[3.25] ❄️ Icicle Mines Deadeye ❄️ Cheap / League Starter / Fast Mapper / 1st Day T16

Faendris#5470 написал:
I wonder if we can remove Skitterbots once we take stormy seas as sufcaster. Our regular damage should shock and chill, right?

Don't remove Skitterbots. It's the most important aura. It's not only about being able to chill and shock (you do already chill and shock, if you deal cold and lightning damage), it's also about the magnitude... and the other effects of Skitterbots.
Последняя редакция: 99prosorc#1700. Время: 19 февр. 2025 г., 9:49:12
Am I the only one who thinks that blind problem for light radius?
Does anyone have idea?
I'll admit running around with no light radius sucks, but still not going to dissuade me from playing the build. There are some options, notably second sight jewel that could negate this with some minor upside. But that's pretty far down the progression path.

Overall, the playstyle with icicle mine is to preventatively throw in front of you. So light radius or no, that will probably only make us more aggressive with throwing prior to running to a spot.

Much smarter people than me will figure it out. But for now, the second sight timeless jewel node is an option: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Second_Sight
Or you can use small Soul of Garukhan
Sorry but i don't understand, i saw your videos and always u are on low life (1hp) and have few questions
Do u get oneshot everytime?
If u play on low life, why do u don't reserver other auras in life side?
Why need +6k life if u always are in 1 hp?
Ty for the guide!
Hornsent#1110 написал:
Or you can use small Soul of Garukhan

Holy crap. I totally glossed over this. Sooooo much better & easier!
magick2#7865 написал:
Sorry but i don't understand, i saw your videos and always u are on low life (1hp) and have few questions
Do u get oneshot everytime?
If u play on low life, why do u don't reserver other auras in life side?
Why need +6k life if u always are in 1 hp?
Ty for the guide!

Life that would be lost by taking Damage is instead Reserved

magick2#7865 написал:
Sorry but i don't understand, i saw your videos and always u are on low life (1hp) and have few questions
Do u get oneshot everytime?
If u play on low life, why do u don't reserver other auras in life side?
Why need +6k life if u always are in 1 hp?
Ty for the guide!

I had similar questions when I played the build last league. Let me do my best to explain. Others here can do a better job I'm sure, but here goes.

Look up Dissolution of the Flesh & Rathpith Globe. The 2 have a unique interaction when used together.

If you've never played with this jewel before, it can be a little uncomfortable at first. With dissolution you never actually lose life directly. Instead, you reserve the equivalent portion of your life until you stop taking damage for 2 seconds. At that point the reserved life resets completely.

You want the maximum amount of unreserved life at all times to give you a larger HP pool. This is why you don't take extra auras that would limit your unreserved max HP.

As to why go low life, you will see that throwing a few mines will rapidly reduce your actual life. This is due to Rathpith Globe. Don't worry if your life goes down. It's irrelevant. If your unreserved life hits zero you will die. All damage you take will reduce your unreserved life vs. your actual life.

I hope that makes sense. The tradeoff is actually a net positive with the exception that ground dots can be absolutely devastating. I frequently roll over desecrated ground for this reason. It's not required, just annoying.
jddc78#1131 написал:
magick2#7865 написал:
Sorry but i don't understand, i saw your videos and always u are on low life (1hp) and have few questions
Do u get oneshot everytime?
If u play on low life, why do u don't reserver other auras in life side?
Why need +6k life if u always are in 1 hp?
Ty for the guide!

I had similar questions when I played the build last league. Let me do my best to explain. Others here can do a better job I'm sure, but here goes.

Look up Dissolution of the Flesh & Rathpith Globe. The 2 have a unique interaction when used together.

If you've never played with this jewel before, it can be a little uncomfortable at first. With dissolution you never actually lose life directly. Instead, you reserve the equivalent portion of your life until you stop taking damage for 2 seconds. At that point the reserved life resets completely.

You want the maximum amount of unreserved life at all times to give you a larger HP pool. This is why you don't take extra auras that would limit your unreserved max HP.

As to why go low life, you will see that throwing a few mines will rapidly reduce your actual life. This is due to Rathpith Globe. Don't worry if your life goes down. It's irrelevant. If your unreserved life hits zero you will die. All damage you take will reduce your unreserved life vs. your actual life.

I hope that makes sense. The tradeoff is actually a net positive with the exception that ground dots can be absolutely devastating. I frequently roll over desecrated ground for this reason. It's not required, just annoying.

TY SO MUCH!! I get it now. I wanna play this build, can u tell me if this build can run juice maps t16? (like red beast, harvest or that kind of things that have strong enemies.
Ty again for u explination!
can u tell me if this build can run juice maps t16? (like red beast, harvest or that kind of things that have strong enemies.

It definitely can. It almost plays like a bow character once fully geared out. Not as much power as a high end bow build, but also significantly cheaper. The gear you need will be quite attainable in a 1 month event.

I will add that it doesn't just push you into end game without investment, though. IMO there are 3 stages.

1) League start - aim to get Bitterdream, Mutewind whispersteps & Heatshiver ASAP. These will carry you into red maps. You will be squishy, but that should be expected on no investment. Here's my day 2 of settlers gear. It's bad and mostly self found/made except the uniques. https://poe.ninja/builds/settlers/character/jddc78/Mined_Yo_Elders?type=exp&i=14&search=class%3DDeadeye%26skills%3DIcicle%2BMine&timemachine=day-2

Worth saying that the reason many of the people in this thread love this build is because this starter version doesn't require a 6 link or any really expensive uniques to get you to red maps like other builds.

2) Rathpith/Dissolution - This is where you will spend almost the whole league. Don't make the switch until you have ALL of the uniques. At this point you get off the Bitterdream and put Icicle Mines in your boots. Early on you will get the basic versions of these uniques. But aim to get the 2 socket Shroud and a corrupted pair of March of the Legion boots when you can. Double corrupted boots are a big upgrade and there are lots of options for the double corruption. 3 socket Shroud is expensive FYI.

For a one month league most of us will never leave this stage. It slaps at this stage and all the little additions & levels help.

Here's my day 4 gear with basic pieces: https://poe.ninja/builds/settlers/character/jddc78/Mined_Yo_Elders?type=exp&i=14&search=class%3DDeadeye%26skills%3DIcicle%2BMine&timemachine=day-4
Here's my 1 month gear: https://poe.ninja/builds/settlers/character/jddc78/Mined_Yo_Elders?type=exp&i=14&search=class%3DDeadeye%26skills%3DIcicle%2BMine&timemachine=week-4

You could upgrade those pieces much more, but I spent week 1 until week 6 farming up a mageblood to make the final transition.

3) When you are rich you go Mageblood + Nimis. This build already has a 50% Nimis due to ascendency. But a Mageblood requires dedication or luck if you are going to pull it off in a 1 month. I never had the best gear & never claim to. But the build in this version zooms & crushes content something fierce.

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