[3.23 Cold Conversion Blade Vortex Elementalist / Occultist (League Starter + League Finisher)

Reached A8 so far. First 5 acts were a breeze with Stormblast and after a bit of fiddling i was comfortably using BV in A6. Started cruising from A7 on feels really comfortable. (Not a hardcore build though, i died 18 times but i did not use the recommended setup and skipped some life notes)

Tip: Start leveling Blade Vortex, Unleash and Added Cold Damage in second weapon set to make the swap more comfortable.

Great guide sofar, cant wait to progress further.
lemonpopplar написал:
Hi, thanks for the build. Can I just go all the way as Occultist instead? Shield is pretty much necessary or double void battery could be okay? Checked on poe.ninja first week and some people went x2 battery but also bow + unique quiver, are those build just full glasscanon?

I think the shield is necessary, but it's not a defensive tool except for the fact that you can craft spell suppression on it. We use a shield so we can shield charge to make up for our relative lack of base MS.

Void battery is a fine weapon, but rares frequently outclass it, you have to ask POB what's best for your particular loadout because there are tons of factors.
I don't understand what kind of socket/gem connection should i have right after the swap, is it possible to have a sort of image/guide on the initial post ?
Последняя редакция: legeo88#7721. Время: 10 дек. 2022 г., 8:25:51
legeo88 написал:
I don't understand what kind of socket/gem connection should i have right after the swap, is it possible to have a sort of image/guide on the initial post ?

It depends if you have Hrimsorrows or not. With Hrims, you want to use Cold Pen and Hypothermia, but without you need Trinity and Phys-to-Lightning.

The POB should have all of that, I'll see what I can do about updating the forum post.
Ty man really appreciated your build and your effort, give to you likes and subscription to youtube channel!

I have hrimsorrow


Have to say, Cronic Painless Discord channel is awesome.
He answered ultra fast at my question.

This man deserve more than a simply kudos :)
Последняя редакция: legeo88#7721. Время: 10 дек. 2022 г., 10:53:35
can you update the tree to 3.20? because if i convert it in pob, each tree lose points
darko99 написал:
can you update the tree to 3.20? because if i convert it in pob, each tree lose points

Dont convert then. Nothing Change for the build for us, if i am right.
Hi can u post a Atals Tree?
darko99 написал:
can you update the tree to 3.20? because if i convert it in pob, each tree lose points

Here's the new link: https://pastebin.com/tbfkxXEz

Skura написал:
Hi can u post a Atals Tree?

I could, but I wouldn't recommend following it. I've never been spectacular at making currency. If you're curious how the build performs at farming various content, definitely check out the video I linked in an earlier reply.

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