[3.19] Magic Find Culler Build Guide: 109% Quantity 1043% Rarity - KB MF Cull Pathfinder
![]() DISCLAIMER ON PROFITABILITY: If you plan on making your MF Culler for selling services on TFT, please understand that it is probably the worst "endgame" farming strategy. Sure, when you cull for someone who is juicing properly to take the most out of their god-touched rares, you could drop 20, 40 divines and get a lot of currency. But it is insanely rare to find these players, since they are few and most already have a culler of their trust. So, for a full time culler working just off of TFT: There is way too much downtime, the majority of players do not know how MF Culling works, how Southbound or Gravebind works, etc. So expect to be typing a lot to explain things. And even then, a lot of services will still fail because of a client mistake, i.e. killing the monster while trying to get it to 10%, wasting all portals and not being able to get it to 10%, etc. All of this means that even though you sometimes hit the slot machine and get multiple divines, your profit/hour will sit at 1 to 2 divines (my fees were always 1/3 of the loot, and I would suggest not going for less than that). You can expect to get over that if you are playing at the peak hours and manage to get a lot of services done, but it ends up averaging out at that. Bear in mind, it is also hard to sell items while you are offering MF Culling services, since most buyers do not want to wait, and clients won't like to wait too long as well, since there are multiple Cullers available and willing to get the service. However, if you're thinking of creating a MF Culler to cull for yourself and perhaps a few people you know, I'd say it is definitely worth it. Most items for the build are really cheap, and the amount of currency you get especially if you are juicing is insane. When culling for yourself you will have to pray the mob doesn't have regen or ask a friend to come help you though. So why play it then? Well, playing this was a completely different experience with the game. I also like theory-crafting and did that first with a goal to hit over 100% Quantity while also having 1000% rarity. It also allows you to generate currency while doing other activities, since it doesn't require 100% efficient uptime mapping. However it is quite hard to play a normal character while selling culling services. But the best part it that with all these services completed, not a single player tried to scam me, which made me feel good about the community at the very least in regards to that. Most people buying the service were super friendly, and very respectful, sometimes tipping me when they failed for whatever reason, or giving a higher share of the loot if they thought they took too much of my time, which are things I've never complained about, so it was spontaneous from them. Overall, it is quite a chill gameplay experience, and getting to talk to so many different players can be enjoyable. In this regard, I even feel like Chris got *something* right, since AFAIK he does want the game to have social aspects in it. Enough talking, let's get onto the actual build guide.
The build has a very a simple concept: to have as much MF as possible. I wanted to have the biggest numbers in TFT in order to get as many services as possible, and as such I aimed not only to have as high Quantity and Rarity as possible at the same time, but to have more than 100% Quantity and 1000% Rarity. I value Quantity a lot more than Rarity, because it gives you more pulls on the slot machine. Especially after Rarity surpasses 1000%. I will suggest different options for gear so if you want more Quantity or Rarity instead of a more balanced split you can just choose.
There are a couple items I consider mandatory: The amulet and the body armour are insanely good, giving huge amounts of both Quantity and Rarity. Because of the amulet, we need to wear magic item and a white item, which in our case are a Helmet and a Wand: The Helmet does not need to have the Synthesised implicit. It's completely fine to use a normal Helmet with just the rarity prefix and suffix. The weapon has to be a White item. We're using a Wand to be able to use Kinetic Bolt or Blast. It does not need to be Synthesised, but having a Synthesised wand with Accuracy implicit is really good. The rest of the gear can be changed based on your preferences and goals:
Best in Slot if you want to have high Quantity, giving up to 20% increased Quantity. Best in Slot if you want to have the highest Rarity possible. Requires being low life (achievable by Reserving 50% of your life). Probably wise to use Petrified Blood as well, but almost anything one shots us anyways so it might not even make a difference.
For Quantity For Rarity
I'd argue this is mandatory and Best in Slot. The best possible String of Servitude would have both Quantity and Rarity implicits. The Rarity implicit goes up to 90%, so I believe it is better than the Quantity roll alone which gives "only" 15% quantity, and would only replace one with the Rarity implicit by one with both. Much more budget friendly if you just want to get started for as cheap as possible, although String of Servitude is quite cheap. You could also get it with rarity or quantity corrupted implicits, but at that point you'd be better off with String of Servitude given the prices. Same as Perandus Blazon. However, if you are mapping (i.e culling the whole map with a party), Bisco's Leash with a corrupted MF implicit can be better than String of Servitude, as long as you can cap and maintain the Rampage Stacks.
Best in Slot, giving both high Quantity and Rarity. The resistance and life rolls do not matter. Gives the most Quantity per ring slot, as long as it has a white socket. Gives the most Quantity in a single ring (16%) and is quite cheap, but prevents you from using another ring. No reason to use over any of the other options. These can give you up to 85% Rarity. But if all you want is Rarity, you could also get a mirrored rare ring. These can reach more than 130% Rarity each, but are very expensive.
Gives up to 10% Quantity. Gives up to 50% Rarity.
The build relies on 4 Voices with at most 5 small passive skills. You could go for 7, but 5 are quite cheap and going for 7 would require a lot more levels. In the same way, if you get Voices with 3 or 1 small passives, you need less levels. But these are very expensive and not worth the price for a culler, since leveling to 93 is very fast, especially if you are in a trade league. Gives 8% increased Flask Effect! These can give up to 200% Increased Rarity of Items Found by having multiple Discerning Taste (40% Rarity). Mine has 4, giving me 160% Rarity. Get one with as many Discerning Taste Notables as possible, you can use PoB to find out which seeds have them. Change your tree and ammulet annointment accordingly. BTW the person being commemorated does not matter for the seed numbers, and we do not use any Keystone. Get a Medium Cluster with 4 pasive skills. The Notable we want is Spiked Concoction, which gives us 10% Increased Flask Effect. You will need 17 Jewels with 6% Increased Rarity of Items Found. Use them to fill your attribute requirements, as they are very cheap to buy and easy to roll, if it comes to it. They can either be Rare or Magic, it doesn't matter. If you want to play this for full map clear with a party, or just want more survivability, you can get jewels with the rarity mod and % increased maximum life. You can also go for resistances or accuracy rating if you need it.
The best flask of them all. Gives us both Quantity and Rarity! The only tricky part is that it is an Hybrid Flask, so in order to use it and have it in effect, we need to either not be at full life or mana. We achieve this by using Arcane Cloak, more on that later. Gives an insane amount of Rarity! If perfectly rolled, it gives 178% increased Rarity. I'm using this Bismuth flask with Elemental Resistances suffix and "Used when Charges Reach Full" enchant. They are always active and cap my resistances, which is really helpfull especially to not instantly die against burning ground. Using an Iron Flask like this gives about 450 Ward due to all the increased Flask Effect we have. It is a great defensive tool, basically increasing our total HP by a third, and can help prevent being one-shot by a hit.
*All links will be in order of importance* Main skill (Body Armour), minimum 4L: You can use Kinetic Blast if you prefer it over Kinetic Bolt. Added Chaos Damage Support is juust so your damage bypasses Energy Shield. For the off chance that the monster is regenerating or was left a little bit over 10% HP. Completely unnecessary and the gem to swap out for Fork or Pierce, especially if you play in a party for full map clear. The other gems are self explanatory. This skill empties almost all your mana pool and activates instantly. It is the perfect skill to enable using Divination Distillate since it still leaves you with some mana left to attack (being at 0 mana can be tricky since you'll have to wait to be able to attack), but consumes more than Divination Distillate can recover, meaning that you are under the flask's effect for all its duration. It is also a Guard Skill, and gives you a small shield that might help prevent you from getting 1-shot. I've found that having at least one Cast on Death setup is really good. Sometimes the carry ends up using all portals to be able to deal with the monster, and if for some reason you don't manage to Cull the monster by attacking, this can still save the day. I also like to run two Cast on Death setups. There aren't that many useful skills we can use in our gear, so redundancy is good. Great for when the portal is a bit far from the monster or it's following the carry. Especially so when you are using Gravebind and need to be near the monster for it to work. If you choose to use an Animated Guardian, having a proper setup for him is good so that you don't have to constantly buy a new Kingmaker. The gems do not need to have alternate qualities or be corrupted to level 21 - that just makes it less likely your AG will die.
Slayer or Pathfinder?
Both are solid options. Slayer has more Quality of Life since he can cull at 20% HP. Pathfinder has more Quantity and Rarity, which is the main goal of the build, so I chose her. She also requires one less level than Slayer. If you already have a duelist or a ranger leveled, I'd suggest to just use that character and respec into MF Culler, because otherwise you will need to spend money into leveling a new one.
Passive tree
Pathfinder tree: https://pastebin.com/e1wKFLqX Slayer tree https://pastebin.com/JNT51rvf It is the exact same, but requires one extra level to grab all the nodes. Obs: PoB seems to be calculating something incorrectly and is missing 30% Rarity compared to my character in game. Or maybe in game stats are incorrect, I have no idea.
Ascendancy Points Explanation
As Pathfinder, we grab Master Alchemist for that juicy 20% increased magic Flask Effect, and every other point goes into small nodes for 5% increased Flask Effect each. As a Slayer you only really need 6 Ascendancy points, 4 to grab Headsman (20% cull) and 2 for the only other useful Ascendancy point which is Impact, giving 50% increased Global Accuracy Rating and making it easier for you to cap your Hit Chance.
When to transition into MF Culler
The minimum level for the build to work is 93 for the Pathfinder and 94 for the Slayer.
Strategies/How to play
Portal location The build is extremely vulnerable and gets one-shot by virtually everything, so having a portal as close as possible to the monster not only saves you time, but also almost guarantees you will be able to kill. It is especially helpful to have portal close to monster when you are using Gravebind. You want to be invulnerable (in Grace Period) and able to see the monster. Then, to cull the monster, you activate Arcane Cloak together with your flasks (at least Divination Distillate and the Gold Flask), while firing your main Skill. You can do all these actions at the same time, because both Arcane Cloak and Flasks activate instantly. Doing this will give the smallest possible window for the monster to attack. Build a clientele Whenever you Cull for someone who is Juicing properly, knows what they are doing, is friendly, or whatever it is that makes you enjoyed working for them: Add them to your friends list! Let them know you're available for Culling whenever they need. That is the best way you can go about being a Full Time MF Culler. Once again, being a MF Culler is a completely different type of gameplay loop and requires you to be social and patient with people, so take that to your advantage and make friends out of your clients! You might even get a bigger share :)
Gravebind has "Nearby Enemies Killed by Anyone count as being Killed by You instead". This means that your Quantity and Rarity will apply even if another player is the one who kills the monster. When to use Gravebind? When the carry has a Damage Over Time or a minion build. Also when they can't use Southbound or if they can't safely place a portal near the monster withouth risking dying themselves. If you are using Gravebind, the monster needs to be close to you. The best/safest way to use it is to have the carry place a portal as close as possible to the monster, and then entering the map and staying in Grace Period. You will have to move before the carry kills the monster, so pay close attention to the monster's health. It does not work while invulnerable!
Try to get one with 4 white sockets so that who borrows it from you can have an easier time swapping gems if needed. Southbound has "Your Hits can only Kill Frozen Enemies". This means that hit-based builds can safely bring the monster's health down to Cull range, but it is very tricky to use. To begin with, it gives Added Cold Damage to Attacks. So the carry needs to use either Elemental Focus, Brutality, Replica Tasalio's sign or be unable to freeze due to having alternate ailments, etc. Then, anything that does not attribute damage to the player will still be able to kill the monster. Also, any Damage over Time effects will also be able to kill the monster. Stuff like Vortex, Flamedash, or ignites. Culling Strike will also still be able to kill the monster. And lastly, if Einhar is in the map, he will kill the monster if he shoots at it, since the monster will be sitting at 1 HP.
Animate Guardian and Kingmaker
Kingmaker gives +30% increased Rarity of Items Found as an Aura, so you can use an Animated Guardian and give him the item to get this bonus "for free". However, it also gives Culling Strike, so most of the time you will have to play with him disabled. If the monster has regen or the carry is unsure wether the monster is at <10% hp, it is best not to leave him enabled since if the carry needs to deal more damage to bring the monster to cull range while you are there, they will also have culling. So be very careful while using the AG. Recently there has been discussions about giving rarity gear to your AG together with Gravebind to add together with your rarity. That has been confirmed multiple times by Mark to not work. So just use Kingmaker and gear to increase his survivability instead.
Which monsters are worth culling?
Only Solaris, Lunaris, Shakari, Kitava and Innocence are worth culling, with the last two being usually low value. Solaris, Lunaris and Shakari all convert loot into Currency, and can drop Divine Orbs. Kitava converts loot into Unique Items, and from my personal experience is weighted to drop higher tier unique items. I have found multiple T1 uniques, and my most valuable drop from a Kitava was an Aegis Aurora. Innocence drops scarabs, being able to drop multiple Winged Scarabs. Usually the loot is worth about a divine, but sometimes you're lucky with the scarabs and can get over 2 divines worth of scarabs. Here's a cheat sheet with each ArchNemesis loot convertion mod and their respective effect: ![]()
How to deal with Einhar Beasts and Immune to Cull mobs (Berserker/Executioner)
Equip Gravebind OR have the carry equip Southbound and leave the monster at 1HP. Последняя редакция: D4RK_S0RC3R3R#1006. Время: 2 окт. 2022 г., 12:06:05 Last bumped12 нояб. 2022 г., 17:05:59
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ty for guide, but im thinking about cast on death/cwdt culler, the only quistion is will flasks apply mf? high doubt(
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" The MF from flasks does not have effect with Cast on Death AFAIK. However, since the majority of services fail due to carry/client mistakes, such as not having the portal close to the monster, or not having the monster in Cull Range. So it is still worth it versus not culling the monster at all in those cases. Especially so when you have used the last portal available. If there are a lot of portals left, you can remove Cast on Death to try and cull it with everything up and active. It also helps when you are using Gravebind. Since you have to leave Grace Period (invulnerability) for the gloves to work, you'll be almost in melee range to the monster and have a very high risk of dying. In this scenario, if you have Cast on Death, you'll still cull the monster successfully. Последняя редакция: D4RK_S0RC3R3R#1006. Время: 20 сент. 2022 г., 4:24:30
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" Well, im playing alone, wana prepare rare to cull, place tp on him and switch to mfer. Main problem when using flasks i become vulnerable, so get oneshot before hit. |
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" I cover that on the Strategies/How to play section. Also if you wanna become tankier you could use Jewels with %increased life as I talk about in the Jewels section. Also make sure you have your resistances capped. Последняя редакция: D4RK_S0RC3R3R#1006. Время: 20 сент. 2022 г., 9:39:42
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Could you post a pic of your Passive skill tree and your Atlas skill tree please? I never use the pastebin thing.
Thank you so much. |
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" You can see my character in my PoE profile, it's open :) https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/D4RK_S0RC3R3R/characters?characterName=Chris_Vision_Enjoyer Последняя редакция: D4RK_S0RC3R3R#1006. Время: 23 сент. 2022 г., 9:11:23
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Thanks :)
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" Name checks out |
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This meta just needs to f off and die. Nothing about this is even remotely enjoyable to play.
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
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