Self Galvanic Field Acendant - Solved the puzzle -THEORYCRAFT-
Link i did to the reddit post:
ill be copying everything from there. if intrested on saying something, i am active on reddit rather than here but ill try to be here as well. INSPIRATION: First of all i want to say a shout out to XiaZTV on YT. while trying to fix the puzzle desperately, i found his video. i couldn't find anyone else replicating what he did (maybe i didn't look hard enough. he doesn't give much of an explanation (maybe he does. its an 8 hour video of the campaign. i skipped to maps and figured out what he was doing). He left no Pob Either, so i came out with everything. also, he took the char to like lvl 80 so i pushed the PoB to its maximum. DISCLAIMER: this is not a starter build. i will say that this is not a crazy good build (5~ Mil dps and medium defenses. medium speed). This is a highly mechanical and convoluted idea to create a walking on-hit lightning RF. i like to do builds that a:can do all content (bar ubers. not that my builds can, im just not good enough to do them) b: use a lot of mechanics c: automate and press as little as physically possible. (1 or 2 buttons and always moving if able) Also i want to mention that while i speak english most all the time is not my native language and my dyslexic brain makes me misspell a lot. i wont care to fix it that much. also im not a math savvant, tho there is nothing too crazy here. TL:DR This build focuses on creating a galvanic field on us, allowing us to deal lightning damage on hit around us while we are free to move a la RF. we use ascendant for some elemental damage (elementalist and +1 curse for ele weak from Occul.), but most importantly, we use the pathfinder to help perma flask sustain. we use damage conversions + flask reduced dmg taken to mitigate hits, we got 5 to 6 mil dps with very high upkeep, and about 4000 k hp. also of note, i always plan my builds for lvl 98. PoB at bottom. IN DEPTH MECHANICS
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Ok lets get to the fun part then. Here are the base concepts of how the stuff works, if u know u can ignore this. go below for the actual solution there is a couple of things to consider. lets overvew galvanic field mechanics first THE PUZZLE GALVANIC FIELD: galvanic field gives us a buff to shock chance(irrelevant). then, as soon as we shock anything, it creates a damage bubble that constantly hits enemies in its radious for a duration. important facts: -aoe and damage increase a LOT based on shock effect. the higher the better. (on top of the shock effect itself) -While the target has to bee initially shocked, THE TARGET DOESNT NEED TO REMAIN SHOCKED. The field "Snapshots" the shock that created it. -The galvanic field will stick to the target as long as it exists, it will not switch targets, you cant have 2 galv fields, if you cast it again, you loose the field to whatever u reshock. -Galv field cant shock. SHOCK: Shock increases damage to whatever it afflicts, lasting 2 secs. shock is based on the dmg of the hit relative to the max HP of the target, 5% and below shocks will be discarded (tho, i have shocked myself for 4% so idk). shock comes from crits (not for us) and from chance to shock. only lightning damage can shock. shock effect can be scaled with inc light ailments or inc non damaging ailments. the cap for shock is 50%, but we can increased by 15% from a mastery and 40% from the voltaxic rift unique bow. to an effect of 105%. Note that this affects OUR SHOCKS. no matter what we shock (like for example, us). lastly, when afflicted with shock from multiple sources, only the largest shock applies, so if we are shocked by 30% and we are hit by a 15% shock, the 15% one will not overwrite the higher one. however IT DOES COUNT AS BEING RESHOCKED ( if we are shocked by 30% and we are shocked 10 times with 5% shocks, we been shocked 11 times, but we are still just at 30% shock) SHOCKING OURSELVES: If we can apply shock to ourselves, we will create a galvanic field on us. for this we need: 1- to shock ourselves. this might sound obvious but it makes sense in a bit) 2-for the shock to be strong enough to count.(since we do it ourselves, our shock cap and inc effect will help) 3- to be the first thing we shock (so the bubble doesn't attach to another thing) 4- next, we want to remove the shock asap to not die immediately lol. WHAT WORKS AND WHAT DOESNT: 1- vessel of vinktar is a key part of the build, but is not as easy as toggling for 50% shock on us and be done. The flask is considered as the source of the shock, meaning we are not shocking ourselves, thus we will not create a GF on us, or on enemies. 2-hits. If we hit ourself to bypass the threshold, we can shock ourselves, there is multiple ways to hit ourselves (scold bride, storm secret), but we want one that is completley under our control. furthermore, the hit needs to have light damage, and lastly, our hit has to have a chance to shock us even if its lightning. 3- EZ unaffected by shock right? unfortunately no. tho unaffected should respect the shock strength we are applying, but ignore it, it sets us at 0% shock, so we cant just apply 105% shocks and forget . OBJECTIVES: we need to a: cast galvanic field b: shock ourselves hard. c: remove shock/ be unaffected by shock ASAP. (remember GF stays and snapshots the shock that created it) 4:repeat when the GF ends (10 sec on Pob tho i would reapply a little earlier due to gear. more later.) SOLUTION: In order to reach our objectives we need to use all the mechanics above. while the self shock is ez, till now we had problems mitigating the shock on ourselves. here is what we do, bare with me, cuz this shit is awesome (to me). 1 CAST GF 2: DRINK YOUR FLASKS: by using the traitor + a chest implicit, some tree investment, asendency, and a extra flask generation on belt, we perma flask the vessel. it will not be enough to apply the GF on us, BUT IT WILL PUT THE HIGH SHOCK ON US, WHICH SCALES WITH MAX SHOCK AND SHOCK EFFECT, AND WONT BE OVERWRITTEN BY OWER SHOCKS! NOTE: "we enchant it with either used at the end of flask", or "used when shocked". the reason for this is that im unsure if the shock updates dynamically if the flask is active and we increase our shock cap, if anyone can confirm ill be thankful. (more of this below) 3: SHOCKING OURSELVES WITH HITS 3a-SWAP WEAPON TO TAKE DMG: we will be hitting ourselves with a hertbound loop + a spectral spirit essence weapon swap. the spirits come in a pack of three, meaning HB Loop hits us 3 separate times (important for shocking our ass). the spirits are immune, so no need for scaling. when weapon swamping, they die, thus we take physical damage. OF NOTE, THIS THE SPECTRAL SPIRIT WEAPON IS OUR MAIN WEAPON MEANING U GOTTA CRAFT IT PROPPERLY FOR DMG (unlike ward loopers) 3b-PHYS TAKEN AS LIGHT: we convert 20%~ phys taken to light. we get it from a shield corrupt (8%), helm eldrich implicit (8 to 10 or so) and a chest craft (6%). this also comes as a defensive layer vs phys ( we got the 75% res and 30% reduced from flask effect). should be enough + status effect in order to go through the 5% threshold. note that the amount of shock doesn't matter, only that we do it ourselves. 3c- CHANCE TO BE SHOCKED: in order to increase our chance to be shocked we use x1 replica reckless defence (10%) and, more importantly, rotgut ring ,divergent wrath, and ashes of the stars. Wrath reduces light res AND GIVES ENEMIES A CHANCE TO BE SHOCKED. divirgent INCREACES THAT CHANCE. at 53 qual, it has a wooping 78% chance to shocked. but because of blasphemy and rotgut reducing curses on you, we have less, but by scaling curse effect ( i just have 20%) we mitigate the reduction, but not the less. in all we end up at 68.5% chance to be shocked (based on math, pob cant help, correct me if wrong) and since we are hit 3 times the chance of being shocked at least once is 96.9%. meaning that we will be shocked on almost all weap swaps. 3d: HOW HARD ARE WE SHOCKING OURSELVES?: u migth notice we dont have a voltaxic rift. well, thats our switch weapon! by swamping, we trigger the self damage, which shocks us, and we immediatly increast the shockcap to 105 thanks to voltaxic rift (this is why idk if we need to update the vessel). the vessel shock scaled will take us to 105%, and we will create a very big galvanic field on ourselves! because shock is a debuff unrelated to skills and gear (once applied), galvanic will snapshot the 105%, so we can swap back for free. 4: SWAP BACK: our main dmg is here and more importantly, our shield. swamping is instant and free btw. 4a- REMOVE THE SHOCK: on our shield slot we use the key item: THE SCALES OF JUSTICE. this shield reads: UNNAFECTED BY IGNITE OR SHOCK WHILE LIFE AND MANA ARE WITHIN 500. now i will be honest, i havent used the thing yet. so i am not entirely sure of how its wording works. the "within 500" means that your life and mana should be like 500 from each other, i think. the "shock or ignite" is more concerning. if it means that ull ignore one or the other, then i might have to fit a ignite avoidance (not impossible, a flask is enough). Anyways, because we ignore shock ONLY WHEN OUR SHIELD IS BEING HELD, we can jump from 105% to 0% almost immediatly(server ticks/human reaction/lag). of course its not prefect, this means we cant avoid all ailments (boots + braine for chill and freeze are a must) but we are fucked vs brittle and scorch. also the shield "or" wording needs testing. imo its very good, reliable, even. THE PUZZLE HAS BEEN SOLVED (most likley, i might have skipped something, its all theorical) THE GEAR:
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all gear must have life and mana exept the weapon ofc. WEAPONS
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-rare scepter: +1 or +2. spell or light damage for prfixes. only important suffix is the essence craft, trigger spectral spirits.
-shield is the scales ofc for those juicy 0% shocks. - voltaxic rift for those juicy 105% shocks -Replica Maloney Mechanism: trigger frenzy on cast. moew on gems. CWDT will go off immediatly on switch. (unsure if trigger triggers triggers now thaat i think about it, if so any fat rare is enough unless im missing a cool unique). actually. vortex on main click (on the bow) will suffice JEWLERY:
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-rotgut: key for shocking ourselves. att catalyst -HB Loop- key for hitting ourselves. corruption for wrath. ideally, phys catalysts for more dmg on you to secure the shock. - Ashes of the stars: scaling both Phantasmal GF (creazy radius Buff) and Divirgent conductivity for a lot of inc chance of shocking ourselves. other quals are cool but not that important. Reservation is juicy AF. annoint Crusader since we want big mana. Att Catalyst. - Belt: Rare stygian with mana and life, inc flasc charge gain, and reduced flask used. enchant for arcane surge aoe. good place to get strength. Life calatyst. i dont craft belt i buy them, ARMOUR:
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I prefer armor bases or armor/ Es bases. -Body: Eldrich fracture + Essence crafted Life, mana and crafted % taken as light for pref. Suffix we want the essence mod "Onslaught if hit" for perma onslaught (we hit ourselves) and resists. for Implicits we want 2 charges every 3 secs. the other can be whatever, probably an aura effect. wrath or zeal for offence. Enchant for life from harvest -Helm: Eldritch fracture +Essence crafted. Life and mana + Phys as fire (optional )on Pref. Suffixes u want reservation from essences and Res. Implicits, conductivity curse effect and phys as light. Enchant for Reservation of whatever u have corrupted on ring (wrath). -Gloves: Eldritch probably essence craft ( not mandatory)with fracture. Life and mana and dmg if leeching craft on prefix. unveiled crit and ele dmg suffix and fat res. Implicits, use exposure to light and unnerve .Enchant with spite (best by far specially when u can trigger it on your own). this gloves are massive dmg. Boots: Eldritch + harvest with fracture. this might be annoying. life and mana + unveiled MS + avoid chill are the GOAT prefixes. suffixes you just want res. Implicit use Scorch ground for fat dmg, and the other is realty personal taste. might need to put ignite avoidance. do not use ele avoidance. FLASKS:
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1Vessel of vinktar: mandatory dmg, self shock, prolif, and resists. use the prolif one! check rolls and qual. also enchant for reuse on end or activate on shock (not sure yet) 2Quicksilver: inc effect prefix and whatever u want suffix, armour, bleed avoidance, maybe we need it to avoid ignite. reused at the end. 3elixir of the unbroken circle: endurance charge generation + clutch healing. i really like it. 4: personal choice between taste of hate or a crafted ruby/saphire one. taste of hate has a creazy 18% conversion to cold that really should come in clutch, on top of the 30% reduced cold. u can also use oriath for the pops. JEWELS:
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1Leap on witch to reach a lot of mana and damage and reservation efficiency. 2Unnatural instinct onleft scion is insane for us. inc skill efect, mana, some regen and even efficiency. creazy good period. 3 and 4 flesh and flame with either occultist or elementalist for the damage and utility both provide. 5 Replica reckless def: see mechanics above. 6Watcher eye: get light damage, consecrated damage, or whatever u prefer. big hp mana and dmg as always. 7 Restraint timeless jewel. get the traitor on supreme ego. get if u can an alchemist genius. the other is reduced charges used. both is godly. 8 Large clust with prismatic heart overshock and wide spread destruction/ standard. get str if possible. 9Rare abyss with life and mana and as much str as u can get. GEMS
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Active skills: 6L GALVANIC FIELD-> Phantasmal GF + AW added light + AW Ele focus + Empower + AW light pen + Inspiration. standard all dmg gems. see pob. dont use contoled destruction since we want some crits for EO. Phantasmal, combined with 105% shocks and ashes, is a very big bubble. ele focus is free. inspiration charges gotten from movement skill rather than the GF. IDK if there is anything i could put in that gets better results than this. 4L SUPPORTING SHOCK NOVA-> to use on bosses in order to shock them hard, not for dmg. supported by overcharge and unbound ailments for nasty shocks of 75% inc dmg. the last gem is free. i put there divirgent innervate for the triggering on bosses but its unrealistic to expect it to trigger. you can put whatever. if u have a better ide lemme know. 3L SUPORTING MOVEMNT: max lvl Divirgent Dash, lvl 1 Arcane surge, and max lvl Inspiration. this nets us inpire charges since we cast very little galvanic fields, max lvl so that we keep them as long as possible., arcane surge ofc low lvl to perma trigger. Phasing is the cherry on top. make sure this goes on the shield! Reservation 4L AURA-> enlighten zealotry determination and herald of thunder for max dmg and vital armour. herald can be changed to defiance or to vitality. change determination lvl depending on str. BLASPHEMY DIVIRGENT CONDUCTIVITY CORRUPTION ON LOOP FOR WRATH Triggers and perma stuff: 4l CWDT: lvl 1 CWDT - lvl 10 Molten Shell - lvl 1 Divirgent Purifying flame -lvl 5 Elemental weakness/ lvl 20 Steelskin/ Molten. i love proactive cwdt. this should trigger on weapon switch. PF and EW are masive dmg. MS is oviously a defensive layer. can be changed for Steelskin. Watch out for mana costs tho. UPDATE: swiching molten shell/steelskin lvl 20 on main click. 3l MINION SUPPORT: culling strike + meat shield are key. cull is a 11% more dmg. meat shield taunts enemies which is a big mitigation. last is kinda free. i use faster minions for more consistency idk. i dont play minions. REPLICA MALONEY: Frenzy + inc accuracy + GMP. in theory cwdt should trigger the frenzy every time we switch for frenzy generation. frenzies are buffs separate from the frenzy skill. meaning that they persist after switching (i tested this). UPDATE: we should easily trigger this by having vortex at Mainclick on bow VOLTAXIC: lvl 1 CWDT + lvl 1 Anomalous sigil of power + Lifetap + Inc AOE or nothing/ LVL 4 VORTEX. portal. anomalous sigil, with ashes, is just 2 stages. so as we cast it we got a little window of 11% less dmg take, to help with the shock. not that important. we need lifetap to use and its like 300 hp so any further support is gona tax u harder. in theory u can a cwdt anything on the bow, but remember it will dissipate as soon as u switch back. UPDATE: added vortex lvl 4 so its not triggered by CWDT. put on main click, as soon as u switch u will throw a vortex, triggering maloney. PoB
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here is my PoB. THIS IS ALL THEORICAL CONCLUSION Thats all. if u read till here, thank you, i WANT feedback!!! Последняя редакция: antauri007#1370. Время: 17 марта 2023 г., 18:46:51 Last bumped17 марта 2023 г., 18:43:18
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