[3.23 Cold Conversion Blade Vortex Elementalist / Occultist (League Starter + League Finisher)

Hatmann написал:
Hey chronic, are you gonna updating this guide for 3.22?

Yup, working on it now based on observations from last league, and will post once I get a chance to digest the patch notes.
Последняя редакция: Chronic_Painless#6099. Время: 8 авг. 2023 г., 9:43:35
Is There any Leveling Tree section ? --wher ei can see what ways u go first etc ?

inzano написал:
Is There any Leveling Tree section ? --wher ei can see what ways u go first etc ?


There's a progressive series of trees in the POB, use the dropdown menu at the bottom to switch between them.
Hello there,

Thinking about starting on BV this League.
What do u think about a Pathfinder version ? And what a good mechanic to farm as starter on bv for u ? Was thinking about going maybe on breach to make money at the start.

Or on ssf, not ti hard ?

Thanks for Ur job nice guide and pob !
Pilou_ написал:
Hello there,

Thinking about starting on BV this League.
What do u think about a Pathfinder version ? And what a good mechanic to farm as starter on bv for u ? Was thinking about going maybe on breach to make money at the start.

Or on ssf, not ti hard ?

Thanks for Ur job nice guide and pob !

You could probably make a pathfinder work, but the golems are really what makes it so comfy and reliable of a league-starter.

It excels at Harvest and Expedition, but breach is solid too. I can only speak to how well it can farm the content though, no idea what the economy will look like.

People have taken it quite far in SSF, I know at least thru the end-game bosses. Personally I only have the stomach to continue SSF until red maps, but it's been vouched for.
do you have to use stormblast mine while leveling? I was hoping for like freezing pulse or wintertide brand with frost bomb :X
Hatmann написал:
do you have to use stormblast mine while leveling? I was hoping for like freezing pulse or wintertide brand with frost bomb :X

That's also fine, anything that gets you to A6 with a similar enough passive tree.
I'm in! Looking forward to playing BV again.
Haven't done BV yet so instead of my normal RF league start I am going to give this one a try :D.
Thanks for posting this! I was just testing the leveling of cold conversion BV without following a guide, and it seemed to start slowly, but I switched to blade vortex as soon as I reached the level requirement of unleash, and it was a breeze from there on.

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