[3.25] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

bit of an odd question, there is a delay from when you start cycloning and when the ice storm starts triggering. is there any way to make this delay shorter?
have finally gotten used to the lab... I dont hate it anymore.:)
MrPindakaas написал:

How do we apply exposure with the Cast while Casting setup?

Frost Bomb applies exposure.

Let's say you have gotten so far in this build nad have the Ambush and ASsassinate forbidden flesh setup. You will have culling strike for Low Life enemies. Punishment only does the INCREASED damage to Low Life. Low Life for enemies starts counting from <50%HP. So I guess Punishment is 100% better but I'm exploring ways how to apply exposure through the CwC setup over the Single Target setup that doesn't run the Awakened Cold Penetration support gem.

I think the main thing to understand is that with decent endgame gear, the CwC staff does not need additional help: you will delete everything just Frostblinking through the map, even in T17s. (And of course, Icestorm does its thing for ~3 seconds even if you're not chaperoning it. So even magic and rare packs will die as you keep moving through the map.)

Where the build struggles, relatively speaking, is with single target: T17 and uber bosses, Delirium and Blight uniques, etc. So the most interesting tweaks to the build are those that improve single target DPS, or that significantly improve mapping QOL without hurting single target DPS too much.

But by all means, experiment and report your findings!

I love the build and I think that is one of the tankies one I ever played hehe
If anyone got time to check my build as I don't feel the damage with bosses? I know there is something wrong but I don't know what. What I do know is that I don't have cold max cap so not getting The Wise Oak, and that I should change clusters for Blanketed Snow. If anyone will have so time and check my build, thanks in advance!

Последняя редакция: BoB3R#7733. Время: 14 авг. 2024 г., 8:35:50
dkerza написал:
gruumine написал:

yo, i go the same result....1 ring down...9 more to go...
i would go for the all-res so i can balance my res in the end but single res is good as well.

Cold res is to overcap it so wise oak can do its job, and I am currently using a Kalandra ring that gives me 100% ++ Cold res. Let me know if you hit the thing you want.

Tip: you can vendor 5 bricked rings to get one non-split Helical back, then split it!


I got another failure, so I was thinking that I could vendor five of them to get one clean base and I was wrong. Each of five bricked rings has to be different name.
Yeah I swap half of my broken rings with Kelvyn so I could get the base back. Otherwise game gives you chance orbs. lol

Other option is to get 10 brick ones and then trade for 2 good ones.

I made a successful one but it was 1.5 roll, so going to keep going until I get 2.0 or something nice.

EDIT: got it. -200 evasion isn't cool but doesn't matter i think...
Последняя редакция: gruumine#5054. Время: 14 авг. 2024 г., 23:57:26
evouga написал:
The odds of successfully reflecting the good mods on a ring depends on how likely it is that the mist splits the mods into groups of size K and N-K for a ring with N total mods. We can make a table for various N:

For N=3 total mods on the ring (2 good affixes, one sacrificial):
K=0: 100%
K=1: 33%

For N=4 (2 good affixes, 2 sacrifices):
K=0: 100%
K=1: 50%
K=2: 33%

For N=5 (2 good affixes, 3 sacrifices):
K=0: 100%
K=1: 60%
K=2: 40%

Can you point me to the source of this information? About the mods being split into two groups rather than each mod being processed independently. It implies that for a ring with just 2 mods it's impossible to get both positive values on the same ring.

I've seen a video about the Reflect mechanic from some streamer from just before the 3.19 league release - with a lot of guesswork some of which was later proven to be wrong. In that video he shows a table with the success chances vs the number of mods and simply says that he believes it to be correct without naming the source.

The wiki doesn't say anything about any 'two groups'. It just says that each mod is reflected.

Where is this thing about 'two groups' coming from?
Последняя редакция: Kelvynn#6607. Время: 15 авг. 2024 г., 11:57:37
Hi everyone,

Loving the build and I appreciate the very detailed and clear guide.

Following the crafting instructions for the helm, I obtained this.

It's pretty much perfect apart from the T2 % Int. mod. did I do something wrong or is it just RNG as to whether we get a T2 or T1 mod when applying the Hunter's Exalted Orb? If it's normal, does anyone know the ratio of T2 crafts to T1? I hope it's not as many as on the Necklace because I got like 8 T2s while spamming Alts to 1 T1 after 2000+ Alts.
OzManiak написал:
Hi everyone,

Loving the build and I appreciate the very detailed and clear guide.

Following the crafting instructions for the helm, I obtained this.

It's pretty much perfect apart from the T2 % Int. mod. did I do something wrong or is it just RNG as to whether we get a T2 or T1 mod when applying the Hunter's Exalted Orb? If it's normal, does anyone know the ratio of T2 crafts to T1? I hope it's not as many as on the Necklace because I got like 8 T2s while spamming Alts to 1 T1 after 2000+ Alts.

yeah that's rng. also its not perfect a perfect one would have 500 ES. but this is a good one. use it while u make the 500 ES one :)
BoB3R написал:

I love the build and I think that is one of the tankies one I ever played hehe
If anyone got time to check my build as I don't feel the damage with bosses? I know there is something wrong but I don't know what. What I do know is that I don't have cold max cap so not getting The Wise Oak, and that I should change clusters for Blanketed Snow. If anyone will have so time and check my build, thanks in advance!


You're missing a level 1 Frost Bomb linked to CWDT in your boots. When you take a big hit from a boss, that setup gets triggered and Frost Bomb applies cold exposure. Which means the cold res of that boss is set to -15%. It also gives 75% reduced life regeneration rate. Your build looks really good otherwise so i would suggest to drop Discipline and if you still have 9k ES without Discipline then put Frostblink into your helm and put a lvl 1 Frost Bomb in your boots and make it a 4 link so it gets triggered through CWDT. Other than that just get jewels with Blanketed Snow, but those don't come cheap.

If you don't have 9k ES when you drop Discipline then you can buy Split Personality jewels with +5 int and ES. That should get you to that 9k ES so you can drop Discipline. And make sure to keep Frost Bomb at lvl 1, we don't want to pay high mana costs on that one.
There’s been some discussion of Mist rates on the Prohibited Library Discord. For example, one user reported getting three positive mods on a 3-mod item every 60-80 mists. You would expect all-positive outcomes one in four times if each mod were rolled independently.

The exact mechanics have not been announced by GGG and I don’t know that there has been a systematic effort to determine the exact odds of getting a K vs N-K split on an N-mod item yet. Other than the observation that the Mist seems biased towards K ~= N/2.

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