The Forbidden Sanctum Launch - Live Updates 🔴

Sanctum end boss (i think i dont know what floor i was on) Lycia did some weird bug where i died but didnt get a popup to respawn so i had to relog

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Lots of instance/map crashing, probably 20+ on the day. Game just dumps to char select screen, and when going back to hideout instance is gone. No progress from the map is saved.
At the moment Sanctum is pathetic.
Playing melee feels horrible.
Even more than in previous leagues.
Even if I'm tryharding I'm loosing resolve very fast.
Game keeps crashing / disconnecting.
After last failure called 3.19 and after teasers and trailers I was hoping for a decent league with interesting mechanic (It's a F "Rougelike"). Silly me.
It's literally the worst Roguelike I have EVER played in ANY PC or mobile game.
Hello guys, how i can refud all supporter packs from my account? I don't wanna play in this game anymore.
How about changes to the Sanctum mechanic to make it less of a living hell for Melee? Particularly lower DPS melee buids like RF?

This mechanic does not reward building defensively at all, which is horrible balance for an ARPG that has been trying to prod people away from glass cannon builds.

The reduced resolve effect for being closer is meaningless. Taking #% less resolve damage when there are builds who can almost entirely avoid any resolve damage by virtue of being ranged/mines/totems that can hide behind walls, or builds which just instantly kill the guards so are at no risk of losing resolve other than traps (which melee builds still have to deal with) is not good.
Последняя редакция: Alcsaar#1714. Время: 12 дек. 2022 г., 11:50:03
So can you guys just remove melee from the game already since its at a disadvantage on every single aspect of the game, especially the new mechanic.

Might as well not get our hopes up for Poe2
Thanks to disconnections I'm losing my will to play PoE.
"necromancer" curse casting spectres are still broken. The AI thinks you're an enemy and keeps running away until it is ultimately ported back to the player. Feeding frenzy & meatshield also doesn't change this behaviour at all, which should be a clear indication that the AI is just broken.

This goes for diabloist, necromancer and all other versions of that monster casting curses.
Последняя редакция: Qlidascope#2925. Время: 12 дек. 2022 г., 12:18:32
We keep getting kicked out of the server (Paris EU). Lost all portals while running map twice today now.
Is GGG aware? Are you working on a fix?

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