[3.24] Ice Shot / Lightning Arrow Deadeye (Or Tornado Shot) - 400%+ MS, League Start Viable!

How do you calculate Artillery Ballista dps? If I have 6 totems and they fire 9 arrows its 6x9=54? So I add 54 to count on POB?

Additional Arrows will improve its' dps right?
How to play without mana flask? i have helm enchant(lower manacost) and ring craft(-7 to mana) its enough to use tornado shot without flask? i think 36-20% and -7 mana not equal 0 man cost. how?!

Feed the fury is useless? you always on full life and you cant leech life on full life?
Последняя редакция: zukuk#6768. Время: 25 апр. 2023 г., 9:46:46
Hot tip for anyone still farming with the Kaom's Spirit gloves. You can take the regen mastery that disables regen and instead recovers after 4 seconds. It interacts with Kaom's and allows you to get back the regen, albeit on a slight delay.
DoJoMa написал:
Noob question; When it says "or Ice Shot /Lightning Arrow"; does this mean Tornado shot can just be swapped with either of those skill gems with everything else being the same??

Yup. I'd like to add that if you're playing ice shot or LA, your first upgrade should absolutely be an amulet with the vengeant cascade anoint on it.
redxmirage написал:
DoJoMa написал:
Noob question; When it says "or Ice Shot /Lightning Arrow"; does this mean Tornado shot can just be swapped with either of those skill gems with everything else being the same??

I have this same question. Looking for the optimal ice shot set up. I also took off the ascendency passive for multiple mirage archers and picked up the free chain. Is this smart or am i hurting myself lol

If you have enough budget this will work, but I think you would be more successful with farshot + pierce with vengeant cascade as opposed to ricochet.
Ainars321 написал:
Hello yankuch,

Thanks for the cool build, enjoying so far!
I am on SSF and right now in red maps, struggling with survivability, what would you recommend?


Hey! Run essences in white maps while doing delve, heist or exarch altars on the side to sustain chaos orbs to afford more essences. Meanwhile, keep baking bows every map, when you have a good base with 3 very good nodes on it, use your wrath anger and hatred on it. Then you won't have any pressure for damage on the rest of your gear so it will be much easier for you to target resistances, spell suppress, accuracy etc...

Definitely not the smoother SSF build out there but definitely a fun one to work on, every upgrade will feel impactful. GL out there!
Последняя редакция: yankuch#2841. Время: 25 апр. 2023 г., 20:58:57
ohmyitsSENSEI написал:
When to change to crit is a great question, I've been wondering myself what is needed to make the jump easier.

I'm about to hit level 98, done all content except feared and uber fights.
POB and Ninja have me at 595k damage and honestly it's been smooth. Up to 25 challenges so far.

Damage feels less then old lightning strike/poison conc over past leagues. This build is quicker which makes dealing with boss mechanics easier too.

Are there milestones to hit before the transition? And when we do switch over, anything in particular we need to re-config to make is as smooth? (I'm not planning on going OMNI to avoid the full re-spec of gear)

Otherwise, is it even needed? (I guess the ceiling is much higher)

It's definitely not needed to go crit, but if you're trying to push the build deep into endgame content or bosses, I think a good milestone would be to have all the items in the medium budget item set of the progression PoB before transitioning to crit.

The first thing I would do then is drop the artillery ballistae setup in favor of a manaforged arrow setup, consisting of frenzy, power charge on crit, culling strike and inspiration, alongside a high base crit high eDPS bow and crit multi rings / quiver. Then I would look at my PoB and attest my crit chance, if it's not at 100%, I'd swap some medium projectile cluster jewels for medium crit clusters, until crit chance reaches very close to 100%.

I hope this could help you. GL mate you're killing it!
11Kobar11 написал:

Don't know what I did but suddenly POB Calc gives me zero fire damage. i shouldnt because of heatseaker. i can't see any passives or whatever that did that... lost almost half my damage


quick test playing i didnt notice it but.....

BTW super awesome starter build guide!! found a diffirent ammy so i departed from endgame a bit

go in config and toggle on "is enemy frozen?"

btw you should absolutely use the elemental mastery to treat enemy resistances as inverted, some monsters will have 75% cold res which makes it very hard to freeze them, but with this mastery allocated, 1 in 4 attack will treat their resistance as -75%! making them the easiest monsters to freeze instead of the hardest ones.
Chillmaster15432 написал:
I have been playing this build for around a week now and am really enjoying it.

I wanted to ask if i should start to gather the gear to transition into Crit considering my current gear (My PoB: https://pobb.in/o_xUiz5J3GTu)
I know I'm missing some Suppression and Chaos Res, but dying once in a while doesn't bother me.

This looks solid, im glad you enjoyed it so far! You look ready for crit, just make sure you can afford the few core pieces before committing (crit bow and crit clusters basically.)
godknow0102 написал:
do you have crafting guide for armor bow and every endgame item ?

I don't have any for now, I think Elesshar has some content on youtube for some pieces but im not sure. I'll definitely want to have my own guide sooner or later though.

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