[3.24] Ice Shot / Lightning Arrow Deadeye (Or Tornado Shot) - 400%+ MS, League Start Viable!

K4P0T написал:
I respecced from RoA Raider to this build because I died so often.
Got 270 deaths this league already.

I put reduced mana cost on both rings and the amulet. Still have some issues but it is manageable.

Can somebody take a quick look at my setup as is and give some quick advice? Boots are not optimal. Single target is meh because my bow is not 6 linked.

I will get a Synth Ring with Life on Attack first thing then my next step would be buying a Watcher's Eye with grace. And then saving for Thread of Hope.


Few quick suggestions from personal experience with the build --

I'd personally swap to lightning arrow, from what ive read (this is my first time playing bow so may not be correct), LA is better than TS until you are very well geared, where TS starts to outshine.

Somethings to upgrade that should be cheap/easy --
Flasks, this will be a big upgrade to survival. You have two that relate to ailments, but purity of elements gives complete ailment immunity, so they do nothing. You should get increased armor, reduced effect of curses, or attack speed on them. Also craft on an enchant based on preference, either use on full charge, or use on hitting rare/unique mob.

Artillery ballista provides a large amount of DPS for bosses. While i'd prioritize links for your main skill, you should at the very least have 4 linked artillery ballista, moving up to 5 once you have the sockets/fusings (150 fusing at crafting bench for 5 link). Look at the gems section to see what you should be using.

Get an Immortal flesh with higher base life regen. you have almost the lowest roll, and it will help your Berserk uptime.

Body armor also has ailment craft on it, with Purity of Elements, its not needed. Would suggest trying to get your chaos resistance closer to 0%. Same thing with boots implicit.

I'd swap to either panopticon if youre sticking with tornado shot, or vengeant cascade if you swap to lightning arrow for amulet annoint.

Allocate the bow mastery "increases and reductions to projectile speed also applies to damage", its a solid 5-10% damage increase for a single skill point.

If you can find one cheapish, try using the Path of building timeless jewel tool to find a lethal pride that comes with double damage, or intimidate chance for another nice DPS increase.
Последняя редакция: SirChesticles#1829. Время: 17 апр. 2023 г., 11:39:37
myklNinth написал:
Hi! This is a great league start for me, but im still so confused right now xd on the endgame crit pob, where did you get your maximum power charges? i know some are from anoint, helmet implicit, 1 notable and the 3 default. Where did you get the other 2 charges?

on the bow's crucible tree
Posid написал:
This was an amazing league starter for me. I normally take 10-11 hours to maps but because of how zoomy it felt I got it done in 6 hours.

I had a hard time initially getting to red maps so I farmed some currency in white maps spamming essences. I'm in the steelmage private league so trading was limited at this point, mostly got to T16s just crafting my own gear with essences.

I'm missing a few things that I want so I still haven't transitioned to crit, but I feel like the build does a lot of damage even in a non-crit variant. So in case anyone is sitting there thinking they need to swap, they really don't. I got all my atlas stones and did everything short of ubers and feared without going crit.

Sick! you're killing it
I am not sure if I am missing something completely or having a weird tooltip bug:

No quiver equipped: 68k tooltip dps for LA

With this quiver, 85k

With this quiver, 62k

I just checked my tooltip more thoroughly and with the quiver with life, all stated damage goes WAY down.
The stated damage ranges become lower than with no quiver equipped. In PoB it behaves as expected.

Am I missing something?
Последняя редакция: Machtkatze#4445. Время: 17 апр. 2023 г., 12:22:57
Machtkatze написал:
I am not sure if I am missing something completely or having a weird tooltip bug:

No quiver equipped: 68k tooltip dps for LA

With this quiver, 85k

With this quiver, 62k

I just checked my tooltip more thoroughly and with the quiver with life, all stated damage goes WAY down.
The stated damage ranges become lower than with no quiver equipped. In PoB it behaves as expected.

Am I missing something?

Check your life is less than your accuracy rating

Having fun with the build, i was wondering, cause i have a ring with curse with elemental weakness on hit, if it would be better to anoint whispers of doom so i can have both EW and sniper's mark ? I'm using the endgame crit phys buid
Trying to go to critical now that ive got some sweet gear. I've got Heatshiver helm, is that a bad choice? stats looked good... i did read that i should be going for a bow with more physical damage but i dont see where that becomes more important than elemental stats.....

would a good lioneye glare work here?

really would appreciate some advice on my build as is though!! will be getting prob new bow, quiver and ammy.
Последняя редакция: 11Kobar11#6927. Время: 17 апр. 2023 г., 14:15:44
Hi, build is amazing so far and ive invested around 20 div into it about now. But I honestly wanted to try to change to Lighning arrow from TS because of the vengeant cascade annoint, could be fun. Can anyone look at my profile and tell me if is there anything to change before I change to LA? Or does this build function in a way that all I need is just to change annoint and TS gem for LA gem and Im good to go? Thanks!

Edit: Or if not LA then it could also be Ice shot since that also seems to be really good with vengeant cascade. My point being still is if I can just swap the one gem and be completely fine with the build, or if theres anything else Id need to change
Последняя редакция: Greedzius#0777. Время: 17 апр. 2023 г., 14:45:32
Swapped over to the crit setup and....definitely not liking it as much so far. My damage feels pretty awful; I know there are plenty of things to fix still like getting to 100% conversion on gloves, action speed on boots, aura effect on body, better crucible tree. But those aren't going to make insane changes to my damage.

I'm just surprised at how much squishier and slow feels it is in comparison to the point of almost buying stacks of regrets to go back to the previous setup and sell all the crit gear I finally just put on lol.


That is my setup at the moment with the same config settings as the endgame pob. Am I missing something obvious? Hopefully :D
Последняя редакция: teebeewhy#7433. Время: 17 апр. 2023 г., 23:52:31
Would taking Yugul (50% reduced reflected damage taken) and "50% reduced reflected elemental damage while affected by purity of elements" amount to 100% or 75% reduced reflected damage?
I feel that 75% would still not be good enough to run ele reflect.

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