[3.24] Ice Shot / Lightning Arrow Deadeye (Or Tornado Shot) - 400%+ MS, League Start Viable!
" Thanks! " you're going to need 2 different thread of hope through your progression, one large that you slot just above the node called "fervour", this is the one you need at your current budget. Then, when you're able to afford a massive thread of hope, you'll that one to the left of supreme ego and replace the large one with a lethal pride. I hope this answers your confusion! Keep blasting you'll get more levels and passives, theres no more skill points reward after the campaign |
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" Yes the feathered is absolutely the best base, even if you're not TS yet it's fantastic imo. As for the interrogation it seems the demand is higher than usual. It drops from delirium bosses and delirium orbs are expensive this league which seems to be the reason why its so expensive. |
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Could you explain what is the logic behind Manaforge Setup 1/ Movement in lv75 Crit POB? If I am supposed to run Frenzy+Mana Arr + PCOC + Blink, then I just simply cannot use blink arrow at any point, or am I missing something?
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Thanks for the reply! appreciate it tons.
Последняя редакция: buttersnot#0822. Время: 15 дек. 2023 г., 14:21:11
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So im using this build and its doing pretty well on Maps, even on red maps it just seems to blow random mobs up and I haven't gotten a bow upgrade in a while. So for late game do I just keep the elemental damage bow with lightning arrow? or do you transition back to tornado shot? Also do you use forbidden flesh/flame? If so, what ascendancy do you take?
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" make 2 separate linked sockets in that item, a 3L for the frenzy manaforged arrow setup and a single unlinked slot for Blink Arrow |
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" Yes, triple elemental damage bows is perfect no matter which skill you use. For forbidden flame/flesh, you can either grab any of the deadeye nodes that you're already taking to refund it on your tree and grab a 5th deadeye point, or you can go for multiple raider nodes, the budget one would be onslaught + chance to evade, the more expensive one is the dmg attack speed and movement speed per frenzy. |
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can anyone look at my build and see whats going with the gear and tree, it seems like i cant hardly survive in yellow map. espcially a rare mob and boss with empowered, kept getting one shot and not deal enough damage .
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Really enjoying the build, thanks a lot for posting. This is by far my most successful league start.
One thing that confuses me is the double manaforged setup. Is there a reason not to just use the CoC Warlord's Mark with Frenzy? I've studied all the gems involved and I just can't see why lightning arrow would do any better. I have a power charge on crit charm, so I don't need the power charge setup from the second manaforged. Rage generation seems super inconsistent with what I'm trying, so I'm guessing I'm missing something. |
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" Hey I appreciate the kind words! For your gem confusion, go in Skill section and change the Skill set at the top from level 75 to level 90 crit since it seems like you're past that point, you'll find what you're looking for there. As for your rage generation inconsistent you're experiencing, it might be because you dont have reservation efficiency and reduced mana cost of attacks on your helmet. So when you attack with your Tornado shot (costs 7 mana) and it triggers your frenzy via manaforged arrow (costs 10 mana) which triggers the cast on crit warlord's mark (costs 25 mana) it all adds up to spending 42 mana in a single attack. You only have 60 unreserved mana so you if your leech hasn't recovered the mana from the previous attacks as your frenzy crits, you wont be able to apply warlord's mark. |
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