask Setup later as well. Act 8 Level 55-60 Act 8 Skill Tree At the beginning of Act 8 I suggest that you go and do your second Labyrinth now. Your next ascendancy skill will be "Withering Presence" Act 9 Level 60-64 Act 9 Skill Tree Act 10 Level 64-68 Act 10 Skill Tree I suggest doing your third Labyrinth at level 68 before you battle Kitava again. When you defeat Kitava in Act 10 she lowers your resistances by an extra -30%. Therefor it is easier to do the third Labyrinth before defeating Kitava. The third set of skill points in our ascendancy tree will be "Profane Bloom". Ascendancy Choices
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Video of Labyrinth & Trials Explanation 1st / Normal Labyrinth: Void Beacon 2nd / Cruel Labyrinth: Withering Presence 3rd / Merciless Labyrinth: Profane Bloom 4th / Eternal Labyrinth: Unholy Authority ![]() Pantheon Choices
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The Pantheon is unlocked after Act 6 when you start defeating certain bosses in the Acts. It is a little mini "Skill Tree" where you can select 1 Major Skill and 1 Minor Skill. By clicking "Y" in game you can open your Pantheon and select which ones you want. I suggest these different Skills depending on your playstyle. Major Pantheon: I would suggest "Soul of the Brine King". Because there is a very strong synergy with Soul of the Brine King if you use a Divine Vessel in a map and capture Puruna, The Challenger. This will make it so when you have "Soul of the Brine King" you cannot be Frozen. And not being able to be Frozen is extremely good defensively in Path of Exile! Minor Pantheon: I would suggest Soul of Gruthkul for slightly more defense or Soul of Ryslatha for Quality of Life. Leveling Path of Building
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This PoB contains all Skill Tree's for every act while leveling and also has some generic leveling gear and Skill Gem setups for your progression through the acts! Leveling PoB: https://pobb.in/tQTLxLsIoZ8O Early Mapping - Stage 1
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Congratulations! You made it past Act 10 Kitava and are now ready for the Endgame in Path of Exile. Make sure to watch these videos below if you do not know how to prepare for the Endgame or where to start! Here is a Video to help you Prepare for Mapping after Defeating Act 10 Kitava! Here is another video with everything to know about the Endgame Mapping System! Skill Tree & Path of Building
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Stage 1 Skill Tree ~ Level 80 Early Mapping - Stage 1 PoB ~ Level 80: https://pobb.in/kGZERyU372_s Here is a video explaining how to use Path of Building Gem Links
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IMPORTANT - You always wanna try to keep your Gems atleast Level 20 with 20% Quality unless I specifically say something different. If the Gems in this Guide don't have 20/20 Gems it is because I don't have those myself and can therefor not link them in this Guide. 5-Socketed Death's Oath 6-Socketed Death's Oath 6-Link Bow IMPORTANT - It is very recommended to get a Vaal Caustic Arrow as soon as possible and learn to use it for strong Rare Monsters and Bosses. As it does incredibly much damage! Auras - Helmet Vaal Grace is a Defensive Cooldown that greatly boosts your Evasion Rating. Use the Vaal skill when you know there can be some hard hitting incoming damage or use it if you drop to low HP. Aura & Utlity - Gloves/Boots IMPORTANT - You are not able to turn on your Determination Aura in "Stage 2" until you accquire the Chaos Damage Impresence Amulet! When you equip this amulet it removes the mana reservation from your Despair and Blasphemy setup. Withering Step applies "Wither" to nearby enemies when you activate it. And as soon as you use another skill it is deactivated. Learn to play with this in order to apply Wither stacks faster on Bosses. Wither makes it so enemies who are Withered take increased Chaos Damage. Movement & Steelskin - Boots/Gloves IMPORTANT - Keep the Lifetap skill in this setup at Level 1! It is important that anytime you activate Steelskin or use a movement ability that you gain the Lifetap buff. This is the way that we gain the damage from our Lifetap skill in the Death's Oath Body Armor! Here you can use Dash or Flame Dash or whatever movement skill you prefer. I prefer Dash so therefor I linked Dash here. Gear
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Video on How to use Trade Website Here we will go over what gear you want and above is a helpful video to show you how to trade for gear on the Path of Exile Trade Website. - 5-Link or 6-Link Rare Bow - CHEAP Price~MEDIUM Price - There is a nice trick to easily get a 6-Link Short Bow by turning a Set of Six "The Porcupine" Divination Cards. Once you have done that you can also use "Shrieking Essence of Dread" or "Deafening Essence of Dread" on your Bow to guarantee atleast +2 Level of Socketed Bow Gems, which will make for quite a decent Bow for now. If you are looking for a stronger Bow or other ways of accquiring it then these are the modifiers that you are looking for: + to Level of Socketed Gems + to level of Socketed Bow Gems +% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier % increased Chaos Damage over Time - Quiver - CHEAP - Look for modifiers on Rare Quivers such as: + to Maximum Life +% to any RESISTS you need +% to Damage over Time Multiplier with Attack Skills - Body Armour - CHEAP~MEDIUM Price A 6 Socketed Death's Oath should be pretty easy to accquire but you want the correct colours. The correct colours that you want on your Death's Oath is, 2 Red, 2 Blue and 2 Green. Getting those colours can be a bit difficult or even slightly expensive. There is a great trick to getting these colours though through the use of Harvest. - Helmet - CHEAP - On your Helmet you want modifiers such as: + to Maximum Life +% to any RESISTS you need Energy Shield (You need a little bit of Energy Shield on either your Helmet, Boots or Gloves because we are using the Keystone Eldritch Battery) -Amulet- MEDIUM Price~EXPENSIVE Price - If you can afford it or accquire it I highly suggest getting the Chaos Damage version of the Impresence Onyx Amulet as soon as possible. This item gives us a lot of damage and enables us to use the Determination Aura when you get the Annoint. IMPORTANT - There are different versions of the Impresence Onyx Amulet! Make sure you get the CHAOS one! If you can not afford or accquire this Amulet early on then just use a Rare Amulet that has modifiers such as: + to Maximum Life +% to any RESISTS you need + to Strength and/or Dexterity IF you have accquired the Chaos Impresence Amulet and want to annoint it already then you want to annoint Sovereignty. ANNOINT - Sovereignty - Silver Oil+Silver Oil+Silver Oil When we have Sovereignty annointed we have better mana reservation and therefor can more freely use and activate our Auras. And the modifier "%Increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills" actually increases the damage of our Death's Oath AURA! Video on how to Annoint - Rings - CHEAP - You are looking for Rare Rings with modifiers such as: + to Maximum Life +% to Any RESISTS you need + Strength and/or Dexterity - Gloves - CHEAP - You want Rare Gloves with modifiers such as: + to Maximum Life +% to any RESISTS you need - Belt - CHEAP - You want a Rare Belt with modifiers such as: + to Maximum Life +% to any RESISTS you need - Boots - CHEAP - You want a pair of Rare Boots with modifiers such as: + to Maximum Life % Increased Movement Speed (preferably 25%, 30% or 35%) +% to any RESISTS you need - Flasks - CHEAP - I suggest a Life Flask that gives Instant Health when used paired with Anti Bleeding to use when you have normal bleeding on you. (We can't get Corrupted Bleeding on us because of Skill Tree) A Silver Flask for Onslaught which increases our Movement, Attack and Cast Speed. A Quartz Flask that grants us some Spell Suppression and Phasing. A Jade Flask that increases our Evasion. A Quicksilver flask that grants us high amounts of Movement Speed. - Jewels - CHEAP~MEDIUM Price - The Glorious Vanity Jewel is an essential part of our Build as it enables us to get the "Divine Flesh" keystone in our Skill Tree. IMPORTANT - It is very important that you get a Glorious Vanity Jewel that has the modifier: Sacrificed in the name of Xibaqua. There are different names on these Jewels and they all provide different keystones. It's important that you place this Jewel in the right socket. By doing this you will turn the "Pain Attunement" keystone into the "Divine Flesh" keystone. As shown in the pictures below.
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![]() ![]() CHEAP - If you are using Rare Jewels you should look for modifiers such as: % Increased Maximum Life % Increased Damage over Time % Increased Area Damage + Strength and/or Dexterity + to All Attributes Midgame Mapping - Stage 2
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It is time to upgrade our gear even more as Path of Exile is a lot about character progression and gear progression. We have gotten a bit further into the Endgame of PoE and now as the difficulty bar is raising, so do we have to raise our damage and defenses. Main Item Upgrades
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Video on How to use Trade Website - Viridi's Veil Praetor Crown - CHEAP Price~MEDIUM Price - This is a pretty large upgrade for us due to many things. First of all we want a Viridi's Veil with +2 Level of Socketed Gems! This is very important since we equip our Auras with Enlighten Support in this item, and therefor our Enlighten gains up to level 5 and helps us even more with our Mana Reservation! Second of all by equipping a Magic Ring we will gain the unique modifier effect "Damage of Enemies Hitting You is Unlucky while you have a Magic Ring Equipped" and we also gain the unique modifier effect "You are Hexproof if you have a Magic Ring in the Right Slot" which we will have. These two modifiers make us more tanky overall and also makes it so we don't have to care about curses in the game, WHICH IS EXTREMELY POWERFUL AND CONVENIENT! - Magic Ring - CHEAP - As stated earlier we get a Magic Ring and put it in the Right Slot on our character. I also highly suggest getting a Vermillion Ring since it gives such a high amount of Life to our character. And a nice trick if you wanna selfcraft this is to buy a Vermillion Ring, make it normal rarity (white) and then use Life Catalysts on it. This will make it have 20% Life Quality with only having to use 4x Catalysts. Look for modifiers on the Magic Ring such as: + to Maximum Life + Strength +% to any RESISTS you need - Left Rare Ring Upgrade - CHEAP Price~MEDIUM Price - In case you feel like you need it you can upgrade your Left Rare Ring to something stronger. Once again you can opt in to get a Vermillion Ring here if you are looking for even more HP. Look for modifiers on the Rare Ring such as: + to Maximum Life + Strength +% to any RESISTS you need - Large Cluster Jewel - MEDIUM Price~EXPENSIVE Price - Cluster Jewels is an essential part of this Build like many others. We gain a high amount of our Damage through Cluster Jewels and therefor we start of with a Large Cluster Jewel. The specific Large Cluster Jewel we desire here is the Jewel that has the "%Increased Chaos Damage" modifier. I really suggest trying to get a "8 Passive Cluster Jewel" so we can save as many Skill Points as possible, but of course this can get expensive. If you really do not have the Budget for it, then go for a 9 Passive. Depending on your Budget you can either opt in for TWO Large Skill Nodes or THREE. The three nodes that we want are "Unholy Grace", "Wicked Pall" and "Unwaveringly Evil". I suggest buying what ever suits your budget and what ever you find available. There is no specific combination or any specific node that is better than the others. So get one as you like. Here is a quick Video to explain how Cluster Jewels work and how to use them! - Medium Cluster Jewels - MEDIUM Price - The specific Medium Cluster Jewel we desire here is the Jewel that has the "%Increased Damage over Time" modifier. We will put 2x Medium Cluster Jewels inside our Large Cluster Jewel as well. I suggest for the Mediums that you buy a "4 Passive Cluster Jewel" or a "5 Passive Cluster Jewel". They basicly work the same way, so it doesn't matter if you go for a 4 or a 5. The two Large Skill Nodes you want on these are the "Brewed for Potency" and "Flow of Life". - Impresence Amulet with "Sovereignty" Annointed - MEDIUM Price - If you already have a Chaos Damage Impresence Amulet then you can keep that and just annoint your current one. ANNOINT - Sovereignty - Silver Oil+Silver Oil+Silver Oil When we have Sovereignty annointed we have better mana reservation and therefor can more freely use and activate our Auras. And the modifier "%Increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills" actually increases the damage of our Death's Oath AURA! Video on how to Annoint - Rare Quiver - MEDIUM Price - You want a Rare Quiver with modifiers such as: +% to Damage over Time Multiplier with Attack Skills % increased Damage with Bow Skills + to Maximum Life +% to any RESISTS you need - Rare Gloves - MEDIUM Price - You want a pair of Rare Gloves that are Hunter Influenced with modifiers such as: +% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier + to Maximum Life +% to any RESISTS you need Preferably Evasion Gloves with High Evasion - Rare Boots - MEDIUM Price - You want a pair of Rare Boots with modifiers such as: % Increased Movement Speed (preferably 30% or 35%) + to Maximum Life +% to any RESISTS you need Preferably Evasion Boots with High Evasion And you can also influence your gloves with Searing Exarch Influence and look for more "Movement Speed" or even "Action Speed" - Stygian Vise Belt - MEDIUM Price - You want a Rare Stygian Vise Belt with modifiers such as: + to Maximum Life +% to any RESISTS you need If you want an even better belt you can get a Stygian Vise that has Life, Resists and also any of these modifiers as well: Flasks applied to you have % Increased Effect % Increased Flask Effect Duration Regenerate "x amount" Life per second - Abyssal Jewel - CHEAP Price - Abyssal Jewel to put in the Stygian Vise. We want modifiers such as: + to Maximum Life +% to any RESISTS you need + to Strength - Transcendent Mind Cobalt Jewel - MEDIUM Price~EXPENSIVE Price - The Transcendent Mind Jewel is a very offensivly strong Jewel that greatly increases our Damage over Time Multiplier. You want to socket this Jewel in a very specific spot in your skill Tree. The spot can be found in the image below.
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![]() Gem Upgrades
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IMPORTANT - You always wanna try to keep your Gems atleast Level 20 with 20% Quality unless I specifically say something different. If the Gems in this Guide don't have 20/20 Gems it is because I don't have those myself and can therefor not link them in this Guide. 6-Link Bow We swap out Effiacy support for a Level 3 Empower Gem which will grant us higher damage with Caustic Arrow. Auras - Helmet Once you have either your amulet annointed with "Sovreignity" or a "Enlighten Support" you will be able to use the Determination Aura for more Armor, making you tankier! Auras - Gloves If you have "Sovreignity" annointed on your amulet AND you have accquired a Enlighten Support for your Helmet, then you are also able to use the Defiance Banner Aura for more Armor and Evasion, making you tankier! Skill Tree & Path of Building
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Keep in mind, this Tree looks a bit weird, but that's because we will use Cluster Jewels from now on. Stage 2 Skill Tree ~ Level 90 PoB for Stage 2 ~ Level 90: https://pobb.in/54PEI6F-7tmG Endgame Mapping & Bossing - Stage 3
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In this Stage the build will start to get quite expensive, and some of the later items listed in this section will have the EXPENSIVE Price tag. The reason some of this gear is expensive is due to how good they are. And because of how powerful certain items listed here are, it will increase our power and damage quite extensively as well! Main Item Upgrades
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Video on How to use Trade Website - Enchanted Viridi's Veil - MEDIUM Price - A pretty nice upgrade is the Viridi's Veil but with a enchant on it. The enchant we are looking for is the "15% Despair Curse Effect". This makes it so our Despair Aura is stronger and we therefor deal more damage. Otherwise you can try to get "40% increased Caustic Arrow damage" enchant for stronger single target damage. - A Strong 6-Link Rare Bow - EXPENSIVE Price - In order to heavily increase our damage we want a very strong damage over time and gem levels bow. This bow can be self crafted and costs around 5-6 divines. How to selfcraft your own Chaos DoT Bow! If you are buying this bow instead of crafting it, then look for these modifiers on a Rare Bow: +1 to level of Socketed Gems +2 to Level of Socketed Bow Gems OR Level of Socketed Support Gems % increased Chaos Damage over Time +% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier +% to Damage over Time Multiplier - Inspired Learning Jewel - MEDIUM Price~EXPENSIVE Price - THE INSPIRED LEARNING IS NOT ESSENTIAL FOR THIS BUILD, IT'S ONLY A FUN ITEM THAT ENABLES FASTER AND EASIER MAP CLEARING AND NOTHING ELSE! ONLY BUY THIS ITEM IF YOU HAVE THE MONEY AND FEEL LIKE BUYING IT FOR SOME EXTRA FUN AND BETTER MAP CLEARING! The Inspired Learning Jewel is a very interesting Jewel that lets us steal different powers and buffs from Rare Enemies when we kill them. This Jewel enables a faster and easier clearspeed when we steal these different buffs. You steal 1 Buff when you kill a Rare enemy and the buff lasts for 20 seconds. In order for the Inspired Learning Jewel to actually work it requires 4 Large Skill nodes in its radius. Therefor you once again want to socket it in a very specific spot in your Skill Tree. The spot can be found in the image below.
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![]() - Optional Annoint - MEDIUM Price - If you have a Level 3 Enlighten Support in your Viridi's Veil then your Enlighten will be upgraded to Level 5. And since we have Eldritch Battery and a lot of mana reservation in our skill tree, we can then remove our "Sovereignty" annoint for something else and not have any mana issues. I therefor suggest you annoint "Disciple of the Slaughter" ANNOINT - Disciple of the Slaughter - Amber Oil+Verdant Oil+Golden Oil - Forbidden Flame & Flesh - EXPENSIVE Price - These Jewels can be EXTREMELY expensive and is not required in anyway or form for this build. These items are only there if you have money to invest and want to become even tankier if you truly enjoy this build and want to have anything to invest into. The combination that we are looking for on this set is the one that grants us the Elementalist Ascendancy Node "Bastion of Elements". It gives us a Elemental Absorption Shield that will make our character even tankier than it already was. Gem Upgrades Again
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IMPORTANT - Now since we are trying to push our damage even further we aim for Level 21, 20% Quality Gems and in some cases we now aim for Awakened Gems. The Awakened Gems can only go up to level 5, so therefor our aim is to get level 5 and 20% Quality Awakened Gems. But leveling these gems can be difficult and buying them at high level can be pricey. So even having Level 1, 20% Quality Awakened Gems is fine. 6-Socketed Death's Oath We upgrade our Efficiacy, Lifetap and Less Duration to level 21, 20% Quality Gems for higher damage. And we also upgrade our Void Manipulation, Swift Affliction and Increased Area of Effect to the Awakened versions. 6-Link Bow We still aim for a 20/20 Vaal Caustic Arrow (upgrade to 21/20 if you can afford, but it's very expensive) and Concentrated Effect gem to Level 21, 20% Quality for higher damage as well. And we also upgrade our Void Manipulation, Swift Affliction and Vicious Projectiles gems to Awakened versions. Skill Tree & Path of Building
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Endgame Min-Maxing - Stage 4
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This section will not have any Gear, Gems or Skilltree sections because if you are going to Min-Max I assume you are very used to understanding how PoB works and how to build your character. The Bossing version is more focused on Single Target but still works for mapping. I tried this last league without Vaal Caustic Arrow and was able to kill all endgame bosses, including Uber Shaper. But I still don't think you should use this for Uber Bosses. Min-Maxed Endgame Bossing PoB: https://pobb.in/GzBcmbSZT8lQ The Mapping version has more focus on map clearing, but still works decent for endgame bosses. The main change is the Asenaths gloves that gives us more explosions. Other than that, it just has some min-maxed Gems and Jewels. Min-Maxed Endgame Mapping PoB: https://pobb.in/PrFUDHQxg1Gl TLDR;
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"Hey Bergerbrush, I don't wanna read all the beginner stuff as I am an experienced PoE player but I still wanna play this guide" Skill Gem Setups & Gear can easily be found under the Early Mapping - Stage 1 section. Then gear Upgrades as you go along can be found easily in the Midgame Mapping - Stage 2 section and in the Endgame Mapping & Bosses - Stage 3 section. Otherwise you can just pop open any of the PoB's which contains Skill Tree's, Gear Setups and Skill Gem Setups. Leveling PoB: https://pobb.in/tQTLxLsIoZ8O Stage 1 PoB: https://pobb.in/kGZERyU372_s Stage 2 PoB: https://pobb.in/54PEI6F-7tmG Stage 3 PoB: https://pobb.in/YFXJq6n6erYq Min-Maxed Endgame Bossing PoB: https://pobb.in/GzBcmbSZT8lQ Min-Maxed Endgame Mapping PoB: https://pobb.in/PrFUDHQxg1Gl Последняя редакция: Bergerbrush#2560. Время: 30 нояб. 2023 г., 18:33:53 Last bumped21 сент. 2024 г., 1:59:36
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Последняя редакция: Bergerbrush#2560. Время: 1 янв. 2023 г., 22:16:44
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3.19 Updates
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Update #1 - Slightly changed Skill Tree & Auras with the nerfs to Mana Reservation Masteries. Update #2 Video on, How my League Start went & Build Changes. (Asenath's Gloves & Determination Aura) How was my Death's Oath League Starter? - Path of Exile [3.19] Update #3 Video on, Semi-Magic Finding Death's Oath Version! (Also using Full MF for Culling my own AN Mobs) Semi-Magic Finding Death's Oath?! - Path of Exile [3.19] Update #4 Video on Crafting your own Bow for this build! (Average cost of 6 Divines) How to selfcraft your own Chaos DoT Bow! - Path of Exile [3.19] Update #5 Endgame Bossing version that people have been asking for! Different Tree & a bit more investment into gear but works perfectly for Mapping still, and it can do a lot of endgame bosses! I turned my Death's Oath Occultist into a Bosser! - Path of Exile [3.19] Последняя редакция: Bergerbrush#2560. Время: 1 янв. 2023 г., 22:16:36
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I need a build for 3.22b release.
You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
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Thanks for your build idea. I want to check some stats in pob but your pob links are incorrect. These link provide a build for divine ire templar |
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" Haha yeah it's my bad. I like my "style of builds" that I've done in the past. But I can't find my old notepad with prewritten text guides. (It's hard to explain what I mean, since English isn't my 1st language) Anyway I had to copy paste everything from an old Divine Ire build guide I had. I am working on deleting/changing everything that isn't supposed to be there and put the real Death's Oath build in here. I am working this week but should have this finished by League start on Friday hopefully. |
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Everything has now been updated now except for:
Gem Links & Gear in Stage 1 Main Item Upgrades in Stage 2 Main Item Upgrades & Skill Gem Changes in Stage 3 /// These changes will be added Wednesday/Thursday so the Guide will be finished by League start on Friday. In case you are eager to see the gear and all the changes anyway, each Stage has their specific PoB linked and available for you to check out all the items, skills and changes. |
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hi, can u pls add POB with LVLing passive notes tree and skill gems?
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" Haha that's pretty funny actually. I prepared a full PoB for this yesterday and thought I added this section. Anyway the section is now added in the leveling stage. Leveling Path of Building
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This PoB contains all Skill Tree's for every act while leveling and also has some generic leveling gear and Skill Gem setups for your progression through the acts! Leveling PoB: https://pastebin.com/BjQCDsi0 |
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Gem Links for every section has been added now as well!
And added Leveling PoB section inside the Leveling Stage Act 1-10. All that remains now is that I add the Gear in Stage 1, 2 and 3 and then the guide will be finished! Will add that tomorrow! |
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