Crucible Launch - Live Updates 🔴

The Path of Exile: Crucible expansion has launched! We'll be updating this thread live throughout the day with any relevant info you may need about the expansion's deployment. You can also follow us on Twitter for updates if the site is unavailable. The times below are displayed in your local time but you will need to be logged in to view them. The latest updates will be at the top.

The Crucible Supporter packs are also out, so if you'd like to support us you can check them out here! Thank you for your continued support!

Crucible Day 27

мая 03, 2023 7:37 PM (GMT-4) - Patch 3.21.1 will be released imminently. Their notes are included in the spoiler below.

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3.21.1 Patch Notes

This patch contains some improvements to the Towering Titans and Ever-Extending Evolution challenges alongside some other general improvements and a number of bug fixes.


  • The "Defeat 100 Rare Crucible Monsters" and "Defeat 50 Unique Crucible Monsters" conditions for the Towering Titans challenge no long require the Forge of the Titans area to be level 84. The other two conditions for this challenge still require an area level of 84.
  • Updated the Ever-Extending Evolution challenge to have "Crucible Passive Skill Tree with at least 11 Skills" as an outcome that awards credit (previously 13 skills).
  • The Ever-Extending Evolution challenge now considers a Crucible Passive Skill Tree to be "fully allocated" if the allocation path reaches an end.
  • "Map Complete" now displays on the screen overlay when you have defeated the boss(es) in that Map.
  • The Cycling Damage Reduction monster modifier now grants 80% reduced damage taken from elements other than the active one (previously 90% reduced).
  • Metallon, Banisher of Darkness now spawns fewer total lightning totems, and won't spawn totems when standing near existing totems.
  • The Maximum Quality implicit found on Apex Cleavers is no longer affected by implicit modifier effect from Crucible Passive Skill Trees.
  • Elemental Ailments other than Freeze are no longer discarded if their duration is lower than 300ms.
  • The vendor recipe for upgrading Scarabs no longer takes priority over the recipe that provides a random Scarab of a different type than the one vendored.
  • Instant skills bound to left-click now behave the same as when "Move only" is bound to left-click, for the purposes of movement and interactions. This fixes an issue where your character to move to un-intended locations when moving with an instant skill bound to left-click.
  • The Forged Slithering Snake can now be desecrated.
  • You can now unallocate Crucible Passive Skills in the Crucible Forge UI when using Controller Input Mode.
  • Updated the Atlas and Pantheon panel to clarify any bosses of the Lighthouse Map can be captured to upgrade the Soul of Solaris Pantheon Power.
  • Updated the description on Bubonic Trail to clarify it only affects the Reservation Efficiency of Skills.
  • Clarified the wording of Cast when Damage Taken Support to explicitly state that only damage from hits is tracked. This is not a functional change.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the Staff Passive Skill Mastery that provides 30% increased Defences while wielding a Staff was applying twice to Armour and Evasion Rating.
  • Fixed a bug where gaining Adrenaline through the Stun Passive Skill Mastery did not remove all Ailments when you also had the First to Strike, Last to Fall Champion Ascendancy Passive Skill allocated.
  • Fixed a bug where Pinpoint Support could modify the number of projectiles for Fireball and Rolling Magma when you had the Crucible Passive Skill allocated which ignored modifiers to number of projectiles for these skills.
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn't possible to gain Infusion after channelling if the required channelling time on Infused Channelling Support was lowered to or below zero.
  • Fixed a bug where the Crucible Passive Skill Tree modifier that causes Buffs on you to expire faster was applying to Flasks.
  • Fixed some instances where monsters could become stuck in the Crucible Forge.
  • Fixed various cases where UI elements could display on top of the Crucible Forge UI.
  • Fixed a bug where some skills that aren't blockable, such as The Searing Exarch's rolling meteor skill, could be blocked if you had negative spell block chance.
  • Fixed a bug where Breachstone Map Crafting options that ordinarily can only be obtained from It That Fled on Research duty could by granted upon completing a Map with the Shaping the Skies Atlas Notable Passive allocated.
  • Fixed a bug where Exsanguinate's visuals were invisible when triggered from your Triggerbots.
  • Fixed a bug with the interaction between The Agnostic Keystone Passive Skill and the "You count as Full Life while at 90% of maximum Life or above" Passive Skill Mastery that would cause you to recover Life when above 90% when affected by things such as Blood Rage.
  • Fixed a bug where Energy Shield recharge rate from the Wicked Ward Keystone Passive Skill was not applying to Life Recharge when allocated in combination with the Eternal Youth Keystone Passive Skill.
  • Fixed a bug where Map modifiers which provide a chance for an area to contain additional Shrines, Essence Monoliths, Tormented Spirits and Rogue Exiles were not working correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where the Crucible Passive Tree skill "Trigger a Socketed Spell every second while Channelling Blade Flurry or Charged Dash" did not work when on El'Abin's Visage Unique Helmet.
  • Fixed a bug where the Crucible Passive Skill "Each Projectile from Spectral Helix or Spectral Throw has between 75% more and 75% less Projectile Speed at random" would stack additively instead of multiplicatively when dual-wielding two of The Redblade Unique Swords.
  • Fixed a bug where the Crucible Passive Skill "100% more Frozen Legion and General's Cry Cooldown Recovery Rate" would stack additively instead of multiplicatively when dual-wielding two of The Redblade Unique Swords.
  • Fixed a bug where the beams fired across the arena in the Uhtred, Covetous Traitor boss fight were not dealing damage.
  • Fixed a bug where destroyed Harvest plots in The Sacred Grove had blocking.
  • Fixed a bug where Gravicius on Transportation duty was not providing any Divination Cards from Safehouse chests at Rank 2.
  • Fixed a bug where Oil Extractors could destroy an Anointed Item that had a Skin Transfer applied to it.
  • Fixed a bug where Delve area modifiers were not showing in the screen overlay.
  • Fixed a bug where a few gems offered for purchase by Lily Roth were not ordered properly.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to have more captured beasts in your Menagerie than intended.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed characters with the Chaos Inoculation Keystone Passive Skill to benefit from the Pain Attunement Keystone.
  • Fixed a bug in Lockstep where you would not alternate between your main and off-hand weapons when dual-wielding the Poet's Pen Unique Wand with Triggerbots summoned.
  • Fixed a bug where Commandment of Flames and Commandment of the Tempest were not triggered from your Triggerbots location if you had Perfect Crime allocated.
  • Fixed a bug where spectred versions of Forged Necromancers could not use their skills.
  • Fixed a bug where the Taunt skill used by Decoy Totem had a cooldown.
  • Fixed a bug where it was not possible to add a modifier to an item through Beastcrafting if the items prefixes or suffixes could not be changed.
  • Fixed a bug where Armour, Energy Shield and Evasion modifier tags were not displayed on relevant modifiers.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Unique Synthesised Maps to generate at varying Map Tiers, they now always generate with a Map Tier of 11. This does not change the respective Monster Level for these Unique Maps.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Molten Burst projectiles, from the Ngamahu's Flame Unique to not return correctly if you had a source of projectile returning.
  • Fixed a bug where Molten Burst projectiles, from the Ngamahu's Flame Unique, would only deal damage when returning to you if you had a source of projectile returning.
  • Fixed a bug with the "This Spell's Cast Time is added to its cooldown if triggered" stat not working correctly with Hexblast.
  • Fixed a bug where Crimson Township and Defiled Cathedral Maps could fail to generate if they contained a Blight encounter.
  • Fixed a bug where monsters spawned in areas affected by Kirac's Memory of the Pantheon could be affected by the same Pantheon modifier twice.
  • Fixed a bug where Tukohama's Protection Totems could not be cursed during The Maven's Crucible encounters.
  • Fixed a bug where the crafting recipe interactable in the Flooded Mine Map could sometimes be unreachable.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Propagate Weapon Effect to Offhand" option was affecting Weapon Skins.
  • Fixed a bug with Stance skills showing the wrong surge effect when using Lockstep.
  • Fixed a bug where the Tempest Shield buff icon was not hidden with the "Show Aura Icon" setting un-checked.
  • Fixed a visual bug that could occur when using Reap on top of the traps of some monsters.
  • Fixed a bug where the phasing effect from the Sunprism Enchanter's Ring was not working in hideouts.
  • Fixed a bug where the glow from the Victorious Body Armour microtransaction could disappear.
  • Fixed a bug with the visuals of the Harlequin Portal Effect microtransaction.
  • Fixed some visual bugs with the effects of some skills and skill effect microtransactions.
  • Fixed an instance crash.
  • Fixed 5 client crashes.

Crucible Day 20

апр. 26, 2023 11:14 PM (GMT-4) - 3.21.0c Hotfix 6 has been released. Their notes are included below.

3.21.0c Hotfix 6

  • Fixed a bug where certain on-kill effects could cause time-frozen Legion monsters to be destroyed.
  • Fixed a bug where the Mastery for "20% increased Maximum Energy Shield if your Rings have Evasion Modifiers" and "40% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate if your Amulet has an Evasion Modifier" were not correctly applying after changing areas.
  • Fixed a bug that could stop Ritual encounters in Pit Map from being completable.

апр. 26, 2023 7:51 PM (GMT-4) - We are investigating an issue where Delve area mods and depth are not being displayed in the area information section (top-right corner) of the overlay map.

Crucible Day 19

апр. 25, 2023 9:44 PM (GMT-4) - 3.21.0c Hotfix 5 has been released. Their notes are included below.

3.21.0c Hotfix 5

  • Added 448 more foiled Unique Item options that the Voidborn Reliquary can yield.
  • Fixed a bug where the Rage Vortex Skill effects were not adjusting to terrain height.
  • Fixed bug affecting some monster skills which could cause them to repeat on the server but not display in the client (notably the Vaal Fireball Spell Totem from Ungulath in Prisoner's Gate).
  • Fixed a bug in the Domain of Timeless Conflict Map where incorrect reward icons were displayed after killing reward monsters.
  • Fixed an instance crash.

Crucible Day 14

апр. 20, 2023 3:36 PM (GMT-4) - We are investigating an issue where the second spiral of Ungulath's Vaal Fireball attack can be invisible.

апр. 20, 2023 3:36 PM (GMT-4) - 3.21.0c Hotfix 4 has been released. Their notes are included below.

3.21.0c Hotfix 4

  • Combining Crucible Passive Trees when both trees have depth-two skills at matching positions can no longer result in a tree with only one skill.
  • Fixed a bug with the Cross Contamination challenge condition "Complete an Expedition encounter while you are Delirious" not completing correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where the Lighthouse Map Boss variants could not have their Souls captured using a Divine Vessel.

Crucible Day 13

апр. 19, 2023 10:42 PM (GMT-4) - Based on some concern from the community that certain rare monster modifiers seem to be appearing more frequently in 3.21, we have investigated the spawn rates of rare monster modifiers in 3.21 compared to 3.20 and can conclusively say that they have not changed. We are also assessing the balance of some of the more powerful rare monster modifiers.

апр. 19, 2023 5:37 PM (GMT-4) - 3.21.0c Hotfix 3 has been released. Their notes are included below.

3.21.0c Hotfix 3

  • Fixed a bug with the Molten Master challenge conditions "While you are Delirious" and "While in a Corrupted Map with 8 Map Modifiers" not completing correctly.
  • Fixed a bug in Capture the Flag where the flag could sometimes not be interacted with.
  • Fixed a client crash.
  • Fixed 2 instance crashes.

Crucible Day 11

апр. 16, 2023 11:07 PM (GMT-4) - 3.21.0c Hotfix 2 has been released. Their notes are included below.

3.21.0c Hotfix 2

  • Fixed a bug where Caustic Arrow was not spreading Caustic Ground or dealing chaos damage in an area on impact when it pierced enemies.
  • Fixed a bug where increases and reductions to Shrapnel and Siege Ballista Attack Speed were applying twice.
  • Fixed a bug where completing Logbooks with at least 10 Remnants active would only grant credit towards the Expedition Excavation Challenge if the Logbook had an area level of 81 or higher.
  • Fixed a bug where you could not click and drag items into the Forge of the Titans or the Antique Furnace.
  • Fixed a bug where the client could freeze when interacting with the Forge of the Titans or the Antique Furnace in Controller Input mode.
  • Fixed an instance crash.

You will need to restart your client to receive the client changes in this patch.

Crucible Day 8

апр. 13, 2023 11:01 PM (GMT-4) - 3.21.0c Hotfix has been released. Their notes are included below.

3.21.0c Hotfix

  • Added a 100ms cooldown to the Twister Skill that is triggered when using the Saqawal's Flock Unique Helmet.

While we generally try to avoid mid-league balance adjustments, this skill was causing unsustainable server load and frequent crashes. We have assessed the balance of the skill with this cooldown and have found that it is still very powerful. The build that is using this skill is still capable of triggering twice as many Twisters as it could pre-Crucible, and this number goes even higher with investment into cooldown recovery and Triggerbots.

Crucible Day 7

апр. 12, 2023 6:24 PM (GMT-4) - We are aware of an issue with the Molten Master challenge not completing correctly for certain conditions and are investigating a fix.

Crucible Day 6

апр. 12, 2023 10:40 PM (GMT-4) - Later today, we will be releasing Patch 3.21.0c which includes the visual update to Crucible's UI mentioned in Day 4, as well as several bug fixes and improvements. Check out the patch notes below!

Please note that these are still subject to change prior to the patch's deployment. The 3.21.0c update on consoles will be deployed as soon as possible after its release on PC.

3.21.0c Patch Notes

This patch disables lower-tier Crucible Passives that have downsides from rolling, and contains updates to the Crucible Forge user interface, as well as a number of other improvements and bug fixes.

Crucible Changes

  • Added an indicator to the Crucible Forge user interface which displays the relative difficulty for the amount of channelling you have done, and how close you are to fully-channelling the encounter.
  • Disabled most of the lower-tier Crucible Passives that have downsides on the initial skill from rolling. Initial skills with downsides are far less common and can generally only roll in the endgame. When an initial skill does come with a downside, the upside should outweigh the downside.
  • The Crucible Passive that granted Weapon Elemental Damage and cannot Inflict Elemental Ailments can no longer roll.
  • Unique Items obtained by selling an item with a Crucible Passive Tree now come with their own Crucible Passive Tree, with the first skill allocated.
  • Updated the explode visuals for the Crucible Passive Tree skill that causes Totems to Explode on Death to be more appropriate.

General Improvements

  • The Caster Passive Skill Mastery which provides a chance to open nearby Chests when you Cast a Spell no longer opens Curio Displays in Heist.
  • The Heist Locker Hideout decoration is now unlocked when you first visit the Rogue Harbour in a League, rather than upon completing The Rogue Harbour quest.
  • The "Flasks you Use apply to Linked Targets" modifier on the Ceinture of Benevolence Unique Belt has been re-enabled, it now only applies to Non-Unique Utility Flasks you Use. We've also enabled this Belt to drop again.
  • Updated an Armour Passive Skill Mastery description to clarify it provides maximum Elemental Resistances if Equipped Helmet, Body Armour, Gloves, and Boots all have Armour (previously stated maximum Resistances).
  • Updated the description of the Spreading Strength Challenge to clarify it is completed upon fully allocating Crucible Passive Skill Trees on items with specific maximum depths.
  • Improved the Crucible Forge and Crucible Passive Tree user interfaces for Controller Input mode.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where some Crucible Passives that allow you to sell the item in exchange for a Unique Item were instead rewarding a Rare Item.
  • Fixed a bug where vendoring an item with a Crucible Passive Tree could interrupt expected vendor recipes.
  • Fixed a bug where Corrupted Items could not be combined at the Forge of the Titans in areas opened from Primordial Remnants.
  • Fixed a bug where the Forged Warrior Crucible Monster was dealing more damage than intended with their Geyser skill.
  • Fixed some instances where the tooltip for Crucible passives which allocate a Passive Skill Tree Notable could extend off-screen.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Armour from Equipped Body Armour is doubled" stat from the Juggernaut's Unbreakable Ascendancy Passive Skill was incorrectly applying a 100% increase instead.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Armour from Equipped Body Armour is doubled" stat was not doubling Evasion from your Body Armour when the Iron Reflexes Keystone Passive Skill was allocated.
  • Fixed a bug where the "increased Armour against Projectiles" modifier did not interact correctly with sources of base Armour or other modifiers, including the Juggernaut's Unbreakable Ascendancy Passive Skill.
  • Fixed a bug where Vaal Domination was not taking rarity into account when choosing which Sentinel to Ascend.
  • Fixed a bug where the stat on Phantasmal Lightning Tendrils that causes stronger pulses to deal more Damage with Hits and Ailments was not functioning correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where Explorer's Scouting Reports were not rerolling Kirac's Atlas Missions correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where the Bestiary Blood Altar user interface would never load in Controller Input mode.
  • Fixed a bug where dynamic culling for Rage Vortex was too aggressive.
  • Fixed a bug where searching for Maps on the Bulk Item Exchange section of the Path of Exile: Trade website was not working correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where skill effect microtransactions could not be applied to skills granted by unique items that do not have a skill gem.
  • Fixed a bug where part of the Lithomancer's Body Armour was missing on all classes except the Witch.
  • Fixed a bug with the visuals of the Harlequin Portal Effect microtransaction.
  • Fixed an instance crash.
  • Fixed a client crash.

апр. 12, 2023 8:43 PM (GMT-4) - The console launch is now live. Sorry for the delay!

апр. 12, 2023 7:50 PM (GMT-4) - The console launch will be slightly delayed. We will provide further updates in this thread when they become available.

апр. 12, 2023 7:09 PM (GMT-4) - It is not currently possible to unallocate a Crucible passive skill while using a controller. We're working on getting this implemented.

апр. 12, 2023 3:56 PM (GMT-4) - Regarding the Crucible splitting method, this is an intended behaviour that is limited by the ability to access split beasts/fossils. As we have seen with similar discoveries in the past, the market of those items is quick to adjust so that the arbitrage opportunity is gone. We are currently not planning any changes to this but we'll keep an eye on it and reserve the right to change our mind. No one will be banned for doing this.

Crucible Day 5

апр. 11, 2023 6:24 PM (GMT-4) - We are investigating an issue where the Juggernaut's Unbreakable skill is not doubling the armour from body armour properly.

Crucible Day 4

апр. 11, 2023 1:44 AM (GMT-4) - Patch 3.21.0b has been deployed. The full notes are below:

3.21.0b Patch Notes

Crucible League Changes:
  • Crucible monsters now have much less damage reduction, except when channeled to maximum difficulty.
  • Crucible monsters now have less life at all levels, most notably in Part 2 of the campaign, and in low-tier Maps. In addition, Crucible Bosses have had their life further reduced by roughly 20%.
  • Increased the amount of Crucible Passive Skill Tree experience gained from encounters, particularly for encounters that are not fully-channelled. This should result in smoother progression on the experience bar while channelling.
  • Increased the drop rate of Igneous Geodes. Lower-tier Crucible monsters are now more likely to drop these. Note Geodes have a higher chance to drop in high-tier Maps, and their drop chance is affected by item quantity.
  • Added a "Crucible Item" filter to the Miscellaneous filters section on the Path of Exile: Trade website.

Other Fixes:
  • You can now dismiss the unclaimed Kirac's Vault rewards notification with right-click. The notification will reappear when you earn a new reward, or when you next login.
  • Fixed a bug where explosives in the Olroth, Origin of the Fall encounter were not destroying crystals.
  • Fixed an instance crash.
  • Fixed a client crash.

This patch was deployed without restarting the servers, so you will need to restart your client to receive the client changes.

апр. 10, 2023 11:07 PM (GMT-4) - We are investigating an issue where combining Crucible Passive Trees can result in a tree with only one node.

апр. 10, 2023 10:11 PM (GMT-4) - We've released Hotfix 9 which addresses the following issues:
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to combine the Crucible Passive Skill Trees of a non-Unique Item and a Unique Item together in certain cases.
  • Fixed a bug where it was still possible for critical strikes to inherently Ignite with the "Critical Strikes do not inherently Ignite" Fire Passive Skill Mastery allocated.
  • Fixed a bug where critical strikes did not inherently Ignite.

апр. 10, 2023 7:00 PM (GMT-4) - We're aware of the intermittent Trade and Website issues.

апр. 10, 2023 6:45 PM (GMT-4) - We are planning to rebalance the rate you get Geodes and Crucible Tree Experience so that you get more from moderate difficulty encounters and it doesn't feel mandatory to push yourself to do the incredibly difficult encounters.

апр. 10, 2023 6:45 PM (GMT-4) - We are rebalancing Crucible monsters, especially with regards to them currently being too tanky.

апр. 10, 2023 6:45 PM (GMT-4) - We have a plan to increase visibility and granularity of encounter difficulty.

Crucible Day 2

апр. 09, 2023 4:48 AM (GMT-4) - We've temporarily disabled the Ceinture of Benevolence Unique belt from dropping and have also temporarily disabled its "Flasks you Use apply to Linked Targets" mod.

апр. 08, 2023 7:56 PM (GMT-4) - We are investigating some cases where vendoring an item with a Crucible Passive Tree may interrupt expected vendor recipes.

апр. 08, 2023 7:55 PM (GMT-4) - We are aware of an issue where Rage Vortex's visuals are not apparent enough.

апр. 08, 2023 7:50 PM (GMT-4) - We are discussing potential improvements to Crucible encounters to better indicate the difficulty of an encounter.

апр. 08, 2023 7:47 PM (GMT-4) - We are investigating an issue where some Crucible Passives that should allow you to sell the item in exchange for a Unique item are instead rewarding a rare item.

апр. 08, 2023 7:44 PM (GMT-4) - We are resolving a bug where the explosives in the Olroth boss fight sometimes do not destroy the crystals, making him unkillable.

апр. 08, 2023 7:44 PM (GMT-4) - We are resolving an issue where the Hectic Harvests challenge is counted as completed without meeting the correct requirements.

апр. 08, 2023 7:41 PM (GMT-4) - We are resolving an issue where Crucible Passive Trees can be applied to corrupted and mirrored items.

апр. 08, 2023 7:39 PM (GMT-4) - We are resolving an issue where the free items granted by Kirac's Vault are available in Ruthless mode. We will disable this so that it works as intended. However, because there is a competitive event taking place in Ruthless Hardcore Solo Self-found, we will leave it enabled in that league for event fairness.

Crucible Day 1

апр. 08, 2023 4:18 AM (GMT-4) - We are investigating an issue where the number of challenges an account has completed can display incorrectly.

апр. 08, 2023 12:07 AM (GMT-4) - We are investigating an issue where rewards from the free track of Kirac's Vault Pass are not being awarded correctly in SSF leagues. This has been resolved. Affected characters should now enter a new instance of the Karui Shores and they will be able to claim their rewards there.

апр. 07, 2023 11:05 PM (GMT-4) - We are investigating an issue where monsters and Expedition chests can spawn inside the Crucible Forge, rendering them untargetable.

апр. 07, 2023 8:36 PM (GMT-4) - We are investigating an issue with Caustic Arrow not creating caustic clouds on piercing enemies.

апр. 07, 2023 6:20 PM (GMT-4) - We are investigating an issue with launching the standalone Path of Exile client through GeForce NOW.

апр. 07, 2023 6:07 PM (GMT-4) - We are investigating an issue where weapon effect propagation isn't persisting between zones.

апр. 07, 2023 5:49 PM (GMT-4) - Path of Exile: Crucible hit a new record of 321,180 concurrent players, beating our previous record by over 50,000 concurrent players. Thanks so much to everyone who has joined us so far.

апр. 07, 2023 5:23 PM (GMT-4) - We are investigating an issue where tiered microtransactions from previous leagues' challenges are not rewarding previously unlocked tiers.

апр. 07, 2023 5:15 PM (GMT-4) - We are aware that the tooltip for Crucible passives which allocate a Passive Skill Tree notable can extend off-screen and are working on a solution.

апр. 07, 2023 4:15 PM (GMT-4) - We're investigating an issue where Spectral Throw can only hit enemies once.

апр. 07, 2023 4:15 PM (GMT-4) - We're investigating some server issues affecting the Frankfurt and Milan gateways.

апр. 07, 2023 4:00 PM (GMT-4) - The Crucible expansion is now live!

апр. 07, 2023 1:49 PM (GMT-4) - The queues are open!

апр. 07, 2023 1:14 PM (GMT-4) - You can now begin patching!

Grinding Gear Games
Let's go!
Loaded and ready lesgo
~ There are spectacular moments.
Последняя редакция: DoubleU#7266. Время: 7 апр. 2023 г., 13:19:22
Hell yea brother
Let's hope for a good league start.

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